The concept of laziness generally has a negative connotation, but have you ever wondered why? Maybe because all those work-stressed workaholics think the world could end if they stop for even a minute to do - oh my! - absolutely nothing. Or perhaps because religious faith suggests that laziness is a sin, or because it has been repeated to you many times that sloth is one of the deadly sins and that it must absolutely be avoided. The time has come, however, to take a step back and understand that laziness is not to be demonized. Sometimes, in fact, taking a few minutes to be lazy can help you achieve tranquility, relaxation and even success.
Method 1 of 2: Changing Mindsets

Step 1. Think about what it means to you to be "lazy"
In fact, depending on your education and what you believe, the meaning you give to "laziness" will probably be different. Typically, however, this is a term with negative implications, meaning someone who does not do their best or does not put in effort while others are working hard; it implies that the "lazy" person does little to improve himself and his lifestyle. But what if we try to consider laziness in a different light? Here are some ways to do this:
- What if you try to take laziness as an indicator of your body and mind's need for rest? Many people would be less stressed, much happier and more in touch with their body rhythm if they succumbed to the call of mind and body that ask only for "a little laziness" every now and then.
- Laziness could probably indicate that you are a bit tired of your daily routine. And who ever said we have to love boredom? Sure, we have to be grateful for what we have and for those around us, but that doesn't mean we have to extend our gratitude to routine!
- Laziness can indicate an internal conflict about what you "should" and what you "want" to do. Your obligations have probably been imposed on you by external pressure and you experience them with a certain annoyance.
- Laziness can indicate that someone is not doing what you would like them to do, or vice versa. In this case, it is not necessarily laziness; it could also indicate a control problem, (such as trying to manipulate others), or a certain inability to communicate clearly: calling this kind of behavior lazy would therefore be an easy excuse.
- Your laziness may simply indicate that you are thinking about something relaxing. You have nothing in mind, absolutely nothing, which means that pile of dirty dishes in the sink will stay… dirty. Is it that bad if it happens once in a while? What if you try to consider the benefits that rest can bring to your body vigor and mental well-being?

Step 2. Reflect on how your lazy side can keep you going in life while working less
Since when did completing a job with less effort become a vice? Do you always prefer to follow the most difficult path? For what? If you can achieve the same result with less effort, why not follow this path and listen to the voice of your laziness? Think about this aspect of the problem before hiding behind a puritanical answer: Almost all modern technological advances are the result of human laziness. Here are some things to consider:
- We drive cars instead of walking, as we are lazy. We use a washing machine to wash our clothes, because we don't feel like scrubbing the clothes by hand. We use a computer, because we are too lazy to write by hand (and because, moreover, writing on the PC is faster, it allows us to finish earlier and relax more).
- This is the good side of laziness: there is nothing wrong with thinking of better ways to do things with less stress and saving time. It is, however, important to recognize the challenges you are likely to face if you choose a bit of lazy gigs once in a while.

Step 3. Find out who or what can benefit from your ongoing work
When you complain about how your work consumes your soul and ruins your life, you are actually complaining about not having the time to really unplug. There is a general tendency to believe that a lazy person is not productive: the negative epithets such as "good for nothing" and "time wasters" are usually given to people who do not fatigue themselves from morning to night. We constantly worry about not being labeled like this and not only: we also tend to judge others, especially when we feel overwhelmed by work.
- Even if a rested worker is actually more productive and happy, ironically people work longer hours than they need to because they focus on being perceived as busy, instead of committing to being more productive for a shorter period of time.
- A society that encourages a better work-life balance, and that tries to recognize when it has worked hard enough, will tend to be more productive, not less.

