There are many underlying conditions that can cause a dry throat, some more serious than others. Acute cases can usually be treated at home with some extra precaution and forethought, while chronic dry throat requires medical attention.
Part 1 of 3: Increase Hydration

Step 1. Drink lots of fluids
As a general rule, you should drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water or other moisturizing fluids daily.
- By keeping yourself hydrated you provide the body with the resources to produce the amount of saliva necessary to keep the throat moist; Furthermore, drinking liquids helps to dissolve and thin the mucus, thus preventing it from adhering to the inner walls of the throat, irritating it even more.
- Herbal teas are the best drinks when you suffer from a dry throat; many of these offer natural relief from irritation, plus the tea contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. However, avoid drinks with caffeine, as caffeine can increase dehydration.

Step 2. Eat moist foods
Soak dry food or add it to broths, soups, sauces, dips, cream, butter, or margarine before eating. this simple precaution is an easy and effective way to keep the throat further moist and increase the intake of fluids.
In addition to offering greater hydration, wet food facilitates swallowing in people who tend to have dry throats; this is particularly true if this type of food is also soft and is served at a temperature no higher than the ambient temperature

Step 3. Coat the walls of the throat with honey
Although typically recommended for sore throats, this food can also effectively soothe a dry and sore throat; in fact it covers the mucous membranes protecting them from irritating and dehydrating agents.
- Dissolve a tablespoon (15 ml) of honey in a 250 ml glass of warm or hot water; if you wish, you can also add a pinch of lemon to strengthen the immune system. Drink the mixture one to three times a day.
- However, proceed with caution, as both of these substances can increase the risk of developing dental caries if you have been suffering from oral problems for a long time; also, honey is not safe for babies who are not yet one year old.

Step 4. Gargle with salt water
This is another remedy that is used more often to manage sore throats than dryness, but in certain circumstances it can help fight this ailment as well.
- If the problem is caused by seasonal irritants, such as dry air or allergens, gargling is perfect; however, be careful as salt water may irritate a chronic dry throat secondary to other conditions.
- To make the salt solution, dissolve 1 teaspoon (5 g) of salt in 250 ml of hot water and use it to gargle for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out.
- Alternatively, you can use a mixture of water and licorice in place of the saline solution for similar benefits. Choose a powder product that contains pure licorice and dissolve 1 teaspoon (5 g) in 250 ml of hot water; proceed as described for salt water.

Step 5. Chew gum or suck on candy
Both are remedies that can stimulate saliva production in the mouth and throat; by increasing salivation, the throat also gradually hydrates more.
- You should choose the hard candy or sugar-free chewing gum varieties, especially if you have to manage chronic dry throat. Having a limited amount of saliva greatly increases the risk of developing dental caries; therefore, it is not at all a good idea to add too much sugar in a situation like this.
- Likewise, you can suck on an ice cube, sugar-free popsicle, or balsamic candy to keep your mucous membranes more hydrated. Balsamic lozenges typically contain substances that numb the throat, such as menthol or eucalyptus, offering more relief than ordinary candies.

Step 6. Create a humid, steamy environment
Dry throat can be caused or aggravated by dry air; make a serious effort to try and breathe moist air throughout the day. The ideal is to do it constantly, but even brief fumigations offer temporary relief from discomfort.
- Turn on a humidifier. Put it in the bedroom and other rooms where you spend a lot of time; this accessory increases the humidity in the environment and allows you to breathe less dry air, helping to soothe and hydrate the throat.
- If you don't have a humidifier, you can fill a deep pot with hot water and place it near a heat source (other than a radiator); as the water warms up, the air in the room should gradually become more humid.
- Take a very hot shower and breathe in the steam for several minutes. To get the same effects, you can also hold your face over a pot of boiling water and breathe in the steam that builds up. These remedies offer temporary relief from dryness.

