Doing stretching exercises for the biceps after training helps speed up the development of the muscles by lengthening their tough connective tissue structure. It is also useful for preventing injuries and speeding up healing. The most effective way to stretch the biceps is to perform an exercise called "Standing Biceps Stretch", of which there are numerous variations.
Method 1 of 3: First variant

Step 1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart
If you prefer, you can lean your back against a wall or column to deepen the stretch.

Step 2. Bend your knees slightly and point your toes forward

Step 3. Lift both arms to the side, aligning them behind the shoulders
Make sure your shoulders stay aligned with each other.

Step 4. Slowly rotate your wrists to bring your palms in front of each other
You should feel the biceps muscles begin to stretch.
If you don't feel any tension in your muscles, push your arms back slowly and gently until you feel the stretch

Step 5. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds and focus on taking deep breaths
This will help send oxygen to the muscles, further aiding the recovery and healing process.
Method 2 of 3: Second variant

Step 1. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart

Step 2. Bend your knees slightly and point your toes forward

Step 3. Interlace your fingers behind your back, bringing your palms together

Step 4. Straighten your arms and slowly rotate your wrists to make your palms face down

Step 5. Slowly raise your arms above your head, stopping when you feel your biceps starting to pull

Step 6. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds and focus on taking deep breaths
This exercise also stretches the anterior deltoid muscles and the pectoralis major (sternal and clavicular).
Method 3 of 3: Third variant

Step 1. Stand with your back in front of a bench or table

Step 2. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart

Step 3. Bring one arm behind your back and lower it until your wrist is resting on the bench or table
The palm of the hand should be facing up.

Step 4. Slowly bend your knees until you feel your biceps begin to stretch
As you lower yourself, let your hand slide further back.

Step 5. Stay in this position for about fifteen seconds while taking long, deep breaths

Step 6. Lift your hand off the table and return your arm to the side of your body

Step 7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 with the other arm to stretch the other bicep as well

Step 8. Repeat the exercise alternating the two arms a total of 4 times per side
This movement improves the flexibility of the biceps and also promotes the recovery and healing process.