3 Ways to Eat More

3 Ways to Eat More
3 Ways to Eat More

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Some people eat to live, while others live to eat. Whether you eat more for pleasure, to participate in a competition or to gain muscle mass, you need to learn how to do it safely, in order to stay healthy. Increasing the capacity of the stomach is like training a muscle, and therefore requires some planning and a good dose of intelligence to do it correctly.


Method 1 of 3: Eat More at Each Meal

Eat More Food Step 1
Eat More Food Step 1

Step 1. Always have breakfast

It is generally believed that it is necessary to keep an empty stomach if you want to eat more, but in fact no other idea can be further from reality. If you start your day with fruit, whole grains, or lean protein, you'll get your metabolism geared up, so you'll have more appetite and be ready to eat more food throughout the day.

A recent study found that morbidly obese people are more likely to skip meals. There is no connection between not having your first meal of the day and losing weight. Therefore, don't starve

Eat More Food Step 2
Eat More Food Step 2

Step 2. Eat standing up

Anyone who eats standing up during a race does so for a reason. When sitting, the stomach is subject to pressure from other organs and does not expand as it does when standing. Besides, it's uncomfortable. The stomach can hold a good amount of food if the torso lengthens, i.e. when the body assumes an upright position.

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Eat More Food Step 3

Step 3. Wear loose, comfortable clothing

Do you know the sweatpants you wear when you want to relax at home? They will be fine. To eat more, it is essential to wear comfortable clothes and feel comfortable. In fact, since the stomach expands as you ingest food, the presence of tight shirts and pants limits the feeling of comfort. If you want to eat more, wear comfortable clothes.

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Eat More Food Step 4

Step 4. Eat foods that contain monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Monosodium glutamate is a natural substance that is artificially added to many foods to add flavor to products. A side effect of MSG is that it stimulates the insulin response, greatly reducing the blood sugar level and causing the body to eat more to bring the blood sugar back to higher values.

  • Monosodium glutamate is found in many industrially prepared and packaged foods, such as potatoes and nachos, canned vegetables, soups, and processed meat products.
  • MSG is a controversial ingredient, the consumption of which is very often not appreciated because it is linked to obesity problems and, according to some, to various complications, such as chest pain and facial paraesthesia. Although scientific studies do not report any connection between MSG and these symptoms, it still remains a controversial substance.
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Eat More Food Step 5

Step 5. Drink a moderate amount of alcohol or fizzy drinks with meals

Aside from the fact that sugary sodas and alcoholic beverages accompany meals quite well, the sugars contained within cause insulin spikes that trick the body into eating more.

  • The soft drinks on the market contain a lot of refined sugars, so the body is forced to produce more insulin to process them, causing an insulin response similar to that of MSG. The body will feel the need to eat more food. Diet drinks, which contain aspartame, also produce a similar effect.
  • In addition to the fact that alcohol lowers inhibitory brakes, leading to consuming foods rich in calories that you would normally avoid, the sugars present in it can have a similar effect, because they reduce serotonin levels and increase the insulin response, generating appetite.
  • Fizzy drinks are filling, so if you drink a lot of beer or fizzy drinks during meals, you'll feel full and have less stomach space. Do not exceed half a can in order to reach the insulin peak without feeling the sensation of fullness.
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Eat More Food Step 6

Step 6. Avoid mustard

If you intend to eat a lot, it is important to avoid certain condiments, as they contain ingredients that can irritate the stomach and esophagus, making it difficult to ingest more food. Mustard is prepared by combining the pulverized seeds of the mustard plant, which belongs to the Brassicaceae family, with vinegar: both ingredients reduce appetite and slow down metabolism.

Other spicy vinegar-based condiments should also be avoided, such as barbecue sauce, hot sauce, sriracha, and other spicy dips or condiments

Method 2 of 3: Eating to gain weight

Eat More Food Step 7
Eat More Food Step 7

Step 1. First calculate your body mass index (BMI)

If you are looking to bulk up because you are too thin or want to gain muscle mass, you need to make sure your body is ready to gain weight in the healthiest way possible. Just because you "look skinny" doesn't mean you have an optimal BMI for gaining weight, in fact you risk doing more harm than good by trying to gain weight before getting back into shape. Although it is best to consult a nutritionist first, you can measure your BMI yourself by following this calculation:

  • Your weight in kg, divided by
  • Your height in meters squared.
  • If your BMI is between 18 and 25, you are normal weight, which means you can safely gain weight by following proper nutrition and the right guidelines.
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Eat More Food Step 8

Step 2. Calculate the calorie intake needed to build muscle

It is only possible to build muscle mass when you create a calorie surplus and train in a targeted way by promoting muscle growth. To gain lean mass without running the risk of gaining weight, you need to calculate the calories you need to consume in order to effectively build muscle by trying to eat right. To calculate the daily energy requirement:

Multiply your body weight in kilos by: men 32-34; women 30-32. An 80 kg person will have to take on average: 80 × 32-34 = 2560-2720 Kcal. This is the amount of calories you need on the days you work out so that you can gain muscle mass

Eat More Food Step 9
Eat More Food Step 9

Step 3. Calculate your protein requirement

To gain weight while gaining lean mass, it is absolutely essential to get enough protein in order to promote muscle growth. Without the right amount of protein, you risk damaging your muscles from overexertion. To find out how much lean protein you need, multiply your body weight in pounds by about 1.5 and you'll know how many grams of protein you'll need to consume per day.

Consume chicken and peanut butter. Eating foods low in fat, but high in protein, is the simplest and most effective way to get enough protein

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Eat More Food Step 10

Step 4. Drink whey protein shakes between meals

A popular way to gain weight and gain muscle mass after a workout is to use protein supplements to stimulate muscle growth. Whey protein powder is easily found on the market and allows you to make smoothies that are easy to drink and contain nutrients, vitamins and proteins.