Step 4. Remember that time away from work can renew your energy and spirit
The "virtue" that contrasts the "vice" of sloth is diligence. For some, jumping headlong into a goal, with zealous commitment and unwavering confidence, necessarily means working longer, earning more, and impressing others. Not everyone, however, sees the world from this perspective: for example, Danes work 37 hours a week, much of their wages are consumed by taxes (in exchange for excellent social benefits) and have an average of six weeks of vacation, yet they are generally at the top of the charts of the happiest nations on earth.
- For many people, in fact, having a little more time away from work means being able to do other things they love: always working and never having fun makes a population really boring and atrophied. Perhaps even diligence can learn something from sloth, since allowing your mind and body to rest allows you to renew your strength and motivation.
- Laziness has several shades, just like diligence: neither is completely good or bad, both are valid in moderation. Claiming that one characteristic is good and the other is negative is too simplistic and denies the ability that each of us has to indulge in a moment of pure relaxation, without this creating problems for someone else.

Step 5. Redefine Productivity
Being lazy is quite simple (of course it is). At first it might seem paradoxical that by working less (that is, being lazy) one can be more productive. What we are doing, however, is precisely redefining the word "productivity". If you consider being productive as "doing more", "completing more tasks" or perhaps the extreme "never getting caught while doing nothing", the idea of being lazy will probably be really scary for you.
- On the other hand, if you define "productivity" as a way to make the most of what you do, to get the most out of the time you have set aside for work (or whatever) and to be as efficient as possible In the parameters of time and energy you have available, then being lazy may be the best way to be productive.
- Think about it: if you work hectic all day, you will really get very little, especially in terms of long-term results.
- What if you only did a little work every hour, while trying to focus on key actions that lead to real results? In the second example, as you will have understood, you will have worked less, but the time spent will be more important. At this point, evaluate your working method carefully and be honest: half of what you do is "look busy" or "be really productive"?

Step 6. Learn to recognize when you are no longer productive and to stop
You may be tempted to believe that as long as you sit at your desk you will be working, or that if you keep scrubbing an already shiny surface you will be doing the housework well. If you want to be lazy however, you will need to recognize when you are no longer getting real results and take a break. By doing this, you can save energy, take the time for what you really need to do, and learn to be lazier.
- If you have completed your assigned work project and are just sitting doing nothing, ask to be able to do something productive or go home. Staying at your desk checking useless emails and pretending to get busy won't be of any use to you or anyone else in the office.
- Let's say you're trying to write a novel. You may have written some very good pages in the first couple of hours spent in front of the computer, but now you feel completely uninspired. If you don't feel like you have the strength or motivation to move on right now, stop staring at the screen and take some time to rest before starting over the next day.

Step 7. Remember that spending quality time with others is good
You don't have to do a thousand things at the same time or work as much as possible. If your husband, best friend, cousin, or new acquaintance wants to spend time with you, welcome it. Don't ask your friend if he wants to drive you to the supermarket and don't send work emails when you watch a movie with your family; learn to enjoy the time you spend with the people you care about, even if it means not working, not even for a moment.
- Spending time with others and giving them your full attention will allow you to improve your relationship and be happier, as well as give you time to relax and recover from all the work you've done.
- Don't feel disappointed in yourself if you enjoy yourself; remember it's good for you!

Step 8. Stop planning
Although it is great to be organized and be able to get a mental idea of the work you will have to do, if you want to be lazier you will have to stop planning your life minute by minute. Sure, it's a great quality for organizing meetings, meeting work deadlines, or managing your social life weeks in advance, but if all this organization just made you stressful and anxious about any unexpected events, it might be time to take a step back and let go of your need for control.
- If you understand that obsessive planning is stressing you out, it's time to learn to live with even the unexpected in your routine. You will learn to relax and may finally convince yourself that it's okay to be lazy once in a while!
- Plus, without planning minute-by-minute, you may find yourself having spontaneous and fun experiences that will help you relax and prepare for the work ahead.
Method 2 of 2: Take action

Step 1. Try to work less intelligently
If you are lazy, the choice is simple: work less, but do it smart. A lazy person makes every second of his work count. If the action you intend to do will not have an impact on the final result, if it will not reduce the time needed to finish and will not allow you to disconnect earlier, do not do it; or try to figure out how to put it into practice with less time and effort. Here are some ways to do this:
- Send fewer emails, but choose the most meaningful ones to send. As an added benefit, people will also find that you turn to them for more serious matters, which would not happen if you were to keep sending useless emails to a) cover your back and b) prove that you are working.
- Print this message well on your forehead (okay, you can also write it on a post-it to hang in a prominent place): laziness does not mean that by doing less you will do more, but that by doing less you will do better.

