How to Make a Voodoo Doll (with Pictures)

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How to Make a Voodoo Doll (with Pictures)
How to Make a Voodoo Doll (with Pictures)

Despite the name, the voodoo doll actually has no historical connection with the practices of this religion and is instead attributable to European magicians. You can use it for "good" or "bad" spells or as a spooky decoration. While you can buy one, it's much better to make it yourself; not only save and have fun, but at the same time you can give the doll the look you want.


Method 1 of 2: Felt Doll

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 1
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 1

Step 1. Create a template on a sheet of paper and cut it out

Search online to find a simple figure in person or draw it yourself. The model does not have to be realistic or proportionate to a real human being; it can be any size you like, although most voodoo dolls fit in one hand.

If you can't draw, use a gingerbread cookie cutter (the classic ones in the shape of a little man) as a stencil, but modify the head to be larger and more rounded

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 2
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 2

Step 2. Secure the pattern to two felt sheets using pins

Make sure that these are inside the border of the design; if they protrude beyond the perimeter, they hinder the cutting process. If the pattern is small enough, you can use only one sheet folded in two and thus obtain the double layer.

The fabric can be of any color, from natural leather to green, red and even blue

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 3
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 3

Step 3. Cut the felt using the template as a guide and then remove the pins

The sewing technique you are going to use does not require any margin from the edge; consequently, you can remove the pins after having obtained the template. Put the model aside, you won't need it anymore.

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 4
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 4

Step 4. Sew a button to one of the felt pieces where the right eye is

Decide which of the two shapes is the front and set the other aside. Insert black embroidery thread into the needle and use it to attach a white button to the right side of the face; finish the work on the wrong side of the fabric, but don't cut the thread yet.

For a more elaborate doll, cut out a disc of black felt that is slightly larger in diameter than the button and place it underneath it before sewing

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 5
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 5

Step 5. Sew an "X" for the left eye

Always use the same needle and thread and draw an "X" on the left side of the face instead of the eye. It should be similar in size to the button or slightly different in size; fix the "X" on the wrong side of the fabric and do not cut the thread.

Alternatively, you can attach a second button identical to the first or different

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 6
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 6

Step 6. Embroider a horizontal line at the base of the mouth

It should extend from eye to eye in the lower part of the face. Bring the needle from the wrong side to the right, so that it pokes under the left eye; pull it towards your right eye and push it back into the fabric. Again, don't cut the thread yet.

Do not stretch the thread to avoid puckering the felt

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 7
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 7

Step 7. Add 4-5 vertical lines so that the mouth looks sutured

Work from the right to the left side; each point should intersect the horizontal line. Both the first and the last points should be on the line and the intermediate points should be equidistant from each other; now you can knot and cut the thread.

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 8
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 8

Step 8. Sew a red felt heart on the left side

Cut out the shape of a small heart from a piece of red felt; place it on the left side of the chest where the heart muscle should be. Insert another black thread through the eye of the needle and knot the end. Thread the needle from the back of the template and sew the heart to the felt; always ends at the back, tie a knot and cut the thread.

  • To give a neat look, opt for straight stitches; slide the needle up and down as close to the edges of the heart as possible.
  • Choose points perpendicular to the edge for a rougher look. Thread the needle through the heart and then bring it back over the edge, continuing like this around the perimeter.
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 9
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 9

Step 9. Sew the two shapes together taking care to face the wrong side inwards

Put a new black thread in the needle and tie a knot at the end; insert it through the left armpit, pass it around the edge and then bring it towards the back of the doll. Thread it back into the fabric just above the first stitch. Continue in this way along the entire perimeter of the doll, stopping at the left side; leave a free space and do not cut the thread.

  • If you want to get a more elaborate result, opt for the festoon stitch.
  • The doll will then not be turned over, so make sure all the decorations are already facing out.
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 10
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 10

Step 10. Stuff the template

You can use a small amount of polyester that you can buy at craft or scrap stores; alternatively, use cotton wool, although it will need to be torn a little to make it more voluminous.

