This article will explain internationally what are the procedures that a medical student, who has studied abroad, must go through in order to obtain an internal internship and obtain the specialization in the USA.

Step 1. Decide early
The medical school is a fascinating and vast world. During the first few years, many students still don't know which discipline they will want to specialize in. But try to decide your goal early. The best thing would be to decide in the first year and immediately follow the surgery internship.

Step 2. Make contact with the students of the advanced courses and try to meet those who have decided on your own discipline
Find the options compatible with your case, considering your personal situation and therefore economic, family, social etc.

Step 3. Understand which procedure qualifies you
This is the hardest part for foreign students and in this article we will cover the very details that are not sufficiently explained elsewhere. The qualifying exams are called USMLEs - United States Medical Licensing Examinations. In total you have 4 exams, first exam, second exam called CK, second exam called CS and third exam. The first two can be supported in any country but the last two must be supported in the USA.

Step 4. To take the exams you must be registered with the ECFMG - Examination Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
This organization will help you with your application and provide you with the necessary information. In the different pdf files on their beautiful website you will find all the details on the required documents. And this is a very useful site to clarify all your doubts and understand the whole process.

Step 5. Exam 1
This exam covers the subjects studied during the first three years of medical school which are anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology and pathology. There are also three other subjects which are epidemiology, psychiatry and ethics. The best time to take this exam would be after the third year.

Step 6. USE - US Clinical Experience
This is the most important criterion for obtaining the specialization internship. For foreign students, clinical practice in the US is slightly different. In order for you to be seriously considered for the internship it is always important that you have had the opportunity to have some kind of clinical experience in the USA that can be exactly and in order of importance: optional, internship, observation, research or volunteer. The optional experience would be your best option: this means doing part of your internship in the USA. This is feasible and many foreign students apply and practice at US medical schools. You can follow the work of a doctor in the USA and be involved in clinical activities. As an observer you could follow the doctor's work, but not interact directly with patients. Another option is to be included in some research group or to work as a volunteer at any free clinic. The more USE experience you accumulate, the greater your chances. Duration is more important than the type of USE.

Step 7. 2CK Exam - CK stands for "clinical knowledge"
This exam is based on the topics learned in the last year of medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, epidemiology and ethics.

Step 8. 2CS Exam - CS stands for "Clinical Capability"
This exam tests your practical skills, your way of communicating and your behavior with patients. The exam is only sustainable in the USA. So many students will have to apply for a tourist visa to come to the US to support it.

Step 9. ECFMG Certification (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates)
Once you have passed the exams above, you will obtain the ECFMG certification and the relevant certificate that will give you eligibility to apply for a place in the specialization stage.

Step 10. ERAS (Electronic Specialization Internship Application Service)
After completing the above steps, carefully study this site where you will find the various study programs offered in the USA. Check each web page carefully and make a list of the programs you would like to subscribe to. This is also the software that allows you to apply for the internship.

Step 11. Match is the process of applying for programs, being called for an interview, and finally comparing your wish list with the program list on offer
It's a complicated process and you can find the details on the NRMP (National Residency Matching Program) website.

Step 12. Internal specialization internship in the USA
The duration depends on the specialization discipline you have chosen. You can take exam 3 both during the internal internship and before, during the eligibility verification period. If you complete Exam 3 before your eligibility check, you can get a work visa instead of a student visa.

Step 13. SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) program
In case you fail the eligibility check, there is an alternative procedure called SOAP. Colleges that still have vacancies and candidates who have not passed the eligibility check make contact with each other. Each year there are many students who get the place through both eligibility and SOAP.

Step 14. Medical training
After the internal internship you can ask to be admitted to medical training or you can start practicing the discipline in which you have just specialized. There are many who apply to be admitted to medical training and others who participate as guests. Trust your dreams. Good luck!