Even newbies can determine the sex of a cricket quickly and painlessly. The hardest thing might be catching a cricket, but if you can, you can wow your friends with this fun and easy trick.

Step 1. Find and catch a cricket

Step 2. Gently take the shackle between your fingers

Step 3. Look at the back of her body to determine gender
- The female cricket has a tapered abdomen. It ends with a tube for laying eggs, called an "ovipositor". From the image you can see how it is done.
- The male cricket has a rounded abdomen that curves upward. It is not tapered like that of the female.

Step 4. Wash your hands to remove germs
- If you don't have a net, the best way to catch a cricket is to use your hands by placing them on top of it, making sure it doesn't escape!
- This trick might surprise people. Some may not admit that they like it, but they will later with someone.
- Crickets sometimes "spit" at anyone who tries to catch them. Be careful and wash your hands when you are done. Keep your eyes safe.
- Crickets can bite you.