How to Deal with Gender Dysphoria: 7 Steps

How to Deal with Gender Dysphoria: 7 Steps
How to Deal with Gender Dysphoria: 7 Steps

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It is difficult for transsexuals or gender variants to manage dysphoria. Some prefer to accept it and initiate change, while others would like to avoid it completely. There is no simple solution, but it remains true that you should not act in desperation or think that there is a miraculous solution to your problems. Keep calm and relax. As for the image of yourself, whether it concerns the breasts, the voice, or even the clothes and hair, a lot of fortitude is needed to manage certain sensations and feel comfortable with yourself. Here are some ways to reduce the consequences of gender dysphoria.


Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 1
Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 1

Step 1. Trust yourself

You may feel like you have no way out, but know that you are surrounded by people willing to help you. You have the possibility of acquiring the appearance of the desired sex by attenuating those of the sex to which you belong. Remember that there are many people who have gone through similar experiences to yours. You are not alone and you are absolutely not strange. There are many transsexuals who lead happy and normal lives.

Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 2
Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 2

Step 2. Express your feelings

Unleashing your emotions through drawing, writing, painting or even running can help you deal with the situation. It is important to get rid of all negative emotions that can hurt you both physically and mentally. Those who try to stifle their emotions tend to be passive-aggressive or very unhappy. You may even feel like a failure or think that there is something wrong with you, to the point of getting sick from stress and depression.

Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 3
Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 3

Step 3. Breathe deeply

When you think worries are overwhelming you, breathe in and out. Inner balance can help you manage emotions. Meditation and yoga are useful systems for enhancing the ability to relax.

Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 4
Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 4

Step 4. Try to understand your feelings

Do research on transsexuals and gender dysphoria. There are tons of videos on this topic on YouTube. Trans people have a belief that there is something wrong with their sexuality. Just because you feel more comfortable in female shoes doesn't mean you're trans. You may fall into non-binary gender identity, and therefore you are experiencing dysphoria. However, it is a difficult situation because society tends to marginalize those outside the box. Convince yourself that you are a wonderful person, regardless of anything.

Everyone has their own characteristics and their own way of expressing themselves (posture, clothing, tone of voice, etc.). Accept your uniqueness. Don't let society label you, it's up to you to define yourself

Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 5
Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 5

Step 5. Listen to yourself

Do not give weight to those who tell you that dysphoria is the same as body dysformism disorder or to those who diminish its importance. It is part of you and expresses your need to feel comfortable in your body and to be happy.

Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 6
Cope With Gender Dysphoria Step 6

Step 6. Find a sincere friend

Getting to know someone who is willing to listen to you and understand your situation can be of enormous help. You could research trans forums and connect to them via Skype or other social networks to share your experiences.

Talk to yourself. Don't think you're crazy. Many do this to externalize repressed emotions. Some liken this system to crying because it helps relieve sadness and stress

Step 7. Find articles that can help trans

These include girdles, padded bras. You could also hide your genitals using duct tape.

While you may not always wear these items, they can help you overcome dysphoria in public or in other temporary situations


  • Cry if you have to, because stifling your emotions is bad for your health.
  • Emotions can be just like time. Nobody is 100% happy or calm. There are times when you feel sad, upset or even angry. But simply remember that these moods can appear suddenly and may seem insurmountable, but compare them to rain, which eventually ends, leaving room for the sun.
  • If you want, wear bras or other items that may help ease the dysphoria. Sometimes the little things can affect your quality of life more than you can imagine.
