How to Look and Feel Good Naked (for Men)

How to Look and Feel Good Naked (for Men)
How to Look and Feel Good Naked (for Men)

Table of contents:


Despite the stereotypes, men feel as insecure about their bodies as women, if not more. It is normal to have doubts about your appearance when naked, but to overcome this fear the most important advice is to feel comfortable with yourself. With the right attitude, you can look and feel confident when you look in the mirror and in the gaze of other people.


Part 1 of 3: Being able to feel good when you are naked

Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 1
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 1

Step 1. Undress

Take everything off. The only way to truly overcome your doubts and worries is to face them head on.

  • You don't have to do it in the company of other people, because the first step is to be able to feel comfortable when you are naked.
  • Make sure you have a mirror in front of you that allows you to examine your whole body, especially the parts you cannot see directly.
  • Gradually increase the amount of time you spend naked. There is no need to become a nudist, but try to stay longer and longer without clothes. You will probably find that you get used to the idea without embarrassment.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 2
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 2

Step 2. Focus on your positive characteristics

To feel good when naked, you need to highlight the parts you feel proud of. By placing your attention on the areas you like best, you will be able to increase your self-esteem and find the motivation to improve the rest of your body.

  • The human body is made up of many parts and this means that you have several options for finding something positive. Maybe you have nice strong legs, a sculpted back or you are particularly proud of your noble parts. Whatever you find, always remember that there are parts of you worthy of love.
  • If you can't find anything you like, don't think of a list of things. Start with a feature of yours that you appreciate, even if you can't see it naked. Maybe you have a nice smile or strong hands.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 3
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 3

Step 3. Question negative thoughts about your body

Some forms of negative thinking can damage your self-esteem. This prevents you from accepting your body as it is and does not help you find the motivation to improve it. Try to understand if you have these kinds of thoughts and commit to adopting a different mindset. There are some common types of negative thinking that can affect how you look in the mirror.

  • All or nothing. You probably don't see sculpted abs and perfectly toned muscles when naked. These are aspects that you can change and improve. If you are not in shape it does not mean that you will never be.
  • See only the downsides. Indulging in the negative parts of your body and ignoring the ones you appreciate can make you feel more insecure when naked. For this reason it is important to find aspects of your body that you like and always remember that they exist.
  • Negative self-belief. Don't turn your criticism of your negative characteristics into a reflection on your worth as a person. There is a big difference between "My belly is too big, I should try to lose a few pounds" and "I'm fat because I can't work hard enough". When you criticize yourself, also try to find solutions to your problems.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 4
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 4

Step 4. Identify areas for improvement

It is important that you have confidence in yourself when you are naked, but that does not mean that your body is perfect. Set yourself goals to work on, so that you can stay focused on your appearance, your self-esteem and maintaining your shape.

  • Set yourself simple, achievable goals that you can easily verify, that allow you to clearly see your progress and successes. This is especially important for goals that relate to your physique and are particularly simple to assess visually, such as building muscles or changing your hairstyle.
  • You should also consider some mental goals, such as focusing more on the positive aspects of your body. Something as simple as making a positive comment about your body every morning can help you improve your mood and confidence when naked.

Part 2 of 3: Getting to Look Naked

Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 5
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 5

Step 1. Take care of your hygiene

This is the most important tip for improving your overall appearance. It may take a little effort to follow a regular routine of good habits, but overall it will be very useful to you.

  • Wash regularly. Take frequent baths or showers to make sure you remove all dirt, oils, and sweat from your hair and body. Use warm soapy water, rinsing off all the suds before drying yourself.
  • Eliminate bad smells. In addition to washing, spray yourself with deodorant or perfume, especially in areas that have a tendency to sweat and get dirty, such as the armpits. Delicate, light and fragrance-free deodorants are ideal for masking unpleasant body odors.
  • Use a perfume that accompanies your natural smell. A few drops will suffice, so there is no need to bathe in the colony.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 6
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 6

Step 2. Take care of the other parts of the body

Some areas require specific care. Your fingernails and teeth, for example, need specific attention, but having them tidy can help you feel good and look good.

  • Trim your fingernails and toenails regularly. Doing this once a week should be enough to keep them from overgrowing. Use the file to make them smoother after you cut them and eliminate any sharp edges that can get caught in your clothes or hurt other people.
  • Maintain oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Consider taking mouthwash rinses to freshen your breath. If you want to make your teeth even more beautiful, ask your dentist about whitening and straightening operations.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 7
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 7

Step 3. Take care of your skin

Clean and healthy skin is very attractive. Make sure you know your skin type so you can choose the best products for your needs.

  • Regular baths help remove the dirt and grease that cause pimples and other skin imperfections. Make sure you reach any areas that tend to sweat a lot.
  • Protect yourself from the sun. The sun can easily damage your skin if you're not careful, and even if you don't get skin cancer, sunburns are painful and embarrassing to see. Avoid being outdoors during the hottest hours (10am to 2am), wear clothes that cover a large part of your body and spread a sunscreen.
  • For healthier skin, include colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet. Try eating carrots, apricots, spinach, tomatoes, and blueberries. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are good for you, as are nuts and seeds.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 8
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 8

Step 4. Fight acne on the body

You should prevent pimples from developing all over the body and not just on the face. Bathing often is a good prevention strategy, as well as making sure you wipe sweat off your body after a workout.

  • If you already have acne on your body, use mild cleansers and not harsh astringents you apply to your face.
  • Change and clean your bed covers regularly. When you roll between the sheets, you leave behind dirt and dead skin cells. By changing the blankets often, you will avoid sleeping in dirt, which will not stick to your skin.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 9
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 9

Step 5. Maintain a healthy weight

Each person's body is different, and your target weight depends on factors such as height, health, and level of physical activity. Ask your doctor what weight is most appropriate for your condition.

