Snow White is one of the most loved characters in the history of animated cinema. Introduced in 1937 in Disney's first animated feature film, she was also the first Disney princess. If you want to emulate her iconic look, with a little effort you will be able to do it very convincingly - and you could even earn a kiss from Prince Charming.
Method 1 of 3: Traditional Snow White

Step 1. Get your clothes
To have the classic look of this Disney princess, you need to buy or create clothing similar to the one worn by Snow White in the cartoon, including at least:
- A long dress with a yellow or cream colored skirt that reaches the ankles.
- A blue bodice with a round neckline and a thin, golden rib that runs vertically in the center.
- Blue short sleeves with red slits or blue sleeves embellished with red strings that create bows.
- A tall, stiff white collar.
- A white petticoat with a lace or ruffled edge.
- Décolleté shoes with low heels, in bronze or neutral color to match with bow-shaped hair clips.
- A blue cape lined in red (optional).

Step 2. Style your hair
Snow White's hair is described as "ebony black". The cut is a chin-length bob with soft curls and a parting in the center. The hairstyle is finished with a red ribbon tied with a bow on the head.
- If you are already brunette and have long hair up to the chin, make ringlets. Gently comb your hair so that it is slightly wavy, part it in the center and add the ribbon.
- If not, cut, dye and arrange your hair to look like Snow White's, or buy a wig that resembles her hairstyle.
- Some more modern depictions show this princess wearing a tiara instead of a bow in her hair. Both options are fine, although the tape offers a more faithful image of the character.

Step 3. Apply your makeup
Snow White has a "snow white" complexion and "rose red" lips, black eyebrows, long dark lashes and rosy cheeks. If you don't have the same features as her, you can achieve this look by using suitable makeup. That's how:
- Apply a light foundation and a layer of powder of the same shade to get the porcelain skin.
- Put some pink blush on the cheekbones.
- Darken your brows with a pencil if necessary.
- Apply a neutral-colored eyeshadow to your eyelids. Spread black eyeliner on your upper and lower lids.
- Use mascara to lengthen and darken your lashes.
- Outline the lip contour with a red or neutral pencil and fill them with a deep red matte lipstick.

Step 4. Adopt his personal characteristics
Snow White is kind, cheerful, helpful and caring. She is also very feminine and correct. If you want the character you are embodying to go beyond mere appearance, here's how:
- Snow White is joyful in any situation. She is capable of dreaming of meeting a prince even when serving as a humble maid. To take this attitude, often look at the bright side of things. Sing or hum while you work and don't forget to smile!
- Be available to others whenever you can. Keep the door open when someone walks by, pick up something someone dropped, help tidy up after a lunch or party. Ask your friends and family: "How can I help you?".
- Show your kindness. Be encouraging. Listen to people by putting yourself in their shoes. If you know someone is going through a bad time, send them a note or tell them you're thinking about them. Also, avoid gossip.
- Cultivate your femininity. Speak in a high, harmonious tone of voice. Learn to move gracefully, in small steps. Let the men move your chair or put your coat over your shoulders. Use good manners and follow etiquette.
Method 2 of 3: Sexy Snow White

Step 1. Transform the character from virgin to vamp
Disney's first princess was a fourteen-year-old girl, but you don't necessarily have to stick to this canon. If modesty isn't part of your style, a sexy Snow White is probably more your thing.
To become a sexy Snow White, start with the traditional look and make it more skimpy, tight, low-cut and provocative

Step 2. Get rid of the decent and demure princess
If you want to get a sexy image, clothes and accessories should be skimpy, allusive, risque and even a little more daring.
- Wear a much shorter dress (which comes to the knee or even higher), with a wider neckline and a bustier-style bodice.
- Add a crinoline petticoat in a contrasting color.
- Complete the costume with stockings and black or red shoes with straps and high heels.

