How to Dance the Foxtrot (with Pictures)

How to Dance the Foxtrot (with Pictures)
How to Dance the Foxtrot (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The fox-trot is one of the simplest dances to learn, but there are some steps you need to master if you want to dance it well.


Part 1 of 4: The Basic Steps

Foxtrot Step 1
Foxtrot Step 1

Step 1. Keep your feet together

At the beginning of the step, both the man and the woman must be with their feet together.

Foxtrot Step 2
Foxtrot Step 2

Step 2. Take a step

The man has to step forward with his left foot. This step must be slow.

The woman follows the man. Then, he has to take a step back with his right foot when his partner takes a step forward

Foxtrot Step 3
Foxtrot Step 3

Step 3. Take another step

The man has to take another step forward with his right foot. This step must also be slow.

In response to the man, the woman has to take a step back with her left foot

Foxtrot Step 4
Foxtrot Step 4

Step 4. One step to the side

The man has to step sideways with his left foot. Move your left foot to the left and slightly forward. This is the first quick step among the basic ones.

The woman follows the man with a quick side step of the right foot. Move your right foot to the right and slightly backwards

Foxtrot Step 5
Foxtrot Step 5

Step 5. Close your feet

If you lead the dance, you must quickly bring the right foot next to the left one. This is also a quick step, and the feet should be in the joined position again when finished.

  • The woman, on the other hand, must quickly close her feet together by sliding her left foot next to the right one.
  • Note that throughout the step, the rhythm pattern of both corresponds to "slow, slow, fast, fast." In other words, each of the first two steps must follow a count of two, while the last two follow the count of one.
Foxtrot Step 6
Foxtrot Step 6

Step 6. Try swapping the parts

To change, you can reverse the roles, that is to have the man move backwards and the woman forward.

  • This movement is generally not used much because it requires the man to drive blindly moving backwards, but it is still good to know.
  • The man must lead by taking a slow step backwards with his left foot, followed by a slow step of the right one. Then he takes a quick step to the left and back slightly before closing his right foot quickly to the left.
  • The woman follows by moving the right foot forward slowly, followed by the left. Then he takes a quick step to the right and slightly forward, finally closing with his left foot on the right.

Part 2 of 4: Box Step

Foxtrot Step 7
Foxtrot Step 7

Step 1. Take a step

From the closed position, the man takes a slow step forward with his left foot.

  • The woman must again mirror the steps of the man in this movement. From the closed position, he must take a slow step backwards with his right foot.
  • Note that the "closed stance" simply refers to dancers standing together.
Foxtrot Step 8
Foxtrot Step 8

Step 2. Step diagonally

The man must take a quick step with his right foot forward and to the right.

The woman should take a quick step with her left foot back and to the left

Foxtrot Step 9
Foxtrot Step 9

Step 3. Close your feet

The man has to close his feet again by quickly bringing his left foot next to his right.

  • Consequently, the woman must follow him by quickly bringing her right foot next to her left one.
  • For both dancers, the rhythm to follow is "slow, fast, fast."
Foxtrot Step 10
Foxtrot Step 10

Step 4. Take a step

At this point in the box step, you will basically have to reverse the movements until you are almost back to where you started. The man takes a slow step backwards with his right foot.

The woman moves forward in this part of the box step. To mirror the man's movements, he takes a slow step forward with his left foot

Foxtrot Step 11
Foxtrot Step 11

Step 5. Step diagonally

The man must take a quick step with his left foot back and diagonally to the left.

The woman takes a quick step forward with her right foot, moving it diagonally forward and to the right

Foxtrot Step 12
Foxtrot Step 12

Step 6. Close your feet

Finish the box by bringing your right foot next to your left foot.

  • The woman brings her left foot forward and to the right to meet her right foot in a closed position.
  • Note that this inverted part of the movement must also follow the "slow, fast, fast" rhythm.

Part 3 of 4: Turns

Foxtrot Step 13
Foxtrot Step 13

Step 1. Take a step

From the starting position, the man takes a slow step forward with his left foot.

