CSV files (acronym meaning "comma separated values") allow you to save data in tabular format, which is particularly useful when it comes to managing a large database. You can use Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, Google Sheets and Notepad to create them.
Method 1 of 2: Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and Google Sheets
Step 1. Create a new worksheet with Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or Google Sheets
If you just need to convert an existing spreadsheet to CSV format, go directly to step # 4
Step 2. Type the field names (or headings) in the individual cells of the first row, at the top of the spreadsheet
For example, if you want to enter data about the items you sell, type "Name" in cell A1, "Price" in cell B1, "Description" in cell C1, and so on.
Step 3. Enter the data in the spreadsheet under the corresponding column
Always referring to the example presented in step # 2, write the name of the first item in cell A2, the price in cell B2 and the description in cell C2.
Step 4. After entering the data of all the articles, click on "File" and select "Save as"
If you use Google Sheets, the same command appears in this form: "File> Download As".
Step 5. Choose the "Download as" option and select the "Comma Separated Values (.csv)" format from the drop-down menu
Step 6. Name your CSV file, then select "Save"
You just created a CSV file, where commas are automatically added to separate each field.
Method 2 of 2: Notepad
Step 1. Open Notepad and type the field names in the first line, separated by commas
If you want to enter the data of the items you sell, write the names of the fields in the first line: "name, price, description". There can be no spaces between one article and another.
Step 2. Now enter the data starting from the second row, using the same format adopted for the field names
Based on the example presented in step # 1, write the name of the first item, followed by the price and description. For example, if you sell sporting goods, write: "tracksuit, 30, sport".
Step 3. Continue to enter the data of each single item in the following lines
If you leave any fields blank, remember to insert the comma, otherwise the cells will be misaligned.
Step 4. Click on "File" and select "Save"
Step 5. Enter the file name and select ".csv" from the drop-down menu containing the extensions
Step 6. Click on "Save"
You just created a CSV file with Notepad.