Excessive colloquialisms, although they may be acceptable in emails or chats, reduce the quality of a formally written text. The things you write potentially allow you to appear smarter, but at the same time they can also make you appear more ignorant. A presentation can be enhanced by using the following techniques:
Part 1 of 3: The Difference Between Formal and Informal in English

Step 1. Understand the difference between formal and informal in English
Formal English differs from informal English in word choice, word usage and grammar structures. Informal writing can make use of words like "contraption" (contraption), "fire" (throw out), "kid", "how come" (how is that) and "quote" (quote) used as noun. A formal writer, on the other hand, would prefer "device" (tool), "dismiss" (dismiss), "child" (child), "why" (why) and "quotation" (quota). Informal writing appears to be more suitable for conversation, while formal writing appears to be more sophisticated. An informal style can make listeners feel more comfortable while you speak, but a formal writing style can make a great impression.
Part 2 of 3: What to Avoid in Formal Writing

Step 1. Use punctuation appropriately
For example, in American English, the opening salutation of a formal letter is followed by a colon, as in “Dear John:” while British English uses a comma. In formal writing try to limit the use of parentheses and hyphens (use a colon instead) and avoid exclamation points. Avoid the symbol that corresponds to the ampersand "e" (&); replace it with the conjunction “and” (e). Use punctuation as you write, so you don't risk forgetting any punctuation marks.

Step 2. Avoid common colloquial words and informal expressions (colloquialisms), such as "cute" (use "adorable"), "yeah," "how-do-you-do" (how are you doing) and "movie "(use" film "), such as those listed below or referred to as such in the dictionary
It includes expressions and dialect words such as "cool" (cool), "dude" (friend) and "humongous" (gigantic). Two expressions that are best eliminated are "you know" (you know …) and "you might be thinking" (you might think that). You do not have the power to read your readers' minds as they read what you have written. Another worthless phrase is "Think about it". Assume that your reader is already thinking about what you wrote and define your point of view more clearly. The adverb “pretty” (rather / almost), understood as “relatively," "fairly," or "quite," is unacceptable in any formal writing and is more often than not useless.

Step 3. Don't use contracted forms
Remember that the full form of "can't" is a single word: "cannot" and not "can not."

Step 4. Try to avoid the first and second person
Formal writing generally tries to give an objective point of view, and the pronouns "I" (I) and "you" (you / you) tend to imply a certain subjectivity. Expressions such as "I think that" can be omitted from a sentence when it is obvious that it is the author's opinion. Using the pronoun "I" is almost always acceptable in personal writings and, likewise, the pronoun "you" is almost always acceptable in letters and articles How to… (Come…). In most formal writings, the pronoun "I" can be replaced by the pronoun "we" (we); Formal writing usually avoids using the pronoun "you" when referring to people in general.
- You should sleep eight hours each night. (informal) (You should sleep eight hours a night).
- One should sleep eight hours each night. (formal) (You should sleep eight hours a night).
- Most people should sleep at least eight hours each night. (formal use to allow for exceptions) (Most people should sleep at least eight hours a night).

Step 5. Don't start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction
In written language, do not use coordinating conjunctions such as "and" (e), "but" (ma), "so" (so) or "or" (o), to start a sentence. Coordinating conjunctions are used to join words, expressions and phrases; A coordinating conjunction placed at the beginning of a sentence has no function. Try joining the sentence starting with a coordinating conjunction to the previous sentence, replacing the conjunction with a comma to create a compound period. You can also use transitional adverbs such as "additionally" (or "moreover") (also), "nevertheless" (or "however") (however), "therefore" (or "thus") (therefore) and "alternatively" (or "instead "Or" otherwise ") (instead)." Though "can be used at the end of a sentence:" This product here is much cheaper. It will last only half as long, though. " (This product here is much cheaper, but it will last half the time.) Starting a sentence with "also" is useful in informal writing, but should be avoided in formal English, unless the word "also" does not serve to modify a verb (usually in the imperative mood or in the inverted structure of a sentence): "Also read Chapters Two and Three"; "Also included is a free ticket" (it is included even a free ticket.) A paragraph in which many sentences begin with coordinating conjunctions also risks losing fluency.

Step 6. Avoid clichés to be formal
In formal writing, an attempt is made to use a literal language that cannot be misunderstood by any of the readers. Clichés, while they can sometimes be fun in informal writing (especially when they're original puns called anti-clichés), risk making your writing mundane. Here are some clichés best avoided in formal writing:
- Hercules was as strong as an ox. (Hercules was strong as an ox).
- I have to give an arm and a leg to find a parking spot during the holiday season. (I have to give an arm and a leg to find a free parking space during the holiday period).
- It was as pretty as a picture. (It was as good as a photo).