Step 3. Leave your hair down
Remove the clips, shake your hair and mess it up a bit. With a messy hairstyle you will have a more captivating air. Whether they are long or short, the idea is to be more casual and sensual.
- Style your hair by creating long ringlets or slightly tangled curls.
- If they are short, use some product to get a disheveled or almost punk look.
- Add a hair clip with a bright red bow on one side.
- Instead of using a hair accessory, consider dyeing a single strand red using hair coloring spray.

Step 4. Use accentuated and sensual make-up
This is no time to be shy! Tread your hand using flashy colors. Be daring with all kinds of makeup, from eyeliner to lipstick.
- Apply more blush and eyeliner. It is an excellent opportunity to try the "smoky eye" effect or the "cat eyes" effect.
- Choose a deep, shiny eyeshadow instead of a neutral one.
- Apply long, false lashes or several coats of mascara.
- Put on a mermaid red lipstick.

Step 5. Give the character a pinch of mischief
The sexy version of Snow White completely transforms the personality of the traditional princess, enhancing her more mischievous sides. Where she is polite and sensitive, you can give her a more expansive and cheeky tone!
- Be seductive and provocative. Look a man in the eye and then squint your lids, sway as you walk, toss your hair back, and slowly wet your lips.
- Offer to fill his glass and, as you bend over, let him see your décolleté, lower back or legs.
- Speak in a low, sensual tone or produce a satisfied moan. A softer voice intonation is totally opposite to Snow White's shrill voice.
- Instead of reaching out for the prince to kiss her, run it over her chest and express admiration for her physique.
- If, on the other hand, you feel more sweet than sensual, don't hesitate. Use Snow White's high, sweet voice and be coy (think Betty Boop). Act like you are helpless and careless. Blink innocently.
Method 3 of 3: Complete the Costume

Step 1. Gather the rest of the cast
The characters from Snow White's tale are very popular in our culture, so you won't have a hard time including them in a group disguise. You can suggest that your friends dress up in the following ways:
- The hunter;
- Prince Charming;
- One of the seven dwarfs;
- The queen or her alter ego, the witch;
- The magic mirror.

Step 2. Create one or more dwarves
If no friend wants to take part in your fairytale adventures, you can still include your favorite dwarf in your disguise. Grab an old doll (or buy a new one), make a felt or cloth costume similar to the one worn by your chosen dwarf, dress up the doll and take it with you wherever you go.
For example, if you want Puppy to always accompany Snow White, you could make a loose dress in the shape of a dressing gown. Add a purple beret to complete the costume

Step 3. Don't forget the animals
Snow White is such a gentle and delicate girl that, by the time she reaches the house of the seven dwarfs, she has already conquered all the creatures of the wood. Try using a clothespin to attach a fake bird to your shoulder to achieve this effect.

Step 4. Join other Disney princesses
All the princesses of the Disney universe are much loved and well-known characters. You might consider offering your friends a group disguise based on the Disney princess theme! Here are some of them:
- Alice ("Alice in Wonderland");
- Bella ("Beauty and the Beast");
- Cinderella (Cinderella);
- Jasmine (Aladdin).

Step 5. Include other details
You can build dialogue and get into character by adding other story elements to your disguise. Try grabbing a portable mirror, drawing a crack with an erasable marker, and taking it with you everywhere. When people ask you why it broke, you can answer:
It is the magic mirror used by the evil queen, which broke when she died

Step 6. Review the story
Surely you will know the story after having seen the movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" as a child. However, if you haven't seen it in a while, make sure you remember everything correctly. Attention to detail will add depth to your disguise.
- Instead of lipstick, you could try a deep red lip stain.
- At the shops and websites that sell costumes you can more easily find a ready-made reproduction of Snow White's disguise.
- Try creating lots of curls using large thermal curlers or a curling iron.
- If you don't have brown eyes and want to faithfully reproduce your Snow White, consider wearing brown contact lenses.
- If you want a tailored suit, look for patterns in haberdashery or online. Sew it yourself or ask a seamstress.
- Instead of the ribbon, it is easier to use a red headband with a bow.