Step 2. Enjoy nature
When was the last time you sat outdoors to contemplate all the beauty that surrounds you? If the answer is "when I was little" or even "never", it is time for you to learn to devote some of your time to nature. Even if you are the homely type, spending a few hours in a beautiful park, on a beach, in a forest, at the lake, in a garden or in the mountains can help you relax and rest your mind and body.
Bring a friend, something to read, or something that will help you relax. Don't take work with you and don't try to do multiple things at the same time. Be content to feel comfortable, without doing much

Step 3. Allow yourself to stay in bed on the weekend
Several studies suggest that it is important to maintain a regular sleep pattern, so it is not advisable to suddenly change your sleeping habits. But staying in bed doesn't mean sleeping; "Means" to enjoy life a little. Read a good book, have breakfast in bed, paint or just relax in the covers.
- Allow pets and children to get on the bed with you; first of all, animals know how to spontaneously recognize the right moments to be lazy and, secondly, it will never be too early to teach a child that relaxation is essential to be well and stay healthy.
- Take advantage of the opportunity to call some friends and see how they are.
- If staying in bed all day should make you numb, try taking a walk to get some fresh air. But try not to make any other efforts beyond this.

Step 4. Make fewer purchases
Buying less will allow you to have more time to do things you enjoy, to spend time with friends, with your partner and with your children, or even to spend a few afternoons on the beach. Make a full shopping list and go shopping only when you need it. By spending less you will buy fewer things, so you will have fewer things, so you will have fewer items to care for and clean; which will also benefit your finances. Isn't it great to be lazy?
- By doing just one or two shipments a month to the supermarket, for example, you can save a lot of time and have more opportunities to be lazy and do what you like to do.
- You can also ask your family to go shopping for you, or do it online.

Step 5. Put your busy side aside
Being busy is often a habit (not contested), not the road to success. Constantly needing to be busy (or to look like one) will greatly reduce your productivity, since you will focus on commitment, not results. Instead of spending all day running from one side to the other, slow down. Work less and live a calmer, more peaceful life. Be content with sitting and doing nothing. Smile and be happy.
Look at the list of things you need to do and ask yourself if you really need to complete most of them. Complete the most important points on the list, but do not stress yourself: you would end up consuming all your free time

Step 6. Simplify your life
Buy fewer clothes, fewer cars, fewer items, fewer things that need maintenance, attention and effort. Make an effort to give away or give to charity the clothes you no longer wear, to clean up the kitchen cabinets, to make your social life less hectic, in order to simplify your existence in every possible aspect. At first it will take a lot of effort, but later you will find yourself with all the time you need to relax and be lazy in peace.
Ask yourself if you have signed up for too many activities, if you have volunteered to help too many friends, if you have promised to cook too many complicated dishes, or if you have divided yourself between so many tasks that you have no more time for yourself. Try to understand what you can give up to carve out some free time and relax without doing anything