Step 7. Avoid starting by giving instructions
Do not start a letter by writing to the recipient what the letter or topic will cover by writing to the reader what the topic of the topic is.
- "I am writing to you to ask you to…." (I am writing to ask you …)
- "This paper is going to talk about how…." (This paper will deal with …)

Step 8. Avoid using generic words
Generic words are not very formal. and leave room for interpretation; they don't express your opinions as well as more specific words would.
Part 3 of 3: What's Acceptable in Formal Writing
Don't hesitate to use the divided infinity when it seems appropriate. Divided infinity is very common in legal documents, important types of writing in formal English. In fact, the divided infinity is used in more formal writings. The divided infinitives can even be used in extremely formal writings to avoid the active form. The infinitives, together with the gerunds, help to give an active style to writing and show action even if they do not really use the active form. Voice (active or passive) is a property of propositions, and infinitives and gerunds form sentences. Divided infinitives are grammatically correct. The divided infinity rule is based on Latin and divided infinitives make the writing look more like Latin. The Romans tended to place adverbs right next to verbs, and adverbs often preceded verbs. In Latin, Captain Kirk would have said “audacter ire” (translated as “boldly to go” or “to boldly go”). This is seen in Latin texts and Star Trek fanfiction such as “Audacter Ire” and "And Justice For All" The Oxford dictionary states that “boldly to go” is more formal than “to go boldly”; which is more easily found due to the Latin word order. The effectiveness of the divided infinitive can be seen from the fact that the “to” and the verb are like a single unit. After all, "to go" would be translated into Latin with the single word "ire." Let's take an example: an artist places a large painting between two smaller ones to highlight it; in the same way an adverb is emphasized if placed between the "to" and the verb.

Step 1. Don't be afraid to separate the auxiliary verb from the main verb

Step 2. Know when to end a sentence with a preposition (even in the most formal English)

Step 3. Always include the relative pronoun
In formal English you should always make sure to include "whom" (of which, referring to person) or "which" (that, referring to what), even if they are not essential in meaning. The relative pronoun can be omitted when only a participle is used; in this case it is no longer a relative proposition. Also, avoid using 'that' as a relative pronoun and replace it with 'which', 'whom' or 'who'.
- This is the paper I wrote. (informal) (This is the paper I wrote).
- This is the paper which I wrote. (formal) (This is the paper I wrote).
- That was the paper written by me. (formal) (That was the paper written by me) (This version uses the past participle and does not include a relative clause. It is the more formal version because it does not contain any verb with active voice).
- The bear which was dancing was graceful. (formal) (The dancing bear was pretty).
- The bear dancing was graceful. (more formal) (The dancing bear was graceful) ("Dancing" is not in the active form; it is not even a verb, it is actually an adjective; this becomes clearer if the sentence is rewritten as "The dancing bear was graceful ").

