How to Repair Scratches from Furniture: 8 Steps

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How to Repair Scratches from Furniture: 8 Steps
How to Repair Scratches from Furniture: 8 Steps

Wood furniture is attractive and durable, but prone to scratches and dings. Minor scratches can be easily repaired at home without resorting to restoration and refinishing. Period furniture may require a professional for repair; if in doubt, consult an expert before attempting to repair a piece of furniture. Scrapes on leather furniture are also best left to an expert.


Method 1 of 2: Clean the Furniture Before Attempting to Repair the Scratch

It is important to clean the wood thoroughly before starting the repair.

Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 1
Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 1

Step 1. Prepare a cleaning solution by adding a scoop of mild dishwashing soap to approximately 4 L of warm water into a bucket or deep tub

Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 2
Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 2

Step 2. Soak a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out any excess water

Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 3
Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 3

Step 3. Rub the wood to remove all grease, dirt, wax, oil or old furniture polish

  • Work on a small area at a time and rinse and wring out the thick cloth.

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    Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 3Bullet1
Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 4
Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 4

Step 4. Allow the wood to air dry or wipe with a dry cloth before starting the repair

Method 2 of 2: Choose from a Variety of Methods to Repair Furniture Scratches

Most wood furniture has a clear finish of lacquer, shellac, varnish or polyurethane. The techniques and products listed below are fine for finished surfaces and can be found in most hardware and home improvement stores.

Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 5
Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 5

Step 1. Run a marker to color the scars

You can find these markers in a variety of wood colors at a home improvement or hardware store. Apply the marker only to the bark. If any paint gets on finished surfaces, wipe it off immediately.

Step 2. Use black tea to mask scratches

Don't use herbs or green tea; black tea gives the color that corresponds to that of wood.

  • Put the tea bag in a cup and pour 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of hot water.

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  • Leave it to soak for at least 2 minutes. If the wood is very dark, use a bag of black tea that has been soaked for at least 3 minutes. The longer the bag soaks, the darker the color will be.

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    Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 6Bullet2
  • Dip a cotton ball into the tea and rub it gently over the gall.

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    Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 6Bullet3
  • Use a paper towel to immediately blot the tea that lands on the surrounding wood so it doesn't get stained.

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    Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 6Bullet4

Step 3. Apply a paste of water and instant coffee

  • Add 1 tablespoon (28g) of coffee granules to a small bowl and add enough hot water to make a thick paste.

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    Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 7Bullet1
  • Rub the paste into the gall, being careful not to spill any on the surrounding wood.

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    Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 7Bullet2
  • Wipe off the excess with a dry cloth.

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    Fix Scratches in Furniture Step 7Bullet3

Step 4. Rub a shelled walnut into the gall; walnut oil makes light scratches almost invisible


  • Whichever method you use to repair scratches, buff with a soft cloth after wiping off the applied substance.
  • Wooden furniture can be kept clean with a damp cloth. Furniture polishes and oils tend to leave a thin, oily film that attracts more dust.
  • Light surface scratches can sometimes be removed by rubbing them with a paste made up of mineral oil and pumice. This method works best if the paste is gently rubbed into the scratch with a piece of extra fine grade steel wool.
  • Treat scratches on very dark wood with iodine; simply dab the iodine on the scratch using a cotton swab.


  • Wood does not like humidity of any kind; use all products in small quantities and dry them with a soft cloth.
  • It is important to work slowly and carefully, so that only the scratch is treated without wetting the surrounding wood.
