A throat infection is a painful and annoying but, sadly, common disease. This makes swallowing difficult due to tissue swelling. In some cases, tonsillitis (infection of the tonsils), ear and neck pain also develop. It is an affliction that affects young and old individuals indiscriminately and can be of both viral and bacterial origin. To get rid of a throat infection, you can try proven medical treatments or home remedies.
Method 1 of 2: Verified Remedies

Step 1. Take paracetamol (Tachipirina) or ibuprofen (OKI) to reduce fever and pain
Paracetamol is antipyretic and pain reliever, it proves useful in both bacterial and viral infections.
- Paracetamol, available without a prescription, is available in a dosage of 325 mg or 500 mg.
- You can take one or two tablets every 4 hours to reduce fever, but do not exceed 4 doses in 24 hours and do not exceed 3 grams in 24 hours.
- The trade names of acetaminophen products are Tachipirina, Efferalgan, and other generics.
- Ibuprofen is sold in 200 mg tablets and is available without a prescription.
- You can take one or two tablets every 4 hours but no more than 4 doses in 24 hours.
- Taking ibuprofen can, at times, create stomach problems in both adults and children, so it is always a good idea to take it after meals.
- Paracetamol and ibuprofen usually do not give side effects, but there are people who are allergic to the active ingredients. So make sure you have never had any adverse reactions to these drugs or their components.

Step 2. Try balm-acting throat lozenges to numb mild pain
Often these tablets contain benzocaine, phenol and lidocaine. They can be bought freely at the pharmacy and provide temporary relief.
- Take a lozenge and suck it like candy until it melts in your mouth. Don't swallow it whole.
- Your doctor will be able to advise you on how many of these "candies" you can eat within 24 hours, but never take more than 2 at a time.
- Do not give throat lozenges to children under 3 years of age.

Step 3. Take antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection
About 10% of throat infections in adults and a slightly higher percentage in children are bacterial in origin which must be treated with antibiotics.
- If you are positive for strep, your doctor will give you a course of antibiotics lasting 7-10 days.
- To accelerate and facilitate healing, antibiotic therapy must be administered within 1-2 days of the onset of symptoms to avoid the development of pus on the tonsils.
- You should notice improvements within 3-4 days of starting antibiotic therapy.
- If you have more than 6 throat infections in a year, a tonsillectomy may be recommended.
- The treatment of pain, fever and swelling is also similar in the case of viral infection and involves the use of NSAIDs.

Step 4. Take penicillin V by mouth if you are fighting a bacterial infection
Your doctor will prescribe this type of antibiotic, indicating the one on the market that best suits your specific needs.
- Penicillin V kills bacteria and prevents their multiplication in the body.
- Your doctor will choose which type of medication to give you, in capsules, tablets or suspension.
- It will also tell you the exact dosage.
- Amoxicillin is used in place of penicillin V in children because its flavor, in suspension, is better tolerated.
- Continue to take penicillin V for as long as your doctor has prescribed you for 10 days, even if you begin to feel better by the fourth or fifth day of therapy. You must be sure that the drug has killed all the dangerous bacteria in the throat.
- If you stop the therapy halfway, there is a great chance that some bacteria will survive inside the body, thus developing a drug resistant strain.
- Generally, you can take amoxicillin or penicillin on either a full or empty stomach.

Step 5. Make sure you are following the correct dosage if you want to get the desired results
Liquid forms can be measured with a dropper or graduated cap which is often included in the package. Never use a table spoon, it's not accurate enough.
- Antibiotics are usually taken 4 times a day every 6 hours.
- Do not exceed 4 doses within 24 hours.
- Adults, adolescents and children who weigh more than 44 kg should take 250-500 mg of amoxicillin (in the form of capsules, tablets or oral suspension) every 8 hours.
- Infants 3 months or older and children weighing less than 44 kg should take a weight-related amount of the drug as prescribed by the pediatrician.
- If it is penicillin V oral suspension, adults and adolescents should take 200,000-500,000 units every six to eight hours.
- For children, the dosage is 100,000-250,000 units every 6-8 hours, but weight should always be taken into account.

