How to Clean the Navel: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Clean the Navel: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Clean the Navel: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

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The navel is easily overlooked, but it needs to be cleaned like any other part of the body. Fortunately, all you need is some soap and water! If there is an unpleasant odor that does not go away despite regular washing, check for signs of infection. With proper care, you can get rid of the bad smell and return to having a fresh and clean navel.


Method 1 of 2: Create a Regular Cleaning Routine

Clean Your Belly Button Step 1
Clean Your Belly Button Step 1

Step 1. Wash it in the shower

The best time to clean the navel is while bathing or showering. Try to include it in your daily hygiene care.

You will likely need to wash it more frequently if you sweat a lot (for example, after exercise or in hot weather)

Clean Your Belly Button Step 2
Clean Your Belly Button Step 2

Step 2. Use soap and water to wash it normally

Nothing fancy is needed for navel cleansing. Warm water and a gentle shower gel are enough! Apply both to your fingers or a washcloth and gently massage the affected area to remove any dirt, grime and lint that forms inside. When you're done, rinse it thoroughly to remove all foam residue.

  • In general, body wash is also good for the navel. If scented soaps cause dryness or irritation, choose a mild, odorless one.
  • You can use salt water to gently clean the inside as well. Mix 1 teaspoon (about 6 g) of table salt with 240 ml of warm water and dip a cloth into the solution. Use it to gently massage the inside, then rinse with water only.
  • Salt water can kill germs and dissolve dirt. In addition, it dries and irritates less than soap.


If you wear a piercing, it is even more important to keep it clean. Use a warm salt water solution to cleanse the surrounding area at least 2-3 times a day or as directed by your piercer or doctor. The wound can take a long time to heal, and in this case, you will need to follow this routine for several months, if not a year.

Clean Your Belly Button Step 3
Clean Your Belly Button Step 3

Step 3. Clean thoroughly with a cloth or cotton swab

If the navel is deep, dirt and lint build up easily and can be tricky to get rid of! In these cases, you may want to introduce a cloth or a cotton swab to carry out a more thorough cleaning. Gently cleanse the inside with soap and water, then rinse it well.

Do not rub, otherwise you could irritate the inside and the surrounding area, which are very delicate

Clean Your Belly Button Step 4
Clean Your Belly Button Step 4

Step 4. Dab it when done

It is important to keep the navel dry to prevent an excessive proliferation of fungi, yeasts and bacteria. Once you have finished washing it, use a clean cloth to gently dry the interior and surrounding area. If you have time, you can also let it air dry for a few minutes before getting dressed.

You can prevent moisture from building up in the indoor area by wearing loose, lightweight clothing when it's hot or you know you might sweat

Clean Your Belly Button Step 5
Clean Your Belly Button Step 5

Step 5. Avoid applying oils, creams or lotions

Don't use creams or lotions unless your doctor recommends it. In this way, moisture could be trapped inside creating an environment conducive to the unwanted growth of fungi, yeasts and bacteria.

You can safely hydrate the navel with a little baby oil or a light moisturizing lotion if the navel is protruding rather than receding. Stop using moisturizer if you feel odor, itchiness and irritation, or other signs of infection

Method 2 of 2: Handle Bad Smell When It's Persistent

Clean Your Belly Button Step 6
Clean Your Belly Button Step 6

Step 1. Look for signs of an infection if regular cleaning doesn't fix the problem

Unpleasant smells emanating from the navel are mainly caused by dirt and sweat. Generally, you can get rid of them by washing the area with soap and water. If not, it could be an infection. Therefore, notice the following symptoms:

  • Red, scaly skin
  • Sensitivity or swelling in or around the area
  • Itching;
  • Yellow or green serum or pus leaking from the navel
  • Fever, general feeling of being unwell or tired.


The likelihood of developing an infection is higher if you wear a piercing. If so, look out for symptoms, including increased pain or tenderness, swelling, redness, warmth around the piercing, or pus.

Clean Your Belly Button Step 7
Clean Your Belly Button Step 7

Step 2. See your doctor for a diagnosis if you have symptoms of an infection

If you suspect an infection, see your doctor right away. He will assess which infectious process you are affected by and will indicate appropriate treatment for you.

  • Treatment varies depending on the cause: bacteria, fungus, or yeast. Don't try to guess what kind of infection you have developed as resorting to the wrong therapy could be even more counterproductive.
  • Your doctor may order you to take a sample to be analyzed to determine the cause of the infection.
Clean Your Belly Button Step 8
Clean Your Belly Button Step 8

Step 3. Use topical medications to treat a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection

If you have discovered that you have a navel infection, it may be necessary to apply an antibiotic or antifungal ointment or powder for some time to eradicate it. Your doctor will decide which drug to prescribe for you. By treating the infection, you should also get rid of the foul odor and purulent discharge! Follow all therapeutic directions provided by your doctor, including:

  • Resist the urge to scratch or poke the infected navel
  • Change and wash sheets and clothing regularly to avoid reinfection;
  • Avoid sharing towels with other people;
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing to keep the area cool and dry;
  • Clean it daily with a saline solution.
Clean Your Belly Button Step 9
Clean Your Belly Button Step 9

Step 4. Undergo drainage if you have a cyst

Sometimes, a cyst may form inside the navel causing swelling, pain, and foul-smelling discharge. If it is infected, your doctor will likely do the drainage in your office. They may also prescribe a systemic or topical antibiotic to help beat the infection. Once back home, follow his therapeutic indications to promote proper wound healing.

  • Ask him for detailed instructions on cleaning and caring for the cyst once he gets home. He may recommend that you apply a warm, dry compress to the affected area 3-4 times a day. If he has applied a bandage, you will need to change it at least once a day until he tells you to stop.
  • If he closed the cyst with gauze, after 2 days you will need to go back to his office to remove it. Wash the wound with warm water once a day until it heals (usually within 5 days).
  • If the cyst re-forms, surgery may be required to remove it completely. If it is deep, such as the uracal cyst, the surgeon will make a small incision to remove it with delicate instruments, guided by a video camera.
  • You will likely need to be hospitalized for 2-3 days after surgery, but you can resume your normal daily life within a couple of weeks.
Clean Your Belly Button Step 10
Clean Your Belly Button Step 10

Step 5. See your doctor to remove dirt if needed

If you have a deep belly button and you don't clean it frequently, dirt, lint, and grease can accumulate inside. Eventually, these substances risk forming a solid mass that left for a long time can harden like a stone. If this happens, see your doctor. He may use a pair of pliers to gently pull it out.

  • Typically, this mass does not cause any symptoms. However, it can sometimes lead to the development of sores and infections.
  • You can prevent this by regularly cleaning your navel with soap and water.


  • If you tend to form umbilical fuzz, you can reduce it by wearing new clothes and shortening or shaving the hair that grows around the navel.
  • Newborns need special care for this area of the body, especially immediately after the umbilical cord falls. If you have a baby, consult your pediatrician for the best way to clean and care for his navel.


  • If you suspect your navel piercing is infected, see your doctor right away for proper treatment.
  • Never try to clean or remove umbilical lint with a sharp instrument, such as tweezers or metal manicure tools, as you could injure yourself. Always use your fingers, a clean cloth or a cotton swab.