Step 7. Let someone else take care of it
It's not about manipulation, it's about finding the right person for the job. If someone wants to do something for you, is happy with it and is competent in the matter, leave them alone and don't interfere. Many of us feel guilty for making someone do something, even if the other person immediately made it clear that she prefers to work alone: it is as if we feel the obligation to help her. Sometimes, however, it must be remembered that our help could be a burden while, in other cases, it could even be seen as an interference and be unwelcome.
- Those in leadership positions, whether at work or at home, should learn to trust their staff, children or volunteers and avoid being nagging and overwhelming.
- To work less, it is important to give employees, children or volunteers the freedom and the opportunity to explore their creativity, the space to learn for themselves and the possibility of succeeding or failing.
- The less you do, the more others will learn. You can guide them and teach them the best way to do something, but don't interfere.
- Share household tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, organizing, and taking out the trash. Most people find these activities very tiring, so sharing them will help you develop a greater sense of unity and collaboration with those around you and allow you to quickly move on to something more enjoyable. It is possible that housework is the very source of contempt for laziness!
- Delegate your tasks and trust the people you have given the task to. Many hands in activity mean lighter work, for everyone. Give everyone the opportunity to go home earlier, sharing tasks within your work group, whether at work, in the parish or in an association of any kind.

Step 8. Free yourself from the obligations of forced communication
By constantly interacting online without setting limits on your part, you may end up sucked into work instead of having fun and being productive. Communicate less and give yourself more space. Talking less, trying less to convince others, screaming less, discussing less, sending fewer emails and fewer messages, making fewer phone calls and fewer checks: if you commit yourself to it, you will be amazed at how quickly you will start to feel "lazy" and relaxed.
- We live in a world where many do not know or do not want to put limits on communication, to the point that it now seems a duty, an obligation. We even think that if we don't keep up the pace we will feel strangely guilty, as if we are offending others by pulling back. Much of this communication, however, is nothing more than nonsense, with very little listening. It's just noise.
- Bring silence into your life. Let the tranquility pervade your mind. Be lazy about your "obligations" online, in social media and via text.
- Make all the emails you send count. Send instant messages only when needed.
- Spend less time on the phone, on Twitter, on your Blackberry, Android or iPhone and more time with… other human beings, with yourself, with your favorite book and in the present.

Step 9. Act when needed
It might seem strange advice, after talking at length about how important it is to “work less”, but in reality we must remember that most things must be done right now to save time later. A true devotee of doing less and laziness will have long ago realized that most of the real work comes from not doing something right from the start. Remember the proverb "who gets off to a good start is half the battle". Here are some ways to save time by doing things right right away:
- Learn to write good drafts for your emails right away. You will be able to do it with a little practice.
- Fold clothes after drying them or after removing them from the hanger. You can immediately put them back in the closets and they will wrinkle much less than staying in a basket for days and days.
- Paint your house right now. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time fixing a rushed job. Many renovation and construction works have the same basic principle: do it right from the start and you will have to work less to fix your mistakes later.
- Read and respond to emails right away as they arrive. Letting them accumulate to "manage them later", in fact, will inevitably become an impossible task that you will never want to face, that could annoy you and in which you will feel bogged down. If they are not worthy of your attention, cancel them immediately; answer the most important ones immediately. Try to keep only 5% of the emails you receive on hold and only for very good reasons (find a correct answer, think calmly instead of giving an angry answer, etc.).
- Do not buy gifts for various anniversaries and holidays the day before. By doing so, you will not feel under pressure and you will not think it is an exhausting task; a lazy person tries to avoid doing things at the last minute.

Step 10. Stop complaining
Lazy people don't complain; first of all it takes too much energy and, furthermore, the complaints derive from a sense of injustice, loss and deep fatigue. By complaining and criticizing less you can free up time and space to develop your creative thinking and to better deal with the various situations you will find yourself in, thus becoming able to find more effective ways to solve difficulties, as you will be able to focus less on blaming others and focusing more on concrete problems.
- We all complain and criticize, from time to time. Do not make it a habit, however, and try to notice when you do it, and then remember all the energy you are wasting and how you can be more productive by relaxing and getting rid of what is bothering you.
- If you have serious reasons to complain, spend time doing something constructive instead of feeling sorry for yourself, such as writing a letter to someone you know or planning a protest while sitting comfortably on your sofa.
- Cultivate your ability to feel compassion, acceptance, love and understanding. These feelings are the antidote to complaints.
- Stop being catastrophic. What you fear may never happen, and even if it does, can you do something about it if you worry? Even if you should like to be right and be able to say to others in a condescending tone "I told you so", remember that there are better ways to deal with the future than to worry about what you don't know.
- Learn to live for the day and look for new opportunities, find the natural path of things and do what is needed at the moment. You can't control the results, but you can learn to work smoothly and constructively prepare for the unexpected (building and expanding your emergency response skills), in order to modify the impact that a possible negative occurrence will have on you. you.

