3 Ways to Look Like a Barbie

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3 Ways to Look Like a Barbie
3 Ways to Look Like a Barbie

Do you want to look like a Barbie, maybe for a costume party or even in your everyday life? This article will tell you how to get Barbie makeup, hair, nails and outfits so that you can look like a doll wherever you are! Keep reading.


Method 1 of 3: Put on makeup like Barbie

Look Like Barbie Step 1
Look Like Barbie Step 1

Step 1. First of all you need perfect skin.

Barbie has practically perfect skin, so take care of yours by following these tips:

  • Wash your face twice a day and remember to apply a suitable moisturizer for your skin type in the morning and evening.
  • Always apply sunscreen when you go out (even if it's not hot) to prevent dark spots, freckles and sunburn.
  • Use a topical treatment to get rid of pimples and don't touch your face without washing your hands.
  • Always remove your make-up before going to sleep.
Look Like Barbie Step 2
Look Like Barbie Step 2

Step 2. Apply foundation

Create an immaculate canvas for the rest of your makeup by applying your foundation.

  • Put some foundation (perfectly matching your skin, read this article to learn how to choose it) on the back of your hand and then use a suitable brush to apply it to your face, creating a flawless finish.
  • Use your favorite concealer, possibly with high coverage, to hide any black circles around the eyes or other imperfections.
  • Apply the Powder Use a puff to spread the powder all over your face - you will set the foundation without smudging and without affecting the flawless finish you just created.
Look Like Barbie Step 3
Look Like Barbie Step 3

Step 3. Contour the nose

Barbie has a very small nose, so you will need to make your nose appear smaller as well by using the contouring technique.

  • Choose a dark brown (matte) eyeshadow and a brush, and start applying it to the sides of the nose, drawing a straight line from the inner corner of the eyebrows down.
  • Take a fan brush and use it to blend the lines a little and make them appear more natural.
Look Like Barbie Step 4
Look Like Barbie Step 4

Step 4. Apply eyeshadow

The next step is the eyes. First take a light blue eyeshadow and blend it all over the eyelid.

  • Then, take a matte white eyeshadow and apply it to the corners of the eyes. This will open the gaze. Also apply it under the brow bone as a highlighter.
  • Now take a bright pink eyeshadow and apply it in the crease of the eye so that it forms a semi-circular line from one side of the eyelid to the other.
  • Finally, take a dark blue and use it to highlight the crease of the eye and form a distinct line between light blue and pink. Then apply the same color to the upper and lower lash lines to create a cartoonish look.
Look Like Barbie Step 5
Look Like Barbie Step 5

Step 5. Apply eyeliner and false lashes

Take a white eyeliner and apply it to the inner rim of the eye. This way your eyes will look bigger.

  • Take some false lashes (the style you think best suits Barbie) and measure using your mature lashes as a reference. Cut it (inwards) if necessary.
  • Apply a layer of eyelash glue on the false lashes and wait for it to become sticky (this will take a couple of minutes). Then apply the false lashes to the natural ones.
  • For a true Barbie effect, apply tufts of false lashes to the lower ones as well, starting from the outer side of the eye to the center.
Look Like Barbie Step 6
Look Like Barbie Step 6

Step 6. Apply blush and lipstick

Take a rosy blush and use a brush to apply it to your cheeks and cheekbones.

  • Take a shiny pink lipstick and put it on your lips. Use a lip brush to define the outline and get a more precise shape.
  • To create a doll effect, take the concealer and apply it around the lips to create a super defined look. Use a brush to blend the concealer well and fix it with transparent powder.
  • Take a pink gloss and apply it on the lipstick to give a highlight to the lips.

Method 2 of 3: Have Barbie Hair, Skin and Nails

Look Like Barbie Step 7
Look Like Barbie Step 7

Step 1. Be blonde

Everyone knows that Barbie has blonde hair, so if you want to mimic her look, you have no other choice!

  • If you really want to look like a Barbie, you will need to lighten your hair to achieve a platinum blonde effect. If you've never done this, you'd better make an appointment at the hairdresser - you certainly don't want to ruin your hair!
  • If you don't feel like making the transition to blonde drastically, you can lighten your hair less noticeably by using a blonde tint or highlighting. Again, go to the hairdresser if you don't feel like doing it yourself.
  • If you want to get the Barbie look for a fancy dress party or a fancy dress, the best option is a blonde wig. This way you will have Barbie's flawless hair without having to permanently dye your hair.
Look Like Barbie Step 8
Look Like Barbie Step 8

Step 2. Style your hair

Barbie's hair is always perfect, without a strand out of place. If you've decided to buy a blonde wig, the job is pretty much done, but styling your natural hair to look like a Barbie takes a little more effort.

