Are you going to get your band off the ground but don't have any money? No fear; however, there are some precautions that you can follow to ensure a little more notoriety. Keep reading.

Step 1. First of all, record some songs and make them available on the Internet
You can use your PC or Mac's built-in microphone and GarageBand (free on Macs) or Audacity (free for both Mac and PC).

Step 2. Ask for reviews and listen carefully to constructive criticism
You will need these to uncover the gaps in your band and your recordings - but you will not always be given advice. Pay attention to criticism and try to fill in any gaps

Step 3. Create a Facebook, Myspace or Bandcamp page for your band
Ask for constructive criticism and improve your band. Always keep the page updated. Listen to the other bands you find on Myspace.

Step 4. Take advantage of free booking sites like - these sites allow you to search your area for events and concerts for your musical genre

Step 5. Print advertising flyers for your band and include download information for your songs
Take some great photos of the group. Get help from your photographer friend and mow his lawn to pay for it. Seriously, photos are key.

Step 6. Read good books, poems, listen to great music and write good songs
If you can't write good songs, get help from some of your friends who do better at school than you. Getting serious, the more you accept advice and observe the work of those who are better than you, the more you will improve.

Step 7. Play concerts
Play for free. This concept is called ADVERTISING. Play fundraisers, village parties, friends' parties and get lots of practice. Receive constructive criticism and experience. If your mom makes the video with the camera, look at it and see what is good and what is not good.
Step 8. Ask a cool guy from your school to be your "stylist" and do what he tells you to be cool
Thanks to him you will be able to have even more fans.

Step 9. Always be nice to everyone
Even as you become more famous, always keep calm and be humble.

Step 10. What are the best bands in your area?
Who is their manager? Hire that manager.

Step 11. Hang out with smart people and learn
He plays at the art gallery or at fundraisers. Artistic people are good for your music and fame.

Step 12. Create a weekly podcast of your songs and upload it to iTunes
They Might Be Giants rose to fame with a newspaper ad called dial-a-song

Step 13. Make a video of your band and post it on YouTube

Step 14. Create a mailing list of people you know or would like to know
Let everyone know when your next concert will take place and the address of your MySpace page. Send these emails at least once every two months.

Step 15. Make sure the other band members agree with you
If you argue, the band will most likely break up sooner or later; try to talk calmly about everything and try to please everyone.