How to Open a Vacuum Jar: 11 Steps

How to Open a Vacuum Jar: 11 Steps
How to Open a Vacuum Jar: 11 Steps

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There is nothing worse than being hungry and not being able to open a jar of food. Regardless of the type of food trapped inside the jar, the first thing to do is to avoid getting nervous or stressed out. To open a particularly difficult glass jar, you don't need to buy bizarre and expensive tools designed for this purpose; there are many ways to solve the problem by using everyday objects that we all have at home.


Method 1 of 2: Eliminate the Sealing Effect of the Vacuum

Open a Difficult Jar Step 6
Open a Difficult Jar Step 6

Step 1. Hit the lid of the jar using a wooden spoon to remove the vacuum

Choose the heaviest wooden spoon you have to have the best chance of success. Hit the center and edge of the jar lid a couple of times to try to get rid of the sealing effect of the internal vacuum, then try to unscrew it as you normally would.

  • To be able to open the jar, you may need to repeat this step several times.
  • If you don't have a wooden spoon, you can try using another kitchen utensil. Wooden tools work best, but you can choose to use any heavy object.
Open a Difficult Jar Step 7
Open a Difficult Jar Step 7

Step 2. Use a butter knife or the handle of a metal spoon as a lever

Insert the thin tip of the butter knife or the end of the handle of a metal spoon or fork under the outer edge of the cork, exactly between the glass and the latter. Very carefully, pry up the lid from the jar just enough to let some air inside and eliminate the vacuum effect.


When you can get rid of the vacuum, you will hear a popping sound, after which you can unscrew the lid of the jar without any effort.

Open a Difficult Jar Step 8
Open a Difficult Jar Step 8

Step 3. Hit the bottom of the jar with the open palm of your hand

Hold the jar upside down with your non-dominant hand and hold it tilted at a 45 ° angle. At this point, strike the bottom firmly with the open palm of the other hand until you hear the snap of the vacuum being eliminated.

This method works by increasing the internal pressure against the cap caused by the blow inflicted on the bottom of the jar with the open hand

Open a Difficult Jar Step 9
Open a Difficult Jar Step 9

Step 4. Immerse the jar with the lid in the hot water for about 30 seconds to eliminate the sealing effect of the vacuum

Fill a container with hot but not boiling water, then turn the jar upside down and dip the cap into the hot liquid for at least 30 seconds, then try opening it. Repeat this step until you can open the jar.


If you don't have a container to collect it, run the hot water over the lid of the jar for about 2 minutes to try to get rid of the vacuum inside.

Open a Difficult Jar Step 10
Open a Difficult Jar Step 10

Step 5. Use a hair dryer to heat the jar cap if the hot water didn't work

Turn on the hairdryer at maximum power and aim the jet of hot air directly on the lid of the jar for about 30 seconds. The metal of the lid should expand due to the heat, thus eliminating the internal vacuum. Use a kitchen towel or oven mitt to grasp the hot cap and try to unscrew it.

  • This method is also useful for heating jam or other similar food that may have hardened under the cap, blocking it.
  • Be very careful when following the instructions in this step as you could burn yourself as the metal of the cap will become very hot.
Open a Difficult Jar Step 11
Open a Difficult Jar Step 11

Step 6. Try using a lighter to heat the metal of the cap and eliminate the vacuum effect

Move the flame around the cap slowly and accurately to heat it evenly. Use a kitchen towel or oven mitt to grasp the cap and try to unscrew it as it will be very hot.

The more you are able to heat the lid of the jar, the greater the expansion of the metal, but be very careful because in this case both the lighter and the lid will be very hot

Method 2 of 2: Increase the Grip on the Jar Lid

Open a Difficult Jar Step 1
Open a Difficult Jar Step 1

Step 1. Try unscrewing the cap by gripping it firmly with a kitchen towel

Sometimes, a kitchen cloth or a simple towel is enough to increase the grip on the lid of the jar and be able to apply the right force to open it. Hold the jar with your non-dominant hand and place the dishcloth or towel on the cap, then try to unscrew it by turning it counterclockwise.

The advice is to perform this operation on the sink or on the kitchen worktop. This way, you can clean up any spilled liquid or food quickly and easily

Open a Difficult Jar Step 2
Open a Difficult Jar Step 2

Step 2. Put on a pair of rubber cooking gloves to get a better grip on the jar lid

You can use the rubber gloves you use for washing dishes or cleaning the house. After wearing them, try unscrewing the jar cap as you normally would.

You can choose to use only one glove if you feel you have a better grip on the body of the jar with your bare hand

Open a Difficult Jar Step 3
Open a Difficult Jar Step 3

Step 3. Wrap the lid of the jar with plastic wrap to increase the grip

Get a piece of plastic wrap that is large enough to wrap the lid of the jar completely. Place the film on top of the latter and spread it carefully by pulling it down around the cap. At this point, try unscrewing the lid counterclockwise.

In this case, the more adherent the film is to the lid of the jar, the greater the effectiveness of this method

Open a Difficult Jar Step 4
Open a Difficult Jar Step 4

Step 4. As an alternative to cling film, you can use a rubber band to be placed on the outer edge of the jar cap to increase the effectiveness of the grip

Choose a rubber band that has a large section and can be rolled tightly around the outside edge of the jar lid. Hold the cap with your dominant hand and try to unscrew it forcefully.


In this case, it is better to use a wide and thin elastic so that the surface on which to grip is greater.

Open a Difficult Jar Step 5
Open a Difficult Jar Step 5

Step 5. If you have one handy, try using a dryer cloth to further increase the grip on the jar cap

These cloths are able to increase the effectiveness of the hand grip on the lid of the jar. Place one on the cap of the latter and try to unscrew it.

If necessary, you can try to combine this method with that of the rubber band. Place the cloth for the dryer on the lid of the jar and secure it in place using a rubber band


When you find yourself struggling with an extremely difficult jar to open, you can choose to use a combination of different methods. The important thing is to be patient and not give up, you will see that you will be able to open practically any type of jar


  • Be very careful if you decide to use a butter knife to unscrew the jar cap. It may look dull, but if it slips while you are applying significant force it could still seriously injure you.
  • Check the rim of the jar for any shards of glass that may have formed while you were trying to remove the lid, so they can't contaminate the contents.
  • Do not use the hair dryer to heat a cap that has plastic components as it may melt due to the heat.
  • Be careful not to burn yourself when using the lighter to heat the broth in the jar lid.