This guide will deal in particular with the aspect to maintain at school and will provide suggestions on how to behave. A smart girl can have the world at her feet if she works hard to achieve her goals. This article assumes that you are already a bright girl, and that you just want to show it to the world, but if you need advice on how to increase your intelligence, check out other related articles.

Step 1. Imagine yourself as the "bright girl"
Look closely at girls like you. What do you like about them and what do you dislike? Make a list of pros and cons before you consider your change.

Step 2. Cut your hair and leave it to medium length
Studies show that girls with this cut are perceived as intelligent. They are easy to braid and can be gathered in a cute chignon or dropped naturally. If you want to keep them long that's fine, but make sure they are always neat and tidy. Whichever style you decide to adopt, make sure it doesn't take too long to fix. Your goal is to spend a lot of time on books and little time in front of the mirror. Maintain a natural look and avoid too many hair products (including dyes, except those of natural colors). A small leather headband is also fine, to collect hair.

Step 3. Dress smart
Wear cotton polo shirts, T-shirts with the logo of museums or universities, simple tailored trousers, knee-high skirts and nice leather shoes or sandals. Dark blues and browns are beautiful colors, but don't wear them every day. Avoid clothes that are trendy and too low-cut. Dress modestly, without showing too much skin.

Step 4. Wear good makeup but don't overdo it
Do not wear glitter and lip gloss. Imitate the makeup of established women. Look for inspiration on fashion sites that cater to working women, and only use the tricks that are recommended to you, but only if you want to wear them. Avoid piercings.

Step 5. Put on your glasses if you need them
Sometimes they make people appear smarter, especially rectangular and round frames. Always keep them clean. Thick frames are best. If you don't need them, don't wear them, they will make you look pretentious.

Step 6. Items to always carry with you:
a backpack of acceptable size, a good book to read, a notebook on which to keep the phone numbers of your friends, notebooks for various uses, notebooks, good pencils with eraser, ballpoint pens, a sharpener with a box so as not to have to get up to sharpen the pencil above the basket, some rubber bread and a nice diary.

Step 7. Make a good impression on teachers
Start studying hard and try to raise your average. Ask the professors if you can study some in-depth study to get an extra grade. Engage in school activities, such as attending the math Olympics or organizing the end-of-year play. Write nice articles for the school newspaper.

Step 8. Show enthusiasm for the school
Many teens show (or pretend to show) a negative attitude towards homework and school. They think it's "cool" not to care. Behave the opposite way. You are there to learn, not to have fun.

Step 9. Find a place at home where you can study peacefully
Keep all school supplies (books / notebooks / pencil case) in one room, along with a desk and lamp. Ask your family members for some peace to study. If there is too much noise at home, go to study in the library. Being able to organize your homework can help you, not just in school, but in life.

Step 10. Start a project in your school, with the permission of the principal
Raise funds to raise awareness of important issues, such as world hunger or the cure for childhood cancer. You will feel like a better person.

Step 11. Get plenty of exercise
It will help you focus and make you feel more relaxed. Eat protein-rich foods: egg whites, tuna, chicken, energy bars, etc. Dedicate yourself to a sporting activity, such as football or another team sport that you like. Jog at least 5km a day to improve your endurance. You can also go up and down stairs to strengthen your leg muscles. The best thing about all this exercise is that it will make you feel good. Working out in the gym can help strengthen your body and self-esteem.

Step 12. Find an intelligent woman who inspires you
Ask her to be your "mentor" at school.

Step 13. Set goals
It is very simple to be able to carry out your tasks if you have an exact idea of what you need to do.

Step 14. Work hard to get into a good university
Some universities have very strict selection parameters; if you want to attend the most famous ones, such as the Normale in Pisa or the Bocconi in Milan, you will need to get excellent grades and ask your teachers to write you recommendations.

Step 15. Find new passions
Discover new great hobbies you can do alone or with your friends. Take guitar lessons, take a photography or drawing class, these are all very fun activities.

Step 16. Learn to manage your time well
That way you'll have enough left over to enjoy yourself. Try to understand which are the moments of the day in which you waste the most time and find a solution to optimize.

Step 17. Develop good posture
Strive to become consistent and confident. If you giggle, talk behind others' backs or show insecurity, you give the image of a silly girl. Learn to stay calm under pressure and feel comfortable in different situations.

Step 18. Always keep what you need close at hand
Keep the diary on the table and the case in front of you. Take out your pencil and ruler, it's time to learn.

