The world is full of good rock songs. To compose a piece, it is often not enough to know how to play guitar, drums, bass or sing, however it is possible to write a great rock song even without knowing how to play an instrument. Creating such a piece can be difficult, but once you know how to go about it, you'll find the task simplified. You just have to let yourself be overwhelmed by inspiration.

Step 1. There are many types of rock songs and it would be extremely difficult to cover them all on one page
However, most rock pieces can be divided into four parts: the hook, the verse, the bridge and the chorus (but there are many other ways to set up a rock song, so don't worry about them). Before you start recording the piece, before you start developing it, before you start the creative process, before you even have an idea, you need to have inspiration. It's not something you can force, inspiration comes at the right time. For example, if you just broke up with your girlfriend or just got kicked out of your school, don't waste your time, this is the best time, write the first thing that crosses your mind. This is how it works. The idea is the very first part of everything. So how do you get one? First, start thinking about the message and the imprint of the piece will take shape. You don't have to go into too much detail, you just need to have a basic concept.

Step 2. Grab a pen and a piece of paper to jot down your ideas
Start thinking about hooking. This part is a kind of sub-melody, a riff, something you can hum easily or the part of the song that gets trapped in your head. Hooking generally determines the character of the song on which to base everything else. Keep it simple, because that's not the main melody of the piece. After thinking about what this part should sound like, start writing for real. Rock music is generally based on the major / minor / power chords of two series of chords (in this case expressed in Anglo-Saxon notation): I, bIII, IV, V, bVII (in the key of E, the chords begin on the 0 keys, 3, 5, 7 and 10) or I, bIII, IV, bVI and bVII (the keys are 0, 3, 5, 8 and 10). The first series will give you a more “classic rock” sound, while the second has a more modern sound. Experiment with the chords following one of these sets until you get a rhythm that works.

Step 3. Develop the main melody of the verse
The basic melody usually appears in the verses of the song. Typically, it is played in the introduction and then accompanies the vocal part of the piece. However, it's still too early for the lyrics, so think about a general melody. One thing you can do is record the hook and just improvise until you find a clear melody that sounds good and fits the hook.

Step 4. Often, the melody of the verse begins with the same note as the “base note” or root of the key chord, for example in D major it would be a D and in E minor it would be an E
Then the melody could rise by a third or a fifth or lower by a third or a fifth below the note from which it started (in the key of D major, it rises up to F # or A and then lowers to reach Yes or Sol). Usually, a verse ends up returning to the same starting note or moving down one octave.

Step 5. The two main components of a song are the verse and the chorus
Each time the verse is played, the words are different, while those of the chorus are always the same. What the verse does is follow the hook and the main melody, while the chorus should be more catchy and memorable.

Step 6. Think of a slightly different chord progression from hooking and (possibly) in a different key
Then, write the melody of the verse. Another thing to keep in mind is the transition from verse to chorus. It would be a good idea to add a bridge, a kind of verse, but with different music and played only once.

Step 7. Develop the rhythmic base
Add the bass line (it should be roughly based on the chords played on the guitar), drums, and any other instruments you think are needed. They should accompany the main theme of the song and the hook. Also, add a possible vocal accompaniment. It is a good idea to work on this step in parallel with the previous ones.
Now, it's time to write the text. This part should relate to the mood and message of the piece. It is the text that speaks to the people. Stanzas should focus on telling a story. On the other hand, the text of the chorus outlines the prevailing theme (or themes) of the song. Some rock lyrics will contain a statement, some a suggestion, some will tell a story, and some will just be meaningless. A lyric determines the success and greatness of a song when the crowd can sing it along with you

Step 8. You should now be able to write the solo
The solo is usually played on a guitar, but there are no limits. It should be similar to the verse, the chorus, or both, except that instead of the lyrics, it is the guitar (or other solo instrument) that carries the melody forward. Remember, however, that the solo instrument should not play the main, secondary, or other melody used previously in the song. A good solo writing technique is simply improvisation. If you're new to solos, then a great rock solo might be based on the pentatonic scale.

Step 9. Join all the parts
Most rock pieces are organized like this: Intro, Verse 1, Chorus, Verse 2, Chorus (repeated), Solo. Some songs have another part after the solo, the Finale. There may also be another verse somewhere in the song. However, as an amateur, you should stick to the overall structure and then, as you gain more experience, develop your own. Grab a piece of paper and write the text. Insert the parts of the piece into the appropriate spaces.

Step 10. Find a band
He begins to play the song with the members of the group. You may post ads around to find members. During rehearsals, you can make final changes to the hook, melody and any other part of the piece. Only then will you be ready to register it.

Step 11. Get some good recording equipment for the song (pawn shops and music stores generally have everything you need)

Step 12. Play your song with your friends and family
You will need to receive opinions other than yours. Then, make the necessary changes based on the opinions obtained.

Step 13. Now you can record the song on a CD and release it or write more songs and produce an album
- Make sure you like the music you write, otherwise you will lose inspiration and hate playing your own pieces.
- Experiment. As you gain more experience, you can make changes to the overall structure and even create your own.
- Be honest. Rock is based on passion, emotion and power. Write anything you want. The more genuine the song, the better the result.
- If you think of a catchy melody or text, take notes, or you'll probably forget about it.
- Always be yourself. Write about your emotions, your personal experiences or those of people close to you. People want to hear stories that are intimate and true. If you invent everything, listeners will understand it almost immediately. Any experience that affects you and / or changes your life, for better or for worse, allows others to see themselves in you and this is greatly appreciated by the public.
- Remember to copyright your songs before selling them.
- The text does not have to be rhymed.
- When writing instrumental parts, try to make the guitar and bass play at a different rhythm. This allows the song to have a more complex sound, suggesting that you put a lot of effort into creating it.
- Relax and settle in a quiet spot to think.
- If you have to, take a walk and think about a couple of topics you'd like to write about.
- It's easier to compose a rock song if you know how to play an instrument.
- If you came up with a part of a song but you need to do something else, record it on your mobile so you won't forget it.
- As you write, try to keep the same theme. Don't write overly complex texts.
- It is easier to write the lyrics when the guitar part is ready.
- Try to get a little inspiration from other bands or great songs, but don't copy their songs.
- Make sure the song gets general approval in the band before it's final. Your group will get angry if you start doing it your own way.
- Don't make a song too repetitive, or people will get bored.
- Of course, don't copy any other existing songs / melodies because you will eventually get into trouble and sound very fake. Try to be original (you can borrow and alter something here and there, like guitar effects, vocal styles, some chords, words you admire, etc., but don't copy whole pieces and riffs). It's terrible to totally cheat other people, unless it's a cover or a tribute band.
- As a beginner, make sure your songs are no longer than three minutes, as they can get a little boring if they are too long. However, with experience, you will be able to write much longer pieces, without risking them being tedious.
- Don't argue with the band. Let everyone have the opportunity to voice their opinions.
- It must be a pleasant, not painful experience.
- Don't stress yourself out too much; if you can't give birth to the song, go to the pub, have a beer or call a friend and it will be easier for you to think of something after taking a break.