Step 7. Try artificial saliva
This is a product that you can buy without a prescription and that is available in spray, tampon or rinse format.
- While not as effective as natural saliva, it does make tissues more moist and can soothe the discomfort associated with chronic dryness.
- Look for xylitol, carboxymethylcellulose, or hydroxyethylcellulose products. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages, and one may be more effective than the others, so you should try several before finding the one that works best for you.
Part 2 of 3: Eliminating Factors That Cause Dryness

Step 1. Breathe through the nose
The air entering the mouth is not filtered, thus increasing the risk that the mucous membranes dry out; if you breathe through your nose, you filter the air and make it more humid.
If your nose is stuffy and won't allow you to breathe, you can take over-the-counter nasal decongestants to fix the problem

Step 2. Avoid dry, salty or spicy foods
Those that fall into these categories can potentially aggravate existing dryness, so you should give them up at least until you've fixed the problem.
- In addition to creating a greater feeling of dryness, these foods also make the throat more sore.
- You can probably tell when foods are salty or spicy, but you may be eating a lot of dry foods without even realizing it; these include toast, biscuits, dried bread, fruit and dried bananas.

Step 3. Give up alcohol and caffeine
Both of these substances are dehydrating and create the opposite effect to what you want, thus depriving the throat and the rest of the body of moisture.
- Both alcohol and caffeine directly dry out the mouth and throat, but can increase dehydration in general by also stimulating more frequent urination.
- For the same reason, you should also give up acidic drinks, including most fruit and tomato juices. Although these liquids do not increase the level of dehydration, they can still irritate the already sensitive and dry throat; moreover, they promote the formation of caries and people suffering from dry mouth are already at high risk of this dental problem.

Step 4. Consider the medications you are taking
Many common medicines are classified as "anticholinergics", reduce secretions - including saliva production - and can lead to excessive dryness of the throat.
- Among these drugs are antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants and antispasmodics; in addition, many active ingredients used to treat Parkinson's disease, bladder overactivity and chronic bronchitis can also cause this type of problem.
- If you are concerned that the cause of your disorder is attributable to drug therapies, you should consult your doctor before taking any action; do not abruptly stop a prescribed treatment without first talking to your doctor.

Step 5. Change your mouthwash and other oral care products
Many common mouthwashes and toothpastes can aggravate your problem, so you should try replacing them with other products specifically formulated for those with dry mouth and throat.
- The wrong mouthwash or similar product could be particularly bad for your ailment; most of those on the market contain alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, both substances that only worsen the level of dryness.
- You can ask your dentist for advice, but if you'd rather look for some good alternatives yourself, know that most mouthwashes and toothpastes specifically for patients with dry mouth have this on the label.

Step 6. Stop smoking
If you are a smoker, you should be able to relieve the disorder by getting rid of this habit. Inhaled smoke brings with it irritants that dry the throat, as well as other stinging substances that are partially or totally responsible for the chronic disorder.
Cigarette smoke paralyzes the hair on the nose and lungs; as a result, the respiratory system is unable to expel mucus, dust, and other irritants from the body, resulting in coughing and further dryness of the upper respiratory tract
Part 3 of 3: Seeking Medical Help

Step 1. Consult your doctor or dentist
If the problem persists, gets worse, or doesn't go away despite home remedies, you should make an appointment with your family doctor or dentist, as this is likely a condition that requires medical attention.
- If you don't take action, chronic dryness can lead to delicate complications; for example, you may find it difficult to ingest food. When accompanied by a dry mouth, a dry throat also makes it difficult to chew or taste food, and you may develop more dental caries due to a reduction in saliva production, whose job is to protect your teeth and gums.
- In addition, dehydration of the mucous membranes can cause sore throats due to bacterial or viral infections; if left untreated, these disorders can worsen, leading to more serious health problems.

Step 2. Look for possible underlying causes
Some conditions can cause chronic dryness and if any of these are responsible for your current difficulties, your doctor must diagnose or treat them to improve the situation.
Some diseases, such as Sjogren's syndrome, can directly affect the salivary glands and cause a decrease in saliva production, but there are other circumstances - for example, oral yeast infections, colds, allergies and diabetes - that can increase dryness significantly. live

Step 3. Learn about drugs that increase saliva production
If your problem is attributable to an immune system disorder or damage to the salivary glands, your doctor may prescribe pilocarpine, a drug that increases the natural production of saliva by stimulating the nerves that control it.