How to join a women's brotherhood

How to join a women's brotherhood
How to join a women's brotherhood

Table of contents:


This article is dedicated to young women who intend to be admitted, through a normal selection procedure, to a female brotherhood during their university years. However, what is written is only a guide: each situation must be judged with its own yardstick. Either way, these lines will help you make the selection process more relaxed and enjoyable.


Join a Sorority Step 1
Join a Sorority Step 1

Step 1. Do your research

Before applying, take a close look at the various women's fraternities present at your university. If possible, find their national or local website on the internet; Websites can be important tools, because through them you will be able to find general information about the history, symbols and philanthropic efforts of each female fraternity. In addition, on the local pages, you will also find the activities carried out and the half-yearly calendar.

Be a Better Student Step 3
Be a Better Student Step 3

Step 2. Register for the admission tests in time

Each female fraternity has a list of women who register immediately after the opening of the terms. The sooner they see your name on the list, the more easily they will recognize it during the evenings you spend with them for the selections.

Be a Better Student Step 5
Be a Better Student Step 5

Step 3. Include as much information about yourself as possible

Most university fraternity organizations have some sort of questionnaire to fill out when you apply for admission. Include any activities you did in high school, even if you didn't have any leadership roles. Brotherhoods love extracurricular activities. Also include academic clubs attended at the university. Regardless of what you've seen in movies or on television, women's fraternities care a lot about academic achievement.

Choose Your Prom Dress Step 10
Choose Your Prom Dress Step 10

Step 4. Dress appropriately during selection nights

Generally, each evening will be more formal than the previous one, starting with a simple outfit like jeans and t-shirt up to a formal event dress towards the end of the selections. Even if the aesthetic aspect is not the first thing sought, a confident and proud attitude can certainly give you some plus points.

Handle Teasing Step 3
Handle Teasing Step 3

Step 5. Ask questions

Don't be embarrassed - that's what you're there for, after all. Women's fraternities are always open to questions: and always remember that the goal is to find the right female fraternity for you.

Stop Being Fake Step 4
Stop Being Fake Step 4

Step 6. Always be kind

At the end of each session or evening, thank the people you spoke with for the sustained conversation. That extra touch at the end of the night will help them remember you more of the other people they have talked to.


  • Choose the female fraternity that is best suited to you socially and morally.
  • Make sure you are financially qualified to join the women's fraternity of your choice.
  • Try as hard as possible.
  • It's okay to be nervous. Many of the women you meet may be as nervous as you or even more than you - it's normal to take a few missteps.
  • Don't choose your female fraternity just to make someone happy.
  • Use the name of the person you are talking to at least once. On the first night you will meet at least 15 women. Even if fraternities don't expect you to remember all the people you've met, knowing that you meet a lot of people could ease the tension and put you at ease.
  • Ask your parents before applying for admission. You will need financial and moral support.
  • Participate in the selections with an open attitude. Ignore any gossip or stereotypes you may have heard. In this way, you will have the opportunity to grasp the true spirit of the female fraternity, and you will have a much better chance of having an offer from the one that suits you best.
  • Talk to friends and / or family members who have been involved in university life, but don't let their opinions influence your choices - you decide!


  • Don't say you want to join the female fraternity just to impress male fraternities or to party all the time. In addition to not having been created solely for these purposes, many fraternities of women may have the wrong opinion of you and this will negatively affect your chances of being admitted.
  • Remember that each college campus has different selection methods. Most universities have a website for university life: consult it carefully, in order to better understand the selection method. You may also want to contact the office manager to better understand some particular aspect of the process.