How to Use an Indian Bath: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Use an Indian Bath: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Use an Indian Bath: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Many travelers and visitors to the Indian community often find themselves perplexed upon entering a traditional Indian bath. In the absence of regular toilets, you may not know how to proceed. If your needs are urgent, your knowledge of how to use an Indian bath should be immediate and accurate. Avoid groping around in the absence of familiar surroundings and learn how to use an Indian bathroom.


Use an Indian Bathroom Step 1
Use an Indian Bathroom Step 1

Step 1. Position yourself correctly on top of the toilet

  • Place your feet firmly before bending over to avoid slipping in. There should be a footboard on each side of the toilet. You must remain standing, placing one foot on each footboard with the bathroom hole behind you. If there are no footrests, place your feet on the side of the toilet a little wider than shoulder width.
  • Crouch over the bathroom opening. Basically a hole in the floor, the Indian bath, like the Turkish bath, performs a similar function to the regular bath simply without the plank and seat to sit on. To help you find a comfortable position, you can bend or squat your knees into a semi-sitting position. You may be more comfortable by letting your thighs relax on your calves and your arms on your knees.

Step 2. Complete your essential task of expelling waste from the body

Use an Indian Bathroom Step 3
Use an Indian Bathroom Step 3

Step 3. Wash your private parts with available water

You will need more or less than 1 liter of water to do this. To aid in thorough cleaning it is appropriate to use your left hand together with water to scrub away stubborn debris.

  • Take the barrel and spray the water on every dirty part. Running water will clean any unclean spots.
  • Fill the container provided with water. Sometimes, there is a faucet to open while other times you will find a full bucket to get water from. Holding the water in your right hand pour it over your body parts. Reach the inside of your legs with your left hand. Put your left hand in the bowl to catch some of the falling water and use it to clean yourself.
Use an Indian Bathroom Step 4
Use an Indian Bathroom Step 4

Step 4. Pull the water

There will be no buttons to push or levers to pull. Instead, fill the bucket with water from the source you have available. Throw water on any excrement in the toilet.

Use an Indian Bathroom Step 5
Use an Indian Bathroom Step 5

Step 5. Dry off

You will not find any towel that can help you in this regard. Instead, you will need to let the wet parts air dry for a few minutes.

Use an Indian Bathroom Step 6
Use an Indian Bathroom Step 6

Step 6. Wash your hands with soap


  • Take off your clothes. If you are a beginner in using the steam room, it may be best to remove all clothing below the waist until you get used to the process. Doing this will save your clothes from mess and help you get into the correct position more easily.
  • Pour some water on the toilet before using it all. Wetting the surface will make it easier to clean once you're done.
  • Clean the bathroom thoroughly so that you don't leave any other kind of dirt lying around.
  • Use toilet paper to dry yourself if you wish, knowing that none will be provided. If it's a convenience you need to have, you'll have to take some with you (a packet of tissues or travel wipes can be more convenient and discreet). Avoid throwing used toilet paper down the toilet. Instead, throw it in the trash can.
  • It is probably different than what you are used to. If you feel uncomfortable, just take a deep breath and relax.