According to many, protein shakes don't taste good, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to add some yogurt, bananas, strawberries, and other succulent fruit, so you don't have to reluctantly gulp down some kind of wallpaper glue. If they are tastier, you will be much more likely to eat them

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Eat More Food Step 11

Step 5. Eat slow-digesting, low-GI carbohydrates

On days you work out, you should eat carbohydrates (in grams) equal to about twice your body weight. Carbohydrates to be consumed must be low-glycemic, i.e. whole grains such as oatmeal, fresh fruit and sweet potatoes. Avoid refined wheat flour.

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Eat More Food Step 12

Step 6. Stimulate testosterone production by eating fat

To increase muscle mass, athletes usually eat more monounsaturated and saturated fats, because they increase testosterone levels, which, in turn, promotes the growth of muscle fibers. So, on your exercise days you should eat half your body weight of good fats.

One of the best ways to do this is to drink milk. It's easy to swallow, even when you don't have an appetite, and it's a great way to get more fat into your diet. Drink a glass of milk three times a day when exercising

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Eat More Food Step 13

Step 7. Follow a proper training regimen or lift weights

All this caloric intake will turn into fat if you do not lift weights and do not follow an intense physical workout, which allows you to dispose of the calories consumed. Establish a healthy physical activity program, tailored to your interests and your goals for gaining muscle mass.

Generally, when exercising, you may want to add a large meal both before and after training to the three you consume regularly each day. To eat the right number of calories on rest days, just skip the added meals

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Eat More Food Step 14

Step 8. Take a fiber supplement

If you plan on increasing lean proteins and carbohydrates in your diet, it is also very important to take a fiber supplement to keep your gastrointestinal tract active on a regular basis. If you get constipated due to weight gain, you run the risk of not feeling fully fit.

Method 3 of 3: Eat for a Race

Eat More Food Step 15
Eat More Food Step 15

Step 1. Slowly increase your stomach capacity

Anyone who has always dreamed of gulping down as many sausages as possible in some binge contest is bound to clash with the harsh reality: it is not possible to eat so many hot dogs without undergoing adequate physical preparation. The stomach is a muscle like any other. It needs training and recovery, otherwise it risks being damaged. If you want to increase the capacity of your stomach, move gradually.

  • According to some studies, the human stomach holds about 1.5 liters on average before getting nauseated, but can hold between 3 and 5 liters if properly trained.
  • There is a risk of stomach injury from eating too much too quickly, although it is extremely rare. People usually throw up before getting into an injury or other problem.
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Eat More Food Step 16

Step 2. Train with water

The healthiest way to practice expanding stomach capacity is not with food, but with water. Those who eat to participate in a race can drink almost 4 liters of water in less than 20 minutes. This exercise increases stomach capacity and does not compromise health as much as eating too much food at one time.

Start slowly, gradually increasing the number of glasses of water to drink each day and how quickly you swallow them. It is usually recommended that you drink up to eight glasses of water a day to begin with to gradually build up your stomach capacity

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Eat More Food Step 17

Step 3. Wet the food

Water has an important function during a binge contest, but also during preparation. While soaking a stuffed sandwich in water isn't that appetizing, it nevertheless helps to break down food once placed in your mouth, makes it much easier to swallow, and aids in digestion. The faster it goes down, the more you'll be able to eat, so water is helpful in this process.

Don't drink too much water while you eat. While it's not wrong to drink some to help the food go down, don't gobble it to quench your thirst or it will take up valuable space in your stomach

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Eat More Food Step 18

Step 4. Train with cruciferous vegetables (or better known as cabbage)

Two or three times a week, competition eater, Yasir Salem, steams up to eight pounds of broccoli and cauliflower to keep fit. These vegetables are light, have a high vitamin content and move quickly through the digestive tract. Therefore, together with the abundant consumption of water, they are ideal for easily dilating the stomach.

Also, you could add a large amount of sauerkraut. Fermented cabbage has probiotic properties that help maintain the balance of the intestinal flora, making it the ideal food for palates facing dietary challenges

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Eat More Food Step 19

Step 5. Chew the gum to strengthen the jaw muscles

Big competition eaters regularly chew up to six gums at once to strengthen their jaw muscles and make sure this tool is in good condition. The ability to put large amounts of food into your mouth is just as important as your stomach - you won't get along far if you can't chew quickly and efficiently.

Read this wikiHow article to learn exercises to strengthen the neck and jaw. You can add them into your routine

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Eat More Food Step 20

Step 6. Do lots of cardiovascular exercises

Haven't you ever noticed how skinny and dry those who participate in a binge contest are? In fact, they keep fit. Contrary to what one might think, the ability to swallow large quantities of food depends on a huge appetite. Hard training and good cardiovascular physical activity are essential to be able to eat quickly during this type of competition.

  • Learn about the exercises that are best for keeping your cardiovascular system healthy.
  • It is also necessary to have good breathing to eat in competitive binges. Use breathing exercises to be able to breathe effectively as you gorge yourself on food.
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Eat More Food Step 21

Step 7. Specialize

Not all competition eaters are the same. Hot dog champions have to train totally differently and with completely different amounts than those who gulp down bacon, chili or oysters. By knowing in detail the food you have chosen to specialize in, you will be able to prepare yourself more adequately.

  • Major League Eating is the national organization that runs binge competitions in the United States. Check the website to find out more.
  • If you intend to follow a healthy diet in order to have a physique that works to your advantage and not against you, it is very important to know and consult a health professional, a dietician or a biofeedback specialist.
