How to Clean and Lubricate Sliding Glass Doors

Table of contents:

How to Clean and Lubricate Sliding Glass Doors
How to Clean and Lubricate Sliding Glass Doors

Sliding doors can become difficult to open because dirt and debris accumulate in the tracks. The next steps will show you how to keep the opening of your doors soft.


Method 1 of 2: Deep Cleaning

Use this method at least once a year to thoroughly clean and lubricate the tracks of your sliding doors. If you have a mosquito net, first remove it; it should come off easily if you lift it off the track.

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 1
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 1

Step 1. Remove the curtains, blinds and all door accessories

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 2
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 2

Step 2. Grab each end of the door

Push it upwards so that the wheels at the base come off the rails. You will need to use a screwdriver to loosen the wheel screws in order to free them completely.

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 3
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 3

Step 3. Continue to push the door upwards

At the same time pull it towards you until you have cleared the door opening.

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 4
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 4

Step 4. Place the door on two trestles so that you can clean the wheels

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 5
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 5

Step 5. Use a wire brush to scrub the dirt off the wheels

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 6
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 6

Step 6. Vacuum debris from the wheels and around the bottom and top edge of the door

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 7
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 7

Step 7. Apply non-sticky silicone-based lubricant to the wheels

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 8
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 8

Step 8. Check that the wheels are clean, that they turn well and that all dirt has been removed

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 9
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 9

Step 9. Vacuum the door rails

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 10
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 10

Step 10. Wipe with a damp cloth

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 11
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 11

Step 11. Apply lubricant before putting the door back

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 12
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 12

Step 12. Remove the door from the stands

Insert the upper edge into the top rail of the frame.

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 13
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 13

Step 13. Push the door upwards so as to be able to insert the wheels into the lower track

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 14
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 14

Step 14. Drop the wheels into the bottom rail

If you have loosened any screws, refasten them once the door is back in place to make sure it is perfectly vertical.

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 15
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 15

Step 15. Slide the door back and forth gently

Method 2 of 2: Quick Clean

If your sliding door track isn't clogged with dirt and dust, you can slide it more easily in 15 minutes.

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 16
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 16

Step 1. Carefully vacuum the door track while it is closed

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 17
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 17

Step 2. Fully open the door to access the other side of the track

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 18
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 18

Step 3. Scrape dirt and debris off the track with the aid of a screwdriver

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 19
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 19

Step 4. Vacuum the dirt you removed using the small nozzle of the vacuum cleaner

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 20
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 20

Step 5. Use an old rag to apply a generous amount of non-sticky lubricant to both sides of the rail

Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 21
Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door Step 21

Step 6. Open and close the door several times to lubricate the entire track

You will need to do this for a few minutes before the door moves smoothly.


  • Make sure you clean the rails on both sides of the door.
  • Clean the sliding door tracks every two months with a wire brush. The brush removes dirt deposits which you can then vacuum up.
  • It is also useful to lubricate the sliding door tracks every two months.


  • It is better to have someone to help you when you take the doors off the tracks. If you need to loosen the screws, your helper can hold the door to keep it from falling off before removing it.
  • Try to avoid oil-based lubricants because they attract dust and dirt; you will need to clean the wheels and tracks more often if you use a grease or oil instead of non-sticky lubricants.
