A portable power generator is capable of supplying a home with electricity in an emergency if the main source of energy, particularly the one connected to the national grid, is out of order. It is not necessary that energy be supplied to all electrical appliances in the house, but only to those that provide essential services such as lighting, television, refrigerator, etc. Electric stoves, air conditioners, and electric dryers are among the appliances that draw too much energy to be powered by a normal portable generator.
Method 1 of 2: Wiring the Apparatus

Step 1. First of all you need to identify all the essential appliances that you cannot do without at home
An oil-fired generator rated around 3500W may be sufficient for lighting, television, fans, and a refrigerator or freezer. The nominal power is usually indicated on the body of the generator and is the power that the generator is able to supply continuously for an average duration of 12 hours with a single tank of fuel.

Step 2. It is necessary to make a list of the appliances and electrical equipment that you intend to power, considering their "wattage" or their absorption
A normal microwave oven, for example, draws 1500 watts, while an entire lighting circuit with CFC bulbs might as well draw just 150 watts. Refrigerators draw about 1200-1500 watts, but have a starting capacitor that momentarily increases the power to start the compressor. TVs draw less than 1000 watts, but this draw depends on the type and size of the set. A small fan draws 500 watts. And so on.

Step 3. Choose the wiring system you intend to use
There are different types of wiring systems that can be used to connect a generator to the home system. To find out which systems are the most suitable and compliant with regulations, it is advisable to contact the competent local authorities on the subject and the local electricity supply companies. It is not advisable to rely only on information available on the internet to find out which systems comply with the regulations in force. There are many unskilled people out there who offer themselves as consultants, and the legislation may differ significantly from country to country, region to region, and even city to city.
- Consider an integrated system. These are fairly easy to install appliances and are fairly inexpensive alternatives. However, care must be taken as they are not up to standard in many areas and can be dangerous. Their installation must be done in a workmanlike manner. The safety instructions provide that there must be several free spaces in the general electrical panel and / or in the fuse box, or alternatively that a new one is installed, and this work must be carried out by a qualified professional technician. It is also imperative that the system to be installed is approved with the specific pre-existing electrical panel (usually they should be of the same brand).
- Consider installing a manual switch. This is a slightly more expensive add-on device but requires a technician to install. However, it is the only alternative in compliance with the law and therefore also the safest. This device is intended to prevent any accidental electrocution to yourself and others.

Step 4. Install a box with a socket for the power outlet
This connection will go outside the house and must have a male connector (with the pins sticking out, not the holes to insert them). It must be connected to the system, whatever it is, that you have installed inside the house. It is possible that the house already has such an attack, as it is quite common. If necessary, the installation must be done by a specialized technician, both to protect personal safety and to safeguard and maintain the electrical system in compliance with the law. Otherwise, your insurance might not insure your home, the authorities in the city you live in could probably give you a hefty fine, and you also run the serious risk of harming yourself or someone else (ending up in hospital, at best).

Step 5. Think about the safety of your family
There is a lot of advice and instructions on the internet, but these are unsafe and expose you to the risk of injury, electrocution or fire. Before doing anything and putting your family at risk, check and verify with the technicians you can find in your city. Some of the most common things not to do are:
- Do not connect the generator directly to the general electrical panel.
- Do not connect the generator to the power socket of the washing machine or dryer.

Step 6. Have your system checked
This is a particularly important step, especially if you have no experience in the electrical field. You must make sure that your family is safe and that, in the event of a fire, your insurance company cannot object to your claim due to a "faulty electrical system".
Method 2 of 2: Hookup

Step 1. Place the generator away from home
The generator should be positioned as far as possible from the house, also in relation to the length of the cable with which it is supplied. This precaution is intended to prevent the house from catching fire if the generator does not work properly. It is a basic safety precaution that should never be ignored.

Step 2. Connect the generator to the attachment
Insert the holes in the socket at the end of the generator cable into the jack plugs, and plug it all in. The socket probably needs to be turned (usually 15 degrees) to complete the connection.

Step 3. Connect the cable to the generator
A cable is usually supplied with the generator to be used for connection to the house. Plug it in and (if possible) choose the correct voltage, and again turn the connection plug as you did with the socket and the house plug.

Step 4. Check the engine
Check that the throttle valve is in the correct position, and that there is enough fuel. Depending on the area in which the house is located, it may also be necessary to preheat the engine with the glow plugs.

Step 5. Start the engine
Start the generator engine according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 6. Switch the two systems
Go to the general electrical panel. Disconnect the main switch of the electrical user and connect the generator switch.

Step 7. Turn on the switches
Plug in the switches on the system you installed, turning on all loads one at a time (slowly).

Step 8. Go back to the electrical utility
To go back to using the energy supplied by the electricity user, reverse the order of the above operations.