How to Start Writing a Book: 11 Steps

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How to Start Writing a Book: 11 Steps
How to Start Writing a Book: 11 Steps

This guide is aimed at aspiring fiction writers by providing them with some basics to start writing a book.


Get Started Writing a Book Step 1
Get Started Writing a Book Step 1

Step 1. Find an idea

It can be an idea about anything, like the plot, the setting, or a character. The important thing is that it is original. It is a fundamental element to start writing a book.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 2
Get Started Writing a Book Step 2

Step 2. Put your ideas on paper

Don't think too much about the full story during this stage. You just have to write down the basic ideas that inspired you.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 3
Get Started Writing a Book Step 3

Step 3. Create a pattern

Even the most essential outline will prove invaluable as you write your book, especially if you plan to write a very long novel.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 4
Get Started Writing a Book Step 4

Step 4. Start writing

Where to start depends on the idea on which the book is based and the type of story you have conceived. Even if it seems like a cliché, when writing a mystery, it is always worth starting from the last chapter.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 5
Get Started Writing a Book Step 5

Step 5. Keep writing

In the beginning, your goal is to put the main ideas on paper. Don't worry about grammar and spelling, they don't have to be perfect now, you'll take care of them later. During this phase, you just have to review what you have written to make sure that the plot is consistent until the end.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 6
Get Started Writing a Book Step 6

Step 6. Reread the entire book

After you're done, make sure the story makes sense and correct the most obvious mistakes. As you read, take notes on any holes in the plot to work on later.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 7
Get Started Writing a Book Step 7

Step 7. Enrich the setting and character descriptions with additional details

You need to represent the most important elements of the story in detail, so that readers can see everything clearly. Of course, the ideas are crystal clear in your mind, but readers imagine the story based only on the elements you have provided them.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 8
Get Started Writing a Book Step 8

Step 8. Make any necessary corrections and reread the book from scratch

Get Started Writing a Book Step 9
Get Started Writing a Book Step 9

Step 9. Have a trusted friend read the book

If you have a friend who reads a lot and is quite knowledgeable in this area, ask for their help. He will notice errors that you will never be able to spot.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 10
Get Started Writing a Book Step 10

Step 10. Set the book aside for some time

Do something else in the meantime. Read another book, or work on another project.

Get Started Writing a Book Step 11
Get Started Writing a Book Step 11

Step 11. Perfection is an unattainable goal

Do your best, then start submitting the book to publishing houses. Remember that an editor will help you prepare the book for publication.


  • Don't think, write!
  • Resist the urge to write certain parts of the book quickly. Make sure you take the time to complete each chapter.
  • Do not show the book to anyone before checking the grammar and spelling.
  • Write in your spare time and when you are bored. Don't devote yourself to the book if you already have a commitment.
  • Outline the main events of the story.


  • Don't worry too much about the quality of your book - do your best and be humble when presenting your creation to other people.
  • Only let people you trust blindly read the book before publication, otherwise there is a risk that someone will steal your story.