  • Next, the woman takes a step backwards with her right foot.
  • Note that the basic turn is to the left, also known as "the hesitant left turn" or "ad lib."
  • The turns are used to change the direction of movement during the dance.
  • The "starting position" simply refers to the closed position, or one in which both partners are standing together.
Foxtrot Step 14
Foxtrot Step 14

Step 2. Step backwards

The man takes a slow step backwards with his right foot.

The woman takes a slow step forward with her left foot

Foxtrot Step 15
Foxtrot Step 15

Step 3. Side step and rotation

This is where the actual ride takes place. The man takes a quick side step with his left foot, turning to the left at the same time. Typically, the rotation is a quarter turn to the left, but it can also be reduced to one eighth or increased to three eighths.

The woman follows her partner closely. Step sideways to the right with your right foot, turn to the right following your partner's guidance, depending on whether the rotation is a quarter, an eighth or three eighths

Foxtrot Step 16
Foxtrot Step 16

Step 4. Close your feet

The man concludes the step by quickly closing his right foot over his left.

  • Similarly, the woman mirrors her movement by quickly closing her left foot over her right.
  • Notice how this step maintains the basic "slow, slow, fast, fast" pace.
Foxtrot Step 17
Foxtrot Step 17

Step 5. Try a right turn

Since dancers typically move counter-clockwise in the hall, a turn to the right isn't of much use. But if you need one, you can complete a turn to the right by simply reversing the steps of the one to the left.

  • The man slowly moves his left foot backwards. The right foot slides towards the left foot without putting weight on it. Slowly move your right foot forward, then move your left foot to the left. As you move your left foot to the side, turn to the right by an eighth, quarter, or three eighths. Close your right foot to the left to complete the movement.
  • The woman moves her right foot slightly forward, dragging it towards the left. Take a slow step back with your left foot, followed by a quick step to the right with your right foot. Turn around following your partner's guidance. The movement ends by closing the left foot over the right.

Part 4 of 4: Promenade

Foxtrot Step 18
Foxtrot Step 18

Step 1. Stand in front of your partner

At the beginning of this movement, both the man and the woman come face to face. Both must be with their feet together.

The promenade allows the dancers to move sideways. Unlike other steps, you have to take your head away from your partner's while moving

Foxtrot Step 19
Foxtrot Step 19

Step 2. Turn your head and take a step

The man turns his head and torso to the left from the starting position. Take a slow step in the same direction with your left foot.

The woman turns her head and torso to the right. At the same time, take a slow step with your right foot in the same direction

Foxtrot Step 20
Foxtrot Step 20

Step 3. Second step in the same direction

The man takes a second slow step to the left with his right foot. As he moves, his right foot must slide past the left toe, ending up on his left.

In much the same way, the woman takes a second slow step to the right with her left foot which, at the same time, must slide in front of her right foot and end up on her right

Foxtrot Step 21
Foxtrot Step 21

Step 4. Step sideways looking your partner in the face

The man takes a quick side step with his left foot. At this point, he must turn his head and torso towards his partner, and his left foot must be to the left of his right. The left foot passes behind the right one as it moves.

The woman responds with a quick side step with her right foot while turning her head and torso to face her partner. The right foot moves behind the left and ends up on its right at the end of the step

Foxtrot Step 22
Foxtrot Step 22

Step 5. Put your feet together

The man closes the step by quickly joining his right foot to his left, continuing to look at his partner.

  • The woman quickly closes the step by joining her left foot to her right while continuing to look at her partner.
  • Notice how the promenade also follows the basic "slow, slow, fast, fast" rhythm.


  • For counting or slow steps, take long, soft steps. For quick ones, take shorter steps with more energy.
  • During the dance, the movements should be as smooth and natural as possible.
  • With each movement, lift your foot off the ground as you step to the other foot. You need to make sure you shift your weight onto the foot you're moving on, and lifting the other off the ground ensures you do.
