Based on your travel experience, you may want to praise or price the hotel you stayed in. Knowing how to review a property will help you provide an unbiased customer opinion that can help less-informed travelers make informed decisions about their future stays.
Step 1. Choose a travel review site such as TripAdvisor, TravBuddy or TravelPost
Step 2. Introduce yourself and tell the reasons for your trip
Specify if it was a business or leisure trip and if you brought your family with you. To bolster your credibility as a source of information you may want to add how often you travel.
Step 3. Write in what category of room you stayed in
It might be especially useful for readers who are choosing which reviews to read through.
Step 4. Be concise and descriptive in your review, and use correct vocabulary and grammar
- Provide advice to travelers through details that you too would have liked to know before embarking on the journey.
- Give information about the property that cannot be found on the website. Describe whether or not there are any restaurants in the immediate area where you can eat at a reasonable cost, or if the isolated location requires customers to use only the expensive hotel restaurants.
Step 5. Provide specific information about your trip, for example to the reception service or how your room was cleaned every day
Step 6. Include photographs if the site allows it
The old adage is true, a picture can be worth a thousand words, especially if it shows unpleasant conditions that no customer would want to be in.
Step 7. Include information about the location where you stayed
List the major attractions and be honest about the distances, for example from the beach, and also do not omit any mandatory high costs, such as the cost of getting to the airport by taxi.
Step 8. Describe the services
Let readers know if the pool is really as big as it appears in the photos, if the bed is comfortable, or if you felt like you were sleeping on the floor. Mention the quality of the TV and any viewing options available.
Step 9. Talk about the services the property offers
Write if the staff was kind or rude, if your requests were answered promptly and specify the cleanliness conditions of the room and common areas.
Step 10. Focus on the whole
A small mistake like forgetting to restore shampoo and conditioner can be forgiven in case the overall experience is wonderful. Talk about your stay in general, without getting obsessed with minor and irrelevant details.