Some of those who will read this article may think they are failures. Are you among those people who find themselves stuck in their daily routine and repeat the same mistakes over and over again? There is a lot you could do to prevent history from repeating itself when you make serious mistakes.

Step 1. Make sure your problem isn't just being too hard on yourself
Nobody's perfect; we are all human beings and "doing your best" does not mean "doing everything humanly possible". When falling to the mat, it is normal to hit the face on the ground first. What makes the difference is knowing how to get up.

Step 2. Find out the reason why you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over
Do you feel stressed or under pressure? Do you feel bored, depressed or in a bad mood? Find out what the real reason for your behavior is and find out what to do to fix it next time.

Step 3. Write it on a piece of paper
Physically taking notes and leaving them in plain sight will make all the difference - it's like entering into a contract with yourself and when you learn to trust yourself to keep this contract, your sense of self-fulfillment and self-confidence will greatly increase.

Step 4. Take control of yourself
Skipping two meals in a row is a great way to learn the art of self-control. Your willpower is stronger than your desire to make that mistake again. Try it for yourself by avoiding watching TV, fasting, or standing for a full day. Choose something that is difficult to do, but don't overdo it.

Step 5. Find an alternative
When you are about to do something stupid, see that you have something else you can do and do it.

Step 6. Think
Always ask yourself "why am I doing this?" or "what is my purpose?".

Step 7. Get help
If you talked to someone you can trust, it would be much easier to get over your mistake.
- Someone who learns from his mistakes on the first try is a perfect man. Nobody really is. It takes several trials to learn from your mistakes or even just to realize you were wrong.
- It's how remedying mistakes that matters.
- Don't demand too much of yourself and others.