Okay, so would you like to go out with a nerd? There are no problems. Some tips and tricks will help you live the experience of eternal love with a nerd.

Step 1. R-I-S-P-E-T-T-O
There are generally two secrets that guarantee the success of a relationship. First secret, guys love respect. You don't have to go far to notice - watch a couple of guys playing basketball. If one of their respective girlfriends approaches him, the boy's game could improve - or get drastically worse as he tries to impress her. Everyone loves to be noticed, and especially boys tend to behave in such a way as to attract the attention of girls. Respect for boys is like candy for a child. This is especially true in the case of nerds, because their peers often make fun of them. people). Second secret: girls really appreciate having someone listen to their opinions and take them into consideration. However, with nerdy girls, respect will probably be the best option, at least initially. At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, behave like a gentleman. April brings her, help her carry her backpack (nerds are famous for their heavy, bulky backpacks), and so on. Even if it may seem old-fashioned to you, do it. But be prepared to listen and nod if he decides to share his secrets with you.

Step 2. Don't skimp on feelings
Usually nerds need to be reminded not to trample other people's feelings. BUT, just because they're not very inclined to value feelings, if your nerd decides to confide, he's probably attracted to you.

Step 3. Learn to listen
Depending on the understanding established between you, the nerd may try to attract your attention (to earn your respect) by flaunting his cultural background. Sure, hearing his take on the seventeenth episode of Star Trek might not be the best, but don't snub him. Listen to him politely and then change the subject.

Step 4. Prepare to provide explanations
Once again it would seem strange. Shouldn't the nerd give it to you? Unless you're dating someone who knows everything about everything, you probably know more about certain subjects than he does. Nerds tend to specialize in a specific field (physics, computers, Star Trek). This means that you will have more knowledge about normal things (cars, football, movies). If the nerd takes your relationship seriously, he won't snub other topics and won't think he is superior to his knowledge, so don't judge him on topics he doesn't know well, and don't consider it odd that he doesn't know them.

Step 5. Prepare for fighting
Especially among girls there is the belief that nerds "are less prone to betrayal", "are more faithful" or "are more mature". Unfortunately, this is not always the case: all relationships are conflicting, including those with nerds. Be prepared to solve problems with your partner in a logical way. Over-the-top or seemingly senseless fights don't work very well with nerds.

Step 6. Immerse yourself in his world
If you are taking your story seriously, you will need to understand your partner. This means venturing into the complex universe of nerds. If your partner is a chemistry freak, brush up on your notions of that subject. If you are crazy about PCs, read some Wikipedia pages on programming languages. If you are a die-hard Star Trek fan, find out about the difference between the original series, The Next Generation and the Voyager series, etc. Not only will you have something in common with him, but you will let him know that you value him and are willing to share his interests. If you really want to win him over, you could for example rent his favorite X-Files episodes (if he hasn't seen them already).

Step 7. Be direct
To be more precise, most types of nerds fall under the Myers-Briggs personality indicators - which means they value honesty and straightforwardness. Don't expect them to guess your inner thoughts from your facial expressions. Okay, this may seem over the top, but you get the point: be honest and stay grounded. You understood the concept …
- Make compromises. If your nerdy friend loves programming languages and you don't like them, dedicate yourself to something that involves both of you, like previewing a new video game. You may be concentrating on the game while your partner memorizes their code.
- Don't become her doormat. This rule applies to all reports. At first it might be a problem, but if you show your determination with a firm and polite tone, you will be able to get away with it.
- Be gentle. Everyone likes nice girls and boys.
- Be prepared for his sarcasm. Nerds are famous for this trait. In most cases they don't want to hurt you, it's just a way to make themselves fun. They undoubtedly have a strange sense of humor and sometimes (indeed often) exaggerate, but they don't notice it.
- Look after your appearance. This is important in any relationship. Bad breath, unpleasant smell and sloppy clothes … are prohibited. Respect yourself and your partner.