Step 4. Turn short, broken sentences into long, more fluent sentences
Formal writing usually uses long sentences: compound, complex and compound-complex sentences. You can transform one or more simple sentences into one of the structures listed above. Long sentences add quality to your writing and can be particularly effective when paired with short sentences; the contrast catches the reader's attention. As the last sentence shows, you can also use a semicolon to join two simple sentences, as long as they are closely related to each other.
Common and Colloquial Words and Expressions
'* Anybody, anyone - "Anyone" and its variants are more formal than "anybody" and its variants.
- I didn't see anybody. (I did not see anyone).
- I saw no one. (I did not see anyone).
As - "As" is often used in formal writing with the meaning of "because" (as). Putting a comma after the word "as" allows you to avoid any ambiguity, as it could also be understood as meaning "when" (when) or "where" (where)
Big, large, great - All three of these words are acceptable in formal English, but "large" is more formal than "big," and "great" is more formal than "large."
Fellow - Avoid using the word "fellow" when referring to "a person". Calling someone fellow is more formal than calling him / her dude, but "fellow" is still a colloquialism
For sure - In formal writing replace "for sure" with "with certainty", as in "I know with certainty". You can also write "I am positive" or "I am sure."
Get - Avoid any form of this verb in formal writing
- I got an A in the course. (I took A to the course).
- I received an A in the course. (I got an A on the course).
- She didn’t get the joke. (She didn't understand the joke).
- She did not understand the joke. (She didn't understand the joke).
- The machine never gets used. (The machine is never used).
- The machine is never used. (The machine is never used).
Got - "Got" is colloquialism. Replace it with "have," as in "Do you have [without" got "] an extra pen?" (Do you have an extra pen?)
Introduce, present - "Present" is more formal than "introduce." He is also more respectful of the person being introduced
- The queen was introduced….
- The queen was presented….
Kind of, sort of - "Kind of" and "sort of" are unacceptable in formal writing when used with the meaning of "somewhat" (somewhat) and "rather" (rather). When used to classify something, "kind of" and "sort of" are acceptable, but "type of" is more formal: "The parakeet is a type of bird". Note that it is informal to include an article after the preposition "of": "The parakeet is a type of a bird."
Let - When used in place of "allow" or "permit", "let" is colloquialism
Madam, ma'am - Both "madam" and "ma'am" are polite ways to address someone … but "ma'am" is unacceptable in formal English. In fact, "ma'am" is much more informal than other contracted forms such as "I'm" and "I'll," which are not marked in dictionaries
Most - In formal English, don't use "most" for "almost." You should write: "Almost everyone likes pizza", not "Most everyone likes pizza."
On the other hand (on the other side) - "On the other hand" is a very common expression, but it can be considered a cliché and it would be better, therefore, to avoid it in very formal English. Use "conversely" or "by contrast" instead. "On the other hand" is particularly useful in everyday writing and can eliminate the temptation to start with "but."
So - Avoid using "so" as a synonym for "very" in very formal writing. In correct formal writing you should also avoid using "so" as a coordinating conjunction. You can avoid this colloquialism by eliminating the "so" and starting the sentence with "because." Compare "The song may bother me, so I'll cover my ears" and "Because the song may bother me, I shall cover my ears" I'll cover my ears). Sometimes, you will need the conjunction "that" after the "so," as in "I wrote this how-to so that you could improve your grammar and style". grammar and your style)
Thus, thusly - Usually, words ending with "-ly" are more formal. For example, "firstly" is more formal than "first." In particular, formal English uses "firstly," "secondly," etc. to explain the arguments one at a time. However, this is not the case with "thus"; in formal writing, use "thus," not "thusly."
Yours truly - Ironically, signing a letter with "Yours truly" is formal, but referring to yourself as "yours truly" is informal. However, "Sincerely" is a more formal signature than "Yours truly" because it avoids the second person. "Yours truly" can be very useful in informal English, because the personal pronoun sometimes sounds wrong. You can say "It's yours truly!" instead of "It's me!" because "yours truly" can be used in place of "I" and "me."
An informal letter:
John, I’m looking for a job, and I’ve heard through the grapevine that you need a workhorse for your shop. Well, I'm the man of the hour, as I’ve got a lot to offer. I'm pretty hard-working, and I'm really good about being on time. I'm also used to working by myself. Anyway, tell me whether you want to get together for an interview, okay?
(John, I'm looking for a job and I've heard around that you're looking for someone to help you out in your shop. Well, I'm the right man, because I have a lot to offer. I'm a really hard worker and I'm always on time. I'm also used to working on my own. Anyway let me know if you want me to see you for an interview, ok?)
-Joe informal
A formal, professional letter: Dear John: I understand that you are looking for a strong worker to assist you in your shop. I would appreciate consideration because I am diligent, punctual, and accustomed to working with minimal supervision.
Please contact me if you are interested in arranging an interview. I thank you for your time.
Respectfully, (Dear Sir, I know you are looking for a worker to help you in your shop. I would be grateful if you would consider me, as I am a diligent person, punctual and used to working under minimal supervision.
Please contact me if you are interested in arranging an interview. Thanks for your time.
Kind regards, Joe Professional
- Looking up words in the dictionary is a great help in increasing the level of formality of your writing … but make sure you use the words correctly and appropriately. Some words have connotations that are not mentioned in the dictionary.for example, the California Prune Board changed its name to California Dried Plum Board because the word "prune" carried a negative connotation related to constipation. Think, for example, of the connotation of "juvenile" and the connotations of synonyms.
- "You might get too good a job!" As mentioned earlier, you need to adjust the level of formality to your readers. Extremely formal writing may be necessary on some occasions, but may be ineffective on others. Formal writing that avoids the active voice might bore readers if it doesn't focus on people's action; there are teachers who have a positive opinion about the passive voice and others who have a negative opinion. Make sure what you write is appropriate for your readers and always try to write something that your audience will like.