4 Ways to Relieve Muscle Pain from Chikungunya

4 Ways to Relieve Muscle Pain from Chikungunya
4 Ways to Relieve Muscle Pain from Chikungunya

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Chikungunya is an infectious disease caused by a virus that spreads through a mosquito bite. It is quite common in areas such as Africa, India, Southeast Asia and is characterized by a sudden rise in temperature (over 39 ° C). The infection also causes severe debilitating polyarthralgia (pain in several joints) or symmetrical joint pain. The distal joints, such as the wrists, hands, ankles, and knees, are affected rather than the proximal ones, such as the hips and shoulders. Chikungunya also causes skin rashes and severe myalgia, which is general muscle pain. What distinguishes this infection is above all the joint pain, because it is debilitating and tends to last sometimes even for years; some patients walk uncertainly. In fact, the term "chikungunya" in African language means "that which folds" or "that which contorts". While there is no cure, you can still take steps to relieve pain and discomfort.


Method 1 of 4: Diagnosis

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 1

Step 1. Pay attention to muscle pain

The chikungunya virus is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes mosquito; when the virus enters the body, it invades the blood system, usually attacking endothelial and epithelial cells, known as fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are the cells that form muscle tissue; as the infection progresses, these cells are damaged, leading to the death of epithelial, endothelial tissue and consequently causing muscle pain.

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 2

Step 2. Recognize other symptoms

A patient can suffer from several other ailments in addition to muscle and joint pain. Among these are:

  • Fever of 39 ° C or higher;
  • Severe lethargy;
  • Inability to get up and walk or stiff gait with frequent interruptions due to swollen and painful joints;
  • Non-itchy, reddened and slightly raised skin rashes, which form on the torso and extremities;
  • Blisters on the palms and under the soles of the feet leading to peeling of the skin.
  • Other symptoms, usually less obvious, are: headache, vomiting, sore throat and nausea.
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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 3

Step 3. Recognize chikungunya from dengue fever

Both diseases have similar symptoms; furthermore, the geographic areas where people become infected are also quite similar. Sometimes it is really very difficult to be able to diagnose them accurately and it becomes a real challenge even for doctors. However, the joint pain caused by chikungunya is so obvious that it is often enough to make a clear diagnosis.

Dengue leads to more severe muscle pain - or myalgia - but generally spares the joints

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 4

Step 4. See your doctor

In order to make a diagnosis, the signs and symptoms must be observed. To confirm chikungunya infection, a blood test is usually required. If antibodies to this infection are detected, it means that the patient has been exposed to the virus.

  • The examination consists of a collection of venous blood, the sample is placed in a sterile container for examination in the laboratory.
  • Several laboratory tests can be done to confirm the infection. The most common is RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase of the polymerase chain reaction), which is capable of detecting the presence of the virus. The disease leaves a very high viral load, so it is quite easy to detect. It is probably this high viral load that makes patients feel so exhausted.
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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 5

Step 5. Find out how long the infection will last

The acute phase lasts from a few days to two weeks. During this time, you may feel extremely tired, have a high fever, very painful muscles and joints, and often not be able to walk.

Next, you enter the subacute phase, which can last for months or years. On average, 63% of patients experience joint pain and swelling one year after contracting the infection. In the long run, you may have a form of HIV-positive rheumatism or arthritis with HLA B27 antibody. It is a disorder similar to a more common form of post-infectious arthritis known as Reiter's syndrome

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 6

Step 6. Keep in mind that the disease is not fatal, but there is no cure

Despite the very painful symptoms, it does not lead to death; however, there are no treatments other than supportive care, much like other viral infections. Some clinical trials have been done to verify the effectiveness of some drugs in managing symptoms, but no positive results have been found.

Method 2 of 4: Relieve Muscle Pain during the Acute Phase of the Disease

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 7

Step 1. Rest as much as possible

As already mentioned, there is no cure for chikungunya; you must therefore do everything possible to support the body and activate its natural healing abilities. Rest is a way to support the body. Get as much sleep as you can and slow down during the day.

  • Make yourself as comfortable as possible with pillows and blankets.
  • Plan to get plenty of rest for at least two weeks.
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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 8

Step 2. Stay hydrated

Muscle tissue is made up of 75% water. If you're not properly hydrated, your muscles are more prone to cramps, contractures, and other discomfort. Also remember that chikungunya causes high fever, which in turn greatly contributes to dehydrating the body, further increasing the risk of muscle cramps.

  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids to ensure good hydration.
  • If you are feeling nauseous, only take small sips of water, Gatorade, or other electrolyte-rich drinks at frequent intervals. You can make an electrolyte solution yourself by mixing 1.5 l of water, 200 g of sugar and two teaspoons of salt.
  • Check your dehydration level. It is a possible risk in those suffering from this disease. Probably, the patient must be stimulated to eat and drink due to the feeling of lethargy and weakness that prevents him from taking care of himself. Diarrhea and vomiting are not particularly predominant symptoms in this infection, so they are not primarily responsible for the lack of hydration.
  • In case of dehydration, fluids will need to be given intravenously.
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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 9

Step 3. Get some antipyretics

These drugs help reduce fever, as well as partially relieve joint pain. You can take acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen to reduce fever and general malaise.

