When yellowish-white spots appear in the back of the throat, with localized pain, it could be pharyngitis, the common sore throat. The spots are actually pockets of pus, caused by a bacterial or viral infection. In some cases, the infection can affect the tonsils (lymph glands present in the oral cavity); in this condition we speak of tonsillitis. If you have pockets of pus in your throat, you need to see a doctor because the infection can easily transfer to other areas of the body, such as the lungs or middle ear. Read on to learn what you can do to get rid of it.
Part 1 of 3: Finding a Therapy

Step 1. Determine if you need to see a doctor
Most sore throats go away after a few days, but if yours is very serious or has been going on for more than seven days, you should seek medical attention. A sore throat with pockets of pus can also indicate that you have a more serious condition, such as tonsillitis or a strep infection. Watch for symptoms and if any of the following occur, see a doctor right away:
- Absence of cold or flu symptoms
- Difficulty swallowing or exhaling;
- Fever over 38.3 ° C;
- Swollen tonsils
- Swollen lymph nodes (in the neck)
- Bright red throat or dark red patches
- Presence in the throat of white or yellow patina or spots.

Step 2. Make an appointment with your doctor if the condition is severe or if there are no signs of improvement
Do the same if your condition continues or worsens. Doctors can easily determine whether the infection is bacterial or viral.
When you see your doctor, be sure to carefully describe any other symptoms you have had to help him make the best possible diagnosis

Step 3. Get a prescription for antibiotics if needed
Antibiotics are not helpful if the pus sacs are caused by a viral infection, but they are fine if they are caused by a bacterial infection. In the latter case, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics such as erythromycin or amoxicillin.
Follow your doctor's instructions and take the full course of the antibiotics he prescribed

Step 4. Discuss tonsillectomy with your doctor
Removing the tonsils surgically can help eliminate recurring episodes of strep infection. If the pockets of pus are affecting the tonsils and if the infection is severe or recurring often, surgery may be the solution.
A tonsillectomy is a relatively simple surgery, but an abscess around the tonsils can be treated with an even simpler surgery to drain the pus. You will need to discuss your options with your doctor to decide on the best course of action for your case
Part 2 of 3: Try Home Healing

Step 1. Take some pain relievers
To deal with the pain caused by a sore throat, you can also take pain relievers. Your doctor may prescribe local pain relievers to relieve the pain caused by the pockets of pus, or you can take an over-the-counter non-prescription pain reliever containing acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin.
- Follow the dosing instructions provided with your prescription or on the over-the-counter medicine. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
- Do not take anything except acetaminophen if you are expecting a baby.
- Throat lozenges containing an anesthetic may also be helpful in relieving discomfort.

Step 2. Gargle with salt water
Make a solution with a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of salt. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Use the gargle solution at least once per hour. The combination of salt and warm water should help reduce pain and discomfort.

Step 3. Drink warm liquids
Hot drinks increase the blood flow in the throat, helping the body fight the pus pockets. Drinking a cup of tea (possibly decaf) before bed will also help you get rid of some of the pain while you sleep.

Step 4. Use vaporizers
Breathing dry air won't help your condition at all; the throat can become sore and sore even more. Using a vaporizer to moisten the air will relieve pain and irritation. If you don't have one, you can just put a shallow dish with hot water in your room. The water will add moisture to the air as it evaporates.
A humidifier may also be recommended, which is available with different solutions of cold or warm moist air
Part 3 of 3: Healing yourself

Step 1. Stay hydrated
In addition to using warm fluids to soothe your throat, you should also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water makes it easier to swallow and also helps you fight infection.

Step 2. Get plenty of rest
When you have an infection, your body needs a lot of rest to heal. Make sure you get enough sleep at night and rest during the day. Don't get tired in any way when dealing with a severe sore throat. Stay home and take time off from work or school if possible.

Step 3. Eat foods that are easy to swallow
While you are suffering from a severe sore throat with pus presence, you should avoid foods that can irritate further such as spicy or acidic foods. Choose simple foods to swallow like apple juice, oatmeal, soup, mashed potatoes, yogurt, and cooked eggs. You can also get some relief with popsicles or ice cream.

Step 4. Avoid irritants that can aggravate the situation
While you are recovering, do not smoke, inhale exhaust fumes, and do not use harsh cleaners. These things make the pockets of pus in the throat worse and can increase the time it takes to heal.
Remember that pockets of pus are not a disease, but certainly more than a symptom. Be sure to consider other symptoms as well when deciding if you need to see a doctor
- If you feel faint, short of breath, have joint pain, red rashes or bumps under the skin, or uncontrolled movements of the arms or legs, you may have rheumatic fever. See a doctor right away. Rheumatic fever can cause damage to the brain, heart, and other tissues in the body.
- If you develop a red rash that looks like sandpaper, it could be scarlet fever. See a doctor right away. Scarlet fever can be treated with antibiotics.