Step 11. Be spontaneously lazy
Once in a while, try acting differently. Sleep on the sofa without putting on your pajamas on purpose (and not because you're too tired to move). Create a blanket fort with your kids and fall asleep all together. Lie on the grass and count the clouds or the stars until you have no more thoughts in the world and are ready to fall asleep. Don't get all dressed up on Sunday if you don't feel like it; don't worry about what the neighbors think.
- Go with the flow. Just let things happen. Take a step back and let life go on even without you.
- Don't force things. Be like water, always looking for the road that offers less resistance and that digs and flattens the path on which it flows.
- Look for the easiest way, instead of fighting windmills. Find the path that requires the least amount of effort. It is a form of cunning, not of evasion of one's responsibilities.

Step 12. Don't be afraid to lie down for a while
If you've had a tiring day, or just want to relax for a while without doing anything, do it with your head held high. Sit in the garden, in front of the television or wherever you are most comfortable: raise your feet, lean back and enjoy the feeling of doing absolutely nothing. Don't think about everything you have to do next and don't worry about being judged; think about something that makes you smile, or don't think about anything at all.
- Laziness loves company. If you have a good friend who wants nothing more than to spend a few hours relaxing, invite him: you can be lazy together.
- Listen to your favorite music, brush the cat, eat ice cream or do what you really want to do instead of just sitting.
- Take a relaxing week to be lazy. Or even on a Sunday, an afternoon or an evening. Take some time for yourself to relax and not respond to "nothing", no matter if you feel guilty at first. Over time you will get used to this personal space and will fiercely protect it, because you will recognize that it helps balance your life.
- Many hunting and gathering tribes have a lifestyle that is based on doing the bare minimum, apart from what is necessary to support basic needs. Reducing your business to basic needs can go a long way in freeing up your time, to make room for activities and reflections that you would prefer to do.
- Being lazy all the time could cost you dearly: try to be smart and organize yourself to "do less".
- Doing what you enjoy is not at odds with laziness. If you enjoy socializing online or chatting about birds or model ships, that doesn't mean you're a workaholic. Each person has their own preferences when it comes to relaxation. Dancing can be just as relaxing as sitting. It's all a matter of your state of mind: you will have to do something because you like it, without worrying about the results.
- Do not blame yourself for a little relaxation: it is certainly not forbidden. Call it "soul regeneration" if you prefer, but don't think you have to apologize just because you are working less and enjoying life more.
- Some people are born to stress: they have to keep busy all the time and comment on the lack of commitment of others. For these people, having to do is a habit, as well as a moral requirement. Try to keep away from them most days.
- If you have experimented with a hobby for many years, such as drawing, you may reach a point where others will expect you to want to become a pro. Seriously ask yourself if you want to turn your hobby into a job and change its role in your life. If you have to change your career to pursue a hobby that has become a dream, it will be essential to find yourself a new pastime to be able to relax, without worrying about being good or not. Plus, marketing your skills and hobbies to pay for the supplies could be an elegant budget option that will help make your life easier.
- Don't confuse laziness with sloppiness, or the cockroaches will become your new roommates. Washing dishes and sheets that stink every now and then is necessary; if the time comes when you are forced to throw open the kitchen window to let out the stench of dirty dishes, you should probably solve a profound problem of hygiene and cleanliness before trying to carve out a little more free time …
- Don't manipulate or blackmail others into doing things for you. This is not laziness, but mean behavior that is aimed at controlling people's actions. Also, like everything that requires control, it is a behavior that requires a lot of energy. It is not a lazy attitude and will lead you to accumulate a lot of negative karma.