  • The presence of fat or loose skin in some parts of the body is related to your weight. Identify specific areas that make you feel uncomfortable. Create a training program that targets those areas.
  • To control your weight, you will need to keep an eye on your daily calorie intake. If you are trying to lose weight, don't cut down too much on the calories you eat. You will need energy to exercise and get on with your life. If you want to lose weight, stick to a diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods are low in calories and are healthy options that can give you the energy you need to stay active.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 10
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 10

Step 6. Increase your muscle mass

Toning and defining muscles aren't the only ways to look good, but they can undoubtedly help you. To build muscle, exercise and eat a healthy diet.

  • Choose which areas to improve. You can perform specific exercises to tone any part of the body. For abs, try crunches and other core-targeting workouts. To tone your arms, try pushups, pull-ups, and weight lifting. As with your weight loss plan, develop an exercise program that meets your needs. Just remember to stretch before exercising.
  • Your diet should include protein, which helps build muscle. Meat, such as ground beef, chicken and eggs contain a lot of protein. If you don't like meat very much, other foods, such as almonds and ricotta, are also high in protein.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 11
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 11

Step 7. Drink lots of water

You should drink about 13 glasses a day. Water helps you keep your skin healthy, eat less with meals, and stay hydrated during workouts.

Part 3 of 3: Feeling comfortable with your partner

Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 12
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 12

Step 1. Adopt confident body language

With no clothes to distract or send a particular message, your bearing is essential to feel comfortable and have confidence in yourself. Even if you don't feel safe, by pretending you may be able to worry less.

  • Maintain the correct posture. Stand or sit with your back straight to appear taller. Keep your chin up and shoulders relaxed to show confidence. These tips are also useful when you are dressed, but are especially important when you are not wearing clothing that can hide your body.
  • You smile. A smiling face can convey self-confidence, a trait that everyone finds attractive.
  • Look ahead and maintain eye contact. This can create a strong bond with your partner. Also, you will subconsciously force her to look you in the eye and not dwell on the other parts of your body. If you still feel nervous when you are naked with your partner, this advice can prevent her gaze from wandering too much.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 13
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 13

Step 2. Check for body hair growth

You may have no problem letting your hair grow loose, but your partner may not think the same way you do. Long, neglected hair can be unsightly and particularly to the touch. If you want your partner to touch you, she should get to your skin and not stop at the hair.

  • Armpit hair. This area of the body often sweats a lot, and cutting the hair that grows there can reduce perspiration. Better not delete them all, but keep them short and don't neglect them.
  • Chest hair. If you are an athlete, you should probably remove the hair in that area. Shave slowly and use an electric razor to remove traces of hair as well. You might consider waxing yourself. Alternatively, an adjustable electric razor can help you maintain a manly look (if that's what you want).
  • Hair on the back is often considered unattractive. If you don't like them, consider waxing them off, as it won't hurt much in that area. Also, it's not easy to shave a part of the body you don't see.
  • Hair on the genitals. As in the case of the chest and armpits, it is unusual for a man to be perfectly hairless in that area, unless he is an athlete who shaves for sporting reasons. Use an electric razor to keep the hair tidy and short. This will reduce sweat, odor and make your noble parts look bigger.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 14
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 14

Step 3. Make the environment more comfortable

Being confident is not enough to feel comfortable. With some tricks regarding the surrounding environment you will feel more serene without clothes and create the right atmosphere.

  • Make sure the temperature is pleasant. Many factors can determine which temperature is most suitable, but ultimately it is a personal preference. If you are naked, consider that the temperature should be slightly higher than normal, as you will not be wearing anything to cover yourself. Cold can restrict blood flow, causing some parts of the body to shrink.
  • Keep the lights dim. If you and your partner are still not completely comfortable when naked, low lights can help hide some details. Plus, it will create a romantic atmosphere, if that's what you're looking for. If you are particularly daring and are not afraid to set off the fire alarm, you can use candles instead of lamps.
  • Deodorize the room. You've focused on your body odor for now, but your surroundings shouldn't smell. Keeping the room clean and tidy is always a great way to reduce bad odors. A quick squeeze of perfume should be enough to cover up any unusual smells, especially if you don't have much time to spare.
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 15
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 15

Step 4. Laugh

When you are naked, it is normal to feel insecure and the same goes for those who are with you. Brighten the mood with a joke, or find something comical about your situation. Laughing together will make you both feel more comfortable and create a deeper bond.

Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 16
Look and Feel Good Naked (for Guys) Step 16

Step 5. Let your partner touch you

You don't need to do this when you're naked. Feeling another person's hands touching you can help you remember that you are not just an image you see in the mirror. It will make you feel more attractive, a person worth touching.

  • If you are in a stable relationship, let your partner touch you. It doesn't have to be erotic contact. A nice shoulder massage or a hug will let you know that your partner finds you attractive.
  • If you are single or if there is no one you would be touched by, getting a massage is a great way to connect with someone. Plus, it will make you feel much more relaxed.


  • A simple aesthetic tip that many men overlook is using a face and body cream. Moisturizing your skin is one of the most effective ways to improve your appearance. Try multiple products to find the one you prefer.
  • If you are waxing for the first time, consider leaving the job to a professional for best results.
  • If you are on a diet, consult a nutritionist to develop a healthy and personalized program.
  • To develop your training program, ask a personal trainer to help you achieve specific goals.


  • Don't overdo your training and diet; you could risk health problems or injuries. Consult your doctor before embarking on an exercise program or new diet.
  • If negative feelings about your body lead you to depression or even self-harming thoughts, talk to someone right away. Get help from a trusted friend, relative, or psychologist.