Step 6. Undergo a tonsillectomy for severe and chronic cases of infection
This is a surgical operation that removes the tonsils to fight chronic infections.
- It is considered a major intervention even if the procedure is quick and takes about half an hour.
- You will be admitted to the hospital and prepared for the operating room.
- You will undergo general anesthesia and sleep during the surgery, so you won't experience any pain.
- The technique most used by the surgeon is the one called "cold steel scalpel dissection", in practice the tonsils are simply cut.
- When all is over, you will find yourself in a recovery room where blood pressure and heart rate are monitored by experienced doctors.
- Most people are discharged the following day.
- Healing takes place in about 2 weeks during which you will experience some residual pain.

Step 7. Rest to allow your body time to heal
If you have a throat infection, it is important to stay in bed and rest to give the body all the energy it needs to fight the disease.
- Avoid strenuous physical activity and allow the body to soothe the throat.
- When the body is fully rested, the immune system is strengthened and therefore the chances of fighting bacteria and viruses increase.

Step 8. Drink cold fluids to relieve pain
Water or iced tea help you calm inflammation and irritation.
Remember that during the first 2-3 days it is best to drink cold liquids instead of hot herbal teas

Step 9. Drink a lot to avoid dehydration
Water and other liquids keep the throat moist and the body hydrated.
- The water also allows you to expel the infection from the body. Try to drink more than one liter a day during illness.
- If you don't like the taste of plain water, add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of honey to improve its taste.
- You need to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Step 10. Stop smoking
Cigarette smoking is directly related to throat irritation and infection, quitting will only help you.
Reducing the amount of smoke and dryness in the mouth moistens the tissues and fights infection

Step 11. Avoid air pollution
Try to protect yourself from air contamination to avoid inflammation of the tissues during infection.
- Air pollution is worse on hot days and in the afternoon, so plan your outdoor activities early in the morning or very late in the evening.
- Avoid walking or cycling as much as possible on busy roads, with heavy traffic or where exhaust fumes accumulate.
- Wear a mask to protect your lungs.
Method 2 of 2: Unverified Remedies

Step 1. Gargle with salt water to reduce pain
Let the solution detach the bacterial or viral material from the throat tissues.
- Take a tall glass and pour hot water into it, about 240 ml is enough.
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of salt and mix.
- Lean your head back, take a sip in your mouth and move it, then gargle loudly.
- Gently tap your throat to make sure you peel off the infected material.
- Repeat the procedure until you have finished the whole glass and the irritation and pain are gone.
- You can do this twice a day.

Step 2. Drink apple cider vinegar tea to kill bacteria
Another effective method is to heat a cup of this herbal tea to dissolve harmful bacteria.
- Add apple cider vinegar to a drink or use it to gargle and reduce infection.
- Mix one tablespoon of honey with one of vinegar and one cup of hot water. Sip it as much as you want.

Step 3. Take a mixture of pure lemon and lime juice
Both have antibacterial properties similar to apple cider vinegar and help you get rid of throat infection.
- Drinking lime and lemon juice kills bacteria.
- You can combine one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of lime or lemon juice. Add a cup of hot water and drink it several times a day.

Step 4. Do fumigations to moisturize your throat
Prepare a large bowl of boiling water and place it on the table.
- Sit in front of the bowl with your face right above it and cover your head with a large towel to trap the steam.
- Inhale the hot vapor that rises from the liquid.
- This procedure softens the lining of the nasal passages, mouth and moisturizes and cleanses the throat.

Step 5. Keep the air in the room humid to avoid irritation. Use a humidifier or a bowl of boiling water to humidify the room where you often stay
- This helps you prevent future irritation and eliminate the infection.
- Bacterial and viral infections thrive in dry air, so focus on humidifying the room with a cold humidifier.
- Remember to clean the filters regularly to keep the air quality high.

Step 6. Eat foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals to help the body deal with the infection
These foods strengthen the immune system and allow you to heal better.
- Eat various types of fruit and vegetables regularly to help the body recover from the infection.
- Consume fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges and lemons.