How To Make Papier Mache: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

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How To Make Papier Mache: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How To Make Papier Mache: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Papier-mâché is easy to make and can be used to cover various surfaces but also to create solid elements. It is often used in crafts and bricolage to make sculptures, fruit bowls, dolls and puppets. The surface is easy to paint and allows you to use light colors and patterns to create interesting designs. The details in this article can help you make some great papier mache projects.


Part 1 of 2: Part One: Prepare the papier mache

Create Papier Mâché Step 1
Create Papier Mâché Step 1

Step 1. Prepare a work area

There is a risk of getting dirty during the process, so to protect your grandmother's dining table, place some newspapers or other protections to keep the surface clean. In addition to the newspaper you will also need:

  • A bowl or large container
  • Flour, vinyl glue or wallpaper glue
  • Waterfall
  • Basic structure
  • Brush
  • Newspapers (for the project, not for covering surfaces)

Step 2. Make long strips from newspapers

The ideal width is 2.5cm, but each project will require different measurements. Plus you'll need to re-coat it three times, so tear off a lot of paper. Don't use scissors, an uneven edge is better than a smooth one.

The stripes don't have to be accurate. There is no wrong size. If you want to add volume to the structure, you will need them in different sizes. So rip freely

Step 3. Choose a method for making papier mache

Even with some variations, the product will be the same. Use what you have available.

  • Mix with glue: Pour 2 parts of white glue to one part of water in a bowl. These quantities can be modified according to the project size. If you have strong glue, mix one part of the glue and one part of water.
  • Mix with flour: Combine one part of flour and one part of water. Easy, right?

    For larger projects, it's best to replace the white glue with water

  • Mix with wallpaper glue: Pour 2 parts of wallpaper glue and one part of water into a bowl. This method is good for long-lasting projects, they will last for years.

Step 4. Mix your favorite mix

Use a brush, spoon, or stick to blend the ingredients together until you get a smooth consistency.

If the mix is too liquid or thick, adjust it accordingly. Add more adhesive base if it's liquid, more water if it's thick

Create Papier Mâché Step 5
Create Papier Mâché Step 5

Step 5. Find a surface to cover with papier mache

A balloon, a cardboard or a modeled figure are just a few examples. You can also combine two objects with papier-mâché to form an original creation! The sticky mixture will stick to anything.

If you use a balloon, brush it with oil first, so when the papier-mâché is dry, you can take it off without problems

Part 2 of 2: Part Two: Making the Papier Mache

Step 1. Dip a strip of newspaper into the sticky mixture

Your fingers will get dirty! The dirtier you get, the better the job will be.

Step 2. Remove excess glue

Run two fingers lightly along the strip of paper, from top to bottom. Keep it on the bowl to drip the excess mix.

Step 3. Place the strip on the surface to be coated

Smooth it out using your fingers or a brush. Try to remove all possible wrinkles and bumps. You must have a smooth surface to be able to paint and decorate it

If you want to create a shape (say a face), shape the strips as you like, then place the shape on the base and cover it with the strips to make it adhere and smooth. So you will create volume and details in a simple way

Step 4. Repeat the layering

Do it three times. Three layers are especially important if you remove the base when the papier-mâché is dry: to hold, it will need to be solid.

Put the first layer horizontally, the second vertically and so on. It will help by showing you where you are and reinforcing the structure

Create Papier Mâché Step 10
Create Papier Mâché Step 10

Step 5. Arrange the item to dry on a newspaper-covered surface

It will take about a day, depending on the size of the project. Do not touch it until tomorrow, then check if it is ready to be painted.

Step 6. Paint

Color or decorate the object you created as you wish. Et voila! And tell everyone you did it!

Some schools of thought state that it is best to start with a white primer. If you're using a light color, it's best to take advantage of this advice (or certain colors may outweigh others)


  • The flour mix is ideal for Mexican pots, because it breaks easily. If you are looking for something more resistant, choose glue.
  • Better to have a few more newspapers. Running out of paper halfway through work isn't fun.
  • Your pieces of paper don't necessarily have to be strips. Any piece regardless of shape will do as long as it is easy to use.
  • Also, tearing as it happens and not with scissors will lead to a smoother look.
  • Wait until the paper mache is completely dry before painting it.
  • You can paint it with acrylic paints once it is dry. Sometimes it helps to sprinkle a couple of layers of polish between the papier mache and the paint to keep it from coming apart.
  • It will take more than forty minutes for the work to dry.
  • Using thinner strips will result in a smoother and less wavy end result. The smaller pieces of paper will be just as useful to you.
  • If you use the water and flour method, the white one gives a more homogeneous result than the durum wheat one.
  • You can coat just about anything from photo frames to old CDs.
  • Papier mache is not waterproof, unless you use a sealant in the mix. If you want to keep it outdoors, you'll need to finish it off with a sealant, such as baby paint or boat flatting.
  • Try using different types of paper in addition to regular newspapers - kitchen paper is especially good.
  • If you are doing a rather large project and need a lot of paper, ask a newsagent for returns or go to a recycling center.
  • If you want a simple white finish, use white paper for the first two layers.
  • To prevent your fingers from sticking, wear disposable gloves.
  • If you make a pinata, remember to remove any clips from the paper.


  • If you make a piñata using a balloon, use enough layers (at least 3) or replace them with thicker paper (such as plain white) and be sure to let it dry completely before removing the balloon. Otherwise the balloon could cause the paper to fold inwards, causing dents.
  • The glue mix can be hard to remove from surfaces if it sticks. If you are worried about your work table, place some newspapers on it before starting.