Strictly follow the instructions on the leaflet of any over-the-counter drug and do not exceed the recommended dosage

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 10

Step 4. Use an electric warmer

Place it on your joints and other sore parts of your body to temporarily relieve joint pain. Try holding it on your joints for up to 20 minutes at a time. Make sure you take it off after this time to give your skin a break and avoid burning it or overheating it too much.

  • If you don't have an electric heater available, you can use a hot water bottle or other container instead. Fill a plastic bottle with boiling water and wrap it with a cloth or kitchen paper before placing it on your skin.
  • You can also try alternating ice packs with heat. Ice helps numb the skin and thereby reduce pain, while heat stimulates increased blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. Make sure you wrap the ice pack in a towel and don't lay it on the site more than 20 minutes at a time.
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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 11

Step 5. Consult your doctor about narcotic pain relievers

If the pain is particularly severe, you may be prescribed one of these strong medications, such as Vicodin, which is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. In many cases, chikungunya is so debilitating that it justifies taking this type of drug.

  • The recommended dose of Vicodin is 325 mg to be taken orally every 4 hours.
  • Do not take this drug if you are already taking others containing acetaminophen.

Method 3 of 4: Supplements and Herbal Remedies

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 12

Step 1. Increase your vitamin C intake

You can improve the body's ability to fight muscle pain by taking 1000 mg of vitamin C twice a day, thereby also strengthening the immune system. It can be difficult to get this amount from food alone, but fruit and vegetables are always the best sources. However, you can also take supplements. Some of the most nutritious sources of vitamin C are:

  • Oranges: 69 mg of vitamin C per serving;
  • Chillies: 107 mg per serving;
  • Red peppers: 190 mg per serving.
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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 13

Step 2. Take Vitamin D for Chronic Pain

It has been found that the deficiency of this vitamin makes the body more susceptible to constant pain. In addition, this precious element helps to reduce the sense of muscle exhaustion and to heal faster.

Take 200 IU (equivalent to two tablets) of vitamin D3 every day. Although it can also be obtained from the sun's rays, you will have to stay indoors during the illness, so it is recommended to take it through supplements

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 14

Step 3. Drink green tea

Muscle pain can also be caused by inflammation. Green tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore be a valuable aid to your discomfort. It also leads to the up-regulation of the organism's natural killer cells (NK lymphocytes) which have the task of identifying infectious agents; as if all of this weren't enough, green tea also helps fight disease and strengthens the immune system.

Drink at least one cup a day

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 15

Step 4. Take ginseng extract

Some experts claim that it is able to help the body's immune response; It also relieves the sense of tiredness and muscle pain that you can experience with a disease that consumes a lot of energy, such as chikungunya.

There are no unambiguous indications on the dosage. Follow the instructions on the product packaging

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 16

Step 5. Try aged dry garlic

This supplement is able to reduce muscle aches and pain in general. The responsible for this effect is the active ingredient contained in it, allicin, which also stimulates the natural killer cells to activate the immune system. You can give this supplement a try and see if it helps you fight the infection.

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Chikungunya

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 17

Step 1. Use mosquito nets

If you have to travel or live in an area where this infection is endemic, you need to take precautions to minimize the risk of getting sick. Protect the area where you sleep by putting one that has been treated with an insecticide.

Be careful not to lean any part of your body against the mosquito net when you sleep, otherwise you may still be stung

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 18

Step 2. Use a repellent spray

Get one containing DEET, icaridin, or IR3535 to protect yourself from insect bites. You can also try a product that contains lemon eucalyptus oil or p-menthan-3, 8-diol (PMD), such as Citriodiol. Reapply it several times following the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Make sure you get an insecticide that contains enough active ingredient to kill mosquitoes.
  • If you use sunscreen and insect repellent, apply the sunscreen first and then the insecticide.
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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 19

Step 3. Put on long sleeved clothing and long pants

You need to cover your entire body to prevent mosquitoes from coming into contact with your skin.

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 20

Step 4. Do not leave the water containers open

If the water collection points, cisterns and buckets remain uncovered, they become the ideal place for mosquitoes and larvae to develop. It is therefore important to make sure that they are properly closed, especially if you have four or more containers within 10 m of your home.

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Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 21

Step 5. Move with caution to areas where the infection is endemic

Chikungunya is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito, the "vector" of the Aedes species, which has caused several cluster epidemics in various areas around the Indian Ocean. Outbreaks and infections will continue to be a risk until the public health problem posed by mosquitoes is better controlled.


  • Eat foods that are easy to digest. Soups and broths are the best options to restore the energy you need. You can eat solid foods as long as you can hold onto them. As you fight fever and infection, the body consumes a lot of calories and greatly speeds up the metabolism; it is therefore important to eat foods rich in nutritional values while recovering.
  • Make sure you have someone around to assist you, especially at the beginning of the illness. You may experience pain walking and have difficulty walking. Avoid walking unless absolutely necessary, as you will certainly feel weak and may run the risk of falling.
