Kickflip is a skateboarding technique similar to ollie. In a kickflip, you jump vertically, then use your front foot to pivot or kick the board so that it rotates in the air before landing. Kickflips can be difficult at first, but once you master them, they will become one of your favorite numbers!
Part 1 of 3: Learning to Kickflip

Step 1. Get your feet in the right position
The first thing you need to keep an eye on is the position of the feet:
- Your front foot should be just behind the nails on the board, oriented slightly forward at a 45 ° angle.
- The sole of your back foot should be on the tail of the board.
- Don't lean forward; try to keep your shoulders aligned with the board.
Step 2. Do an ollie
You should already know how to make one, but to recap:
- Bend your front knee and put all your weight on the sole of your back foot.
- This will cause the front of the board to lift, while the back will touch the ground and then bounce upwards.
- Try to ollie as high as you can, to give yourself more time to complete the kickflip.
Step 3. Use your front foot to rotate the board
While in the air, slide your front foot to the heel side of the front of the board. Give it a kick, spinning the board. This is the movement that gives the rotation.
- This movement is complex, so make sure you understand it before trying it. Make sure you kick your leg out and up, not down. Otherwise your foot will end up under the board and you will not be able to land properly.
- Don't kick too hard, or the board will rotate away from you. Also make sure you jump enough to land on the board with your back foot (although you won't need to lift it like the front foot).
Step 4. Grab the board with your back foot, then your front foot
When the skate has completed a full rotation in the air, stop it with your back foot and bring it to the ground. Quickly follow your front foot.
- To understand when the skate has completed a full rotation, you will need to observe it during the jump, and this can be difficult. Do your best to find the right timing, and land with your foot on the front and rear nails of the board.
- Another important aspect to remember is the position of the shoulders - try to keep them at the same height and directed in the direction of movement. This will help you maintain balance on landing.
Step 5. Bend your knees as you land
As your board touches the ground, bend your knees to absorb the impact.
- This will also help you stay in control of the skate.
- If you are trying a kickflip on the go, keep going, trying to keep some style.
Step 6. Keep practicing
Kickflips are the most difficult of the basic acrobatic techniques, so it can take some time to perform them perfectly. Don't get frustrated - keep trying until you get it right.
Part 2 of 3: Kickflip variations
Step 1. Perform a double kickflip
This technique involves a double rotation of the board in the air before landing. The technique is the same as described in this article, you just need to apply more force with your kick to make the board rotate more quickly. You can also try doing a triple kickflip, spinning the board three times before landing.
Step 2. Perform a varial kickflip
This technique is a combination of a kickflip and a shove-it, in which the board rotates 180 degrees on its vertical axis as it rotates. You can achieve shove-it rotation by hitting the board from the heel side of the tail, and then hitting the toe with your front foot to achieve horizontal rotation.
Step 3. Perform a body varial kickflip
This technique requires the skater to rotate his position in the air 180 ° instead of rotating the board. With this particular technique, the skater rotates the body forward 180 °, landing in the switch position.
Step 4. Perform an indy kickflip
In this technique, you will have to perform a kickflip, pushing the board more than normal, in order to be able to grab it with your hand before landing. You will need to move at high speed and jump very high to complete this technique.
Step 5. Perform an underflip kickflip
This is a very advanced technique that requires a lot of practice. When the board has completed one rotation during the kickflip, you will use the top of your foot to rotate the board in the other direction.
Part 3 of 3: Preparation
Step 1. Get ready
Before attempting a kickflip, you should familiarize yourself with skateboarding.
- You should know all the parts that make up the skateboard, have good balance and know how to ollie.
- You can practice the kickflip on the go or standing still - it depends on your personal preference.
- Ollie, frontside 180, backside 180, pop-shuvit, and frontside pop-shuvit are all very important moves before you start practicing the kickflip. Learning to perform these techniques successfully will significantly improve your board control ability allowing you to learn kickflip faster.
- Some find it easier to move, others prefer to start with the stationary skateboard.
- There is no universal foot position for the kickflip. Try changing the position of the foot relative to the board and the angle.
- Keep calm and work hard. Mastering the kickflip requires a lot of dedication and patience; don't be discouraged if you fail to run it the first time!