How to do laundry without washing machine (with pictures)

How to do laundry without washing machine (with pictures)
How to do laundry without washing machine (with pictures)

Table of contents:


Washing clothes by hand generally wastes less water and electricity than washing clothes, and will likely cause less damage. Plus, it's a useful skill to acquire - you may not have access to a laundry while traveling or run out of electricity.


Method 1 of 2: Wash Normal Hand Cloths

Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 1
Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 1

Step 1. You could buy or make a stirrer

It's not hard to do laundry without tools, but it can be boring. If you plan to wash all of your clothes by hand, you may want to use a hand agitator, especially for towels, jeans, and other heavy clothing. It is a useful plastic tool for pressing and moving clothes. Can't find it in a shop? Search for it online or make it yourself by making several holes in the rubbery part of a new plunger.

Note: the instructions listed in this section are also feasible without a stirrer.

Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 2
Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 2

Step 2. Separate white from colored clothes (recommended)

Doing laundry by hand usually means using lower temperatures and running at a slower speed than most washing machines, so the risk of clothing fading is lower. However, it can still happen, so it is advisable to divide white and pastel colored garments from darker ones.

Separate wool, cashmere, silk, lace and all other delicate items from the rest of the laundry. Wash them yourself following the instructions for these pieces

Step 3. Arrange the clothes in a clean container

If you don't have a laundry tub or large bucket, you can thoroughly clean a sink or bathtub and arrange your clothes inside it, dividing them evenly. The less full the space, the easier it will be to do the laundry. If you have a lot of items to wash at one time, you might want to keep a second clean tub nearby to store your wet clothes while you finish lathering and rinsing the others.

If you wash a couple of space-saving clothes, you will only need a large basin

Step 4. Treat stubborn stains with a pre-wash stain remover or soap

If a dress has a stain that has dyed the fabric, for example you have soiled it with mustard or ink, rub some stain remover on the affected area, otherwise use a soap if you do not have a suitable product. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes before continuing.

Step 5. Fill the container with lukewarm water; the level should be about 3-5cm above the surface of the clothes

Unless it is particularly solid and heavily stained clothing, do not use hot water. The lukewarm or room temperature one is ideal for most washes; it also reduces the likelihood of your clothes becoming damaged or faded.

If you're not sure if an item can be washed in lukewarm water, play it safe and use cold water

Step 6. Add the detergent to the laundry

If you are going to use a bucket or sink, you will only need 5-10ml of a mild liquid or powder detergent. If you have enough clothing to fill a bathtub, use 60ml, otherwise follow the instructions on the package.

If the detergent is not mild or you have reactive skin, wear rubber gloves to prevent rashes or itching

Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 7
Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 7

Step 7. Leave the clothes to soak

The detergent will take some time to do its job, so don't touch the laundry for at least 20 minutes. If your clothes are particularly dirty or stained, you may want to leave them like this for an hour, but no longer.

Step 8. Turn the clothes immersed in the water

Using your hands or a simple agitator, gently shake the clothing in the water. Press them against the bottom or sides of the tub until the foam comes out, but try not to rub them or twist them on themselves, as this may cause the fibers to stretch. Do this for about 2 minutes, or until your clothes are clean.

Step 9. Rinse repeatedly using fresh, clean water

Empty the tub and fill it with cold water. Continue to move the clothes as you did before, pressing them against the surface to remove the foam. After a couple of minutes, empty it again and repeat a couple more times. When you no longer see foam as you shake or press the clothes, they will be ready to hang.

If you are going to fill the container using a faucet, you may want to start rinsing before it is full by holding the clothes under running water

Step 10. Squeeze and spread them out to dry

Do this with each item to remove most of the water, otherwise you could use a manual wringer if you have one. If you do not use the tumble dryer, hang them on the rope, on the clothesline, on the backs of the chairs, on the railings and on the hangers. Make sure you iron them well as you lay them out, and separate them, otherwise they won't dry out. If the wet area is hidden by other clothing or has gathered on itself, it will take much longer to dry.

  • Keep in mind that wet clothes will drip, and could stain wood or fabric-covered furniture if you hang them in close contact with these surfaces.
  • On a sunny day, your clothes should dry within a few hours.
  • If it is not possible to lay them out in the sun, let them dry in a warm, ventilated room.

Method 2 of 2: Wash and Dry Wool or Delicate Clothes

Step 1. Fill the container with cold water

If you're only going to wash a few pieces, just use enough water to soak one garment at a time. You could use a bathtub or a bucket, otherwise thoroughly clean a sink and plug it. Some delicate clothes may be damaged by hot water, so use cold water only, unless they are heavily stained.

Alternatively, if you only have a pair of panties or other small clothing, wash them under the shower head, using cold or lukewarm water

Step 2. If the water coming out of the tap is hard, add some borax or baking soda

Hard water leaves a white mineral residue on pipes, sinks and dishes after use. If so, combat the effect on delicate clothes by adding a spoonful of powdered borax. Baking soda is less effective, but it has the same property, so it can soften water.

Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 13
Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 13

Step 3. Add a very small amount of detergent

Mix a few drops of a particularly mild detergent or soap with the water until you notice the foam has formed. Do you think the cleaner is aggressive? You could use baby shampoo, but adult shampoo is fine too.

Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 14
Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 14

Step 4. Measure wool or cashmere clothing before washing

Fibers, especially wool and cashmere, can absorb a lot of water, which usually changes their size and shape during washing. You can remedy this by letting them dry in the correct position, but to do so, you'll need to be aware of the right measurements.

  • Measure the neckline, shoulders, base and sleeves of a sweater.
  • Make a rough drawing of the sweater or other garments that need to be measured by indicating the centimeters.

Step 5. Gently press each garment under water

Some fibers, such as silk or spandex, will last longer if you minimize the time you let them soak, so try not to spend more than a few minutes on each dress, unless there's visibly dirt left. Gently move it back and forth, pressing and squeezing it lightly.

Step 6. Rinse the garment

Squeeze out the soapy water by balling the dress up and squeezing it gently. Soak it in clean, soap-free water, and then squeeze it again. Repeat until you no longer notice any foam as you squeeze it.

Step 7. Learn to dry wool or cashmere

Spread out a large white towel and place the garment on this surface. Refer to the measurements noted before washing and gently pull the dress back to its original shape. Roll the towel around the garment, then press it down to remove excess moisture. Place it on a surface away from water and heat. Unroll the towel and let the garment dry.

  • A colored towel could stain wet wool or cashmere.
  • After a few hours, turn the dress over or move it to a clean towel if it's still damp.
Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 18
Wash Clothes without a Washing Machine Step 18

Step 8. Let other delicate clothes dry on a string or clothesline

You could also tumble dry on a low temperature or suitable for this type of clothing, but the best way to preserve their longevity is to air dry them. Lay them out in a sunny area, or at least somewhere slightly warm and breezy. Avoid direct heat sources, such as a hairdryer or a radiator, as these could deform the garment.


Instead of washing powder, you can also use soap cubes and rub them on wet clothes to get rid of the dirt


  • Do not dry clothes directly on a stove or in contact with another such surface, as this could cause a fire.
  • Do not use brushes or agitators for delicate clothes.
  • Bleach may irritate the skin and is not recommended for hand washing. If your clothes are heavily stained and ordinary detergent doesn't do that much, add half the recommended amount of bleach and put on gloves while washing. Use a safe for colored garments to prevent discoloration or stains.