  • Keep your hair in good condition by washing it often with a moisturizing shampoo and using conditioner. This is crucial, because the steps to get to platinum blonde can really dry out your hair.
  • Keep your hair as long as possible, but also healthy by trimming it regularly. Barbie sometimes has bangs, so you could too.
  • If you decide to leave your hair down, use a straightener for soft, loose waves and use hairspray for extra volume.
  • Alternatively, you can keep your hair straight or tie it into a high ponytail - it depends on which Barbie you are inspired by for your look.
Look Like Barbie Step 9
Look Like Barbie Step 9

Step 3. Get a tan

Barbie has a sun-kissed complexion, something you too can achieve naturally or by using a self tanner.

  • If you can tan naturally, you're in luck. However, you need to take the same care of your skin. Always apply sunscreen when you go out in the sun to avoid sunburn and damage to your skin - otherwise you will pay the price as you get older.
  • If you have to use self-tanner, use one that works in stages and complements your complexion. Exfoliate your skin well before applying to remove rough or dead skin and prevent the self-tanner from leaving you blotchy.
  • It doesn't matter if the tan is natural or fake, regularly moisturize your skin with a cream to keep it nice and soft.
Look Like Barbie Step 10
Look Like Barbie Step 10

Step 4. Apply nail polish

Barbie girls must always have a perfect manicure and pedicure. You can apply your own nail polish or go to a beautician for a more professional look.

  • Of course, pink is the most natural choice for Barbie nails, but you could also opt for other colors like lilac or orange - as long as they are bright and cheerful. Don't use dark colors, like red, dark purple, and black (unless you want to be a gothic Barbie!).
  • Another option is the French Manicure - pink or peach base with white tips. It is classic, very sophisticated and looks great with a Barbie look.
  • If you apply the nail polish yourself, try to be as precise as possible. Apply a coat of polish in the center and then two more on the sides of the nail. Clean up any mistakes with a cotton swab previously dipped in nail polish remover or acetone.
  • If you decide to go to the beautician for a manicure, you could do the gel reconstruction. It is more expensive than the classic one, but the nail polish will last up to three weeks and will not peel or come off.

Method 3 of 3: Imitate Barbie's Wardrobe

Look Like Barbie Step 11
Look Like Barbie Step 11

Step 1. Dress in pink

If you want people to recognize your Barbie look, you have to dress in pink - it's the quintessential Barbie color.

  • Add as much pink as possible to your wardrobe - pink t-shirts, pink dresses, pink skirts, pink shorts etc. You can also wear pink pajamas to go to sleep (or sleepover) and buy a pink robe to stay indoors - and don't forget some furry pink slippers.
  • However, try not to overdo it by dressing in pink from head to toe. Even Barbie knows she needs to change a little. Wear a pair of pink items for outfits, for example: pink top and shoes. Then you can go wild with accessories if you want!
Look Like Barbie Step 12
Look Like Barbie Step 12

Step 2. Style

Barbie is a style icon - she's always in the latest fashion and never leaves her dream home unless it's flawless!

  • Read fashion magazines and blogs to find out what's trendy this season. Do your best to follow the latest trends but stay consistent with your style and personality - on the other hand that's how you become a style icon!
  • You don't have to spend a lot of money to get style. Find a clever way to get by even on a tight budget - for example, you could throw a party to barter clothes or shop at vintage or thrift stores for a bargain.
Look Like Barbie Step 13
Look Like Barbie Step 13

Step 3. Be sporty

Of course Barbie is not just high heels and mini skirts, she likes to be active! But that doesn't mean wearing sweatpants and oversized shirts - Barbie is always in style, whether she's doing sports or at the beach.

  • Buy some cute and colorful sports outfits - some fancy cycling shorts, sporty yet trendy bras and colorful running shoes. You could even wear a pink baseball cap if you run outdoors!
  • Barbie loves the beach, so having some nice swimsuits is important. Go for very feminine bikinis with frills, bows and beads when you're just sunbathing or strolling on the beach, or choose a functional but still feminine one for playing beach volleyball, swimming or being a lifeguard.
Look Like Barbie Step 14
Look Like Barbie Step 14

Step 4. Inspired by Barbie for accessories

Any self-respecting Barbie girl knows that accessories are a vital component of any outfit - so don't forget them!

  • Hair accessories are a good start. Pink and cute headbands will do, like glitter hair clips, bows and elastic with flowers. You can also wear hats or scarves.
  • Jewelery also plays an important role. If you want a sophisticated or vintage look, opt for pearl necklaces and diamond earrings. More modern accessories include hoop or drop earrings, colorful bracelets and prominent necklaces.
  • Finally, Barbie always has a bag that usually matches her outfit, so the larger your bag collection, the better!


  • Ask your parents for permission first.
  • Don't wear clothes that are too tight or low-cut.