Step 19. Answer teachers' questions at least three times a day, voluntarily
They will understand that you are putting your whole self into it and could bring your 9 to 10.
- Whatever you decide to do, always remain yourself. There is nothing intelligent in pretending to be someone else. Keep your look, there is nothing sadder than seeing someone trying to be smart to go back to wearing the shoes of the "pretty girl". You would lose everyone's respect.
- If you want to use complicated words, make sure you know what they mean, otherwise others will understand that you are pretending and will make fun of you. Try learning a few words from the dictionary every day.
- Always try to get noticed but don't draw attention to yourself. Take notes in class and listen to the teacher. Sometimes you have to go off the track to get recognition at school. Be the first to complete your project. Don't just try to look smart, be smart. Win competitions and earn the respect and admiration of your teachers. Make it a goal to improve your grades, but don't stress yourself out too much! Don't be a clown in school. Be serious, but also friendly, and speak softly in class if someone calls you (try to wrap up conversations quickly).
- Write, continuously. Write what you prefer. In many high schools well-written essays are recognized and rewarded. If it is really well done, the teacher may ask you to read it to the class! Be competitive. Try to notice the grades of your teammates and make an effort to pass them.
- Strive to discover new passions and interests. It is very important! Look for experiences that make you grow as a person and take small risks every week. Think about how to create an ideal world. If they make fun of you about it, ignore them, even if it's hard.
USA always Italian correctly. Saying "I like history" is uneducated.
If you have a mobile phone and text friends, try to use as few abbreviations as possible (xké, cm, nn)
- Do something out of the ordinary just for yourself, learn to play the saxophone, take riding lessons or participate in a cultural exchange program like Intercultura. Explore all possibilities and keep an open mind. Yoga is great for relieving stress, you can take a class or do it at home. Find friends of all kinds and relax! After all you are a little girl, have fun!
- Reap the rewards of your intelligence. Create a wall in your room in which to hang all your findings. Post the highest grades assignments, medals, trophies, anything you've worked hard for. Over time it will get bigger and bigger, and you just need to look at it to notice all your progress and feel proud.
While you are at it, try to enrich your mind. Take your literary habits to the next level. If you like reading novels in which the protagonist is a strong woman, try moving on to books on modern feminism. Read the newspapers and watch the news. Intelligence is something that is built over time, the more you will be able to offer others the insights you have read in your busy sources, the more intelligent you will seem.
- Always carry a book with you. Something committed, not trivial. They are a great topic of conversation. Look in the classics section of the library. Study books for college exam preparation, and always carry textbooks with you.
- Try to keep an open mind. Not all women who write romance novels do it because they find it funny (although for many it is), some are just trying to make ends meet. Always try to look at things from a general and objective perspective.
- Develop strong ethics and formulate opinions. Be guided by doubt and curiosity. Develop a passion for social activism. Do you like one of your country's political parties? Because? Are you in favor of the death penalty? Against? Explain your motives. When you are at university you will be asked to start thinking about what your values are. Do some research in this regard. It is always better to be informed on news and current events.
- Also try to make friends! After all you are a teenager, fully enjoy this wonderful period of your life.
- If you are a shy but intelligent girl you will have a hard time asking your teacher questions. It can be even more difficult if in your culture girls are advised against asking questions or if the request for explanations implies an inability on the part of the teacher. It doesn't matter, try it anyway. Then listen carefully to the answer.
- Don't drink alcohol when you go to parties. Alcohol destroys brain cells, not to mention the liver. Many children drown the stress caused by school in alcohol. Don't follow these examples, they will make you look stupid and you may do things you regret. Don't go out of your way to reach your goals. Better to drink a carbonated drink, alcohol can be very bad for you and is illegal if you are under 14 years old.
- To succeed in this venture you will need to be steadfast and determined. Your behavior and language must always be polite and never aggressive.
- Quite often other guys don't feel comfortable dating a smart person, because they think he's a "know-it-all" who does nothing but brag. Try to understand what behaviors are bothering most people, don't brag about your grades, let others tell you how good you are.
- Very often people or events will happen on your path that seem to want to prevent you from achieving your goals, but if you are determined enough, you will be able to overcome every obstacle.
- If your parents start pressuring you about your grades, tell them you're working hard and show them results. If they are obsessed with everything you do in school, then you have a problem, especially if they persist. Tell them kindly and politely that they need to find another hobby. Smile and hug them. You are not only intelligent and loving, but also respectful, a classy young woman. Remember it.
- A typical day for a smart girl is tough. There is school, sport, then homework and everything else. Try to exercise during the summer holidays to improve your stamina. Exercise helps the brain function better.
- Always do your homework and deliver all work on time. A smart girl is also usually very responsible and respects delivery times. It is essential not to spoil your image.
- If you are feeling tired and really unhappy, ask your parents if you can take a long summer break from your busy schedule.