Camping holidays and menstruation don't seem to get along at all, but that doesn't necessarily have to be. Read on for tips on how to handle things while camping!
Step 1. Evaluate the type of trip you will be taking
You will need to plan things based on the type of trip you need to take. Will there be dry toilets? How long will the holiday last? And so on.

Step 2. Bring resealable plastic bags (such as those to put in the freezer)
You will need large and medium bags: in large ones you will put used sanitary pads and tampons, on average the clean ones. They are light and easy to carry. It may not be a good solution if it is a long journey, unless there are garbage cans along the way!

Step 3. If the previous solution does not seem environmentally sustainable enough, you could buy a diaper bag, the kind that mothers use to carry the necessary for the change of the baby

Step 4. Buy a menstrual cup
The menstrual cup fits into the vagina (like a tampon) and collects the flow. It comes in various sizes and can hold 30ml of liquid and more. Every now and then it is pulled out and emptied. They are not difficult to use and clean (just water) and they are economical.

Step 5. Pack soft, comfortable and not new panties
During any type of camping you will find yourself more comfortable with undergarments you are used to, especially if you are menstruating.
- The hot water bottle is useful against cramps (and if it's cold at night), but if you haven't brought it you can soak a towel in boiling water and put it in another towel or in a plastic bag, and it will warm you. muscles and relieve pain.
- Line the medium resealable bag in which you put the used tampons with aluminum foil to limit bad odors.
- If your period comes earlier than expected, you can make reusable and washable pads with towels or other absorbent fabric. But remember not to throw them around. If you have to, you can also cut a sponge and use it as a tampon, but only if you rinse it often and boil it before using it again.