  • Use the tip of a pen or pencil to push the stuffing into the doll's limbs.
  • If you want to make an authentic voodoo doll, opt for Spanish moss.
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 11
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 11

Step 11. Finish sewing

Once the doll is stuffed, finish sewing the edge using the same technique used so far. When you reach the left armpit again, tie a knot in the thread and cut off the rest; now the voodoo doll is over!

Method 2 of 2: Wire Doll

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 12
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 12

Step 1. Fold a pipe cleaner in half and then reopen it to create the neck

Take one 30 cm long, fold it in half and measure 2.5 cm from the fold; spread the two segments from this point, so that they form a right angle with the "neck" exactly 2, 5 cm long.

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 13
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 13

Step 2. Fold each half to make the arms

Measure a 4 cm segment along the left half; from this point fold the brush back towards the neck and point the remaining one downwards. Repeat the procedure for the right arm.

At the end of this phase you should have a vertical neck 2.5 cm long and two horizontal arms 4 cm long; the rest of the pipe cleaner should face down in a vertical direction

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 14
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 14

Step 3. Make the legs under the arms

Measure a 5 cm segment from the arms; spread the brush to create an upside-down "V" and fold back the length of the brush to obtain two 4 cm long legs. The stylized outline should have:

  • A vertical neck 2, 5 cm long;
  • Horizontal arms 4 cm long;
  • A 5 cm long vertical bust;
  • 4 cm long diagonal legs.
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 15
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 15

Step 4. Slip a small wooden bead on the neck

Choose one with a diameter of 2.5 cm, add a drop of glue in the hole and insert it completely on the portion of the pipe cleaner that represents the neck.

  • Alternatively, you can use a foam ball of the same size; if so, remember to drill a hole first, add glue, and then pierce the ball with your neck.
  • You can choose a slightly larger bead if you like, but remember that its size gets bigger when you start wrapping it with thread.
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 16
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 16

Step 5. Wrap some yarn around the head until it is completely covered

Glue the end of the thread to the bead and bring it all around the sphere in various directions, until the entire surface is hidden; often change the direction and fix the second end with a drop of glue.

  • If the head seems too small, keep adding layers of yarn to increase the size.
  • You can use the thread of the color you prefer; remember that you will also have to wrap the doll with some embroidery floss later to give it some color.
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 17
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 17

Step 6. Use the yarn to cover the legs and torso

Start from the left leg up to the hip; then move to the right limb moving towards the foot and back again upwards, then moving on to the arms. When finished, re-wrap the torso a few times to thicken it.

  • For an even more realistic effect, first wrap the yarn around the folds of the brush at the hands and feet and then move on to the rest of the arms and legs.
  • If you used simple wire instead of the pipe cleaner, you will probably need to apply more layers, otherwise you will get a too skinny doll.
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 18
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 18

Step 7. Add pops of color and clothes using embroidery floss

You can leave the doll as it is or enrich it with colored thread; by doing so, you give it greater thickness, shape and color. Always use the same method and wind threads of different colors to create the "pants" and the "shirt"; Consider using different head and body colors.

As a design detail, cross the thread from the left shoulder to the right armpit and from the right shoulder to the left armpit; repeat this sequence a few times to get an "X" shape

Make a Voodoo Doll Step 19
Make a Voodoo Doll Step 19

Step 8. Add details with beads, buttons or other thread

Use beads or buttons for the eyes and black thread for the mouth; you can also define other elements using felt, for example to make a beard or a belt. If you want to add hair, cut a few segments of embroidery floss, knot them in the center and glue them to the top of the head.


  • An acquaintance with a ghoulish sense of humor might appreciate a baby doll as a gift, especially if they're trying to get over a bad romantic breakup!
  • Use felt dolls as a pin holder.
  • Add a noose around the doll's neck and use it as a keychain or decoration.
  • Hot glue a magnet on the back and make a magnetic doll.
  • Hot glue or sew a flat-edged safety pin to the doll's back and use it as a brooch or clasp.
  • Voodoo dolls are not always used to do harm; use them for positive things, for example to bring joy, health and luck.


  • These voodoo dolls may be ineffective.
  • If you want to use them with bad intentions, be cautious! Negative karma will backfire on you.
