Health 2024, September

How to Get Rid of Abdominal Fat (for Women)

How to Get Rid of Abdominal Fat (for Women)

Abdominal fat, also known as "visceral fat", is what focuses on the central part of the body. It is the most dangerous type of body fat because, unlike the adipose tissue that is deposited under the skin, visceral fat affects the functioning of internal organs and is associated with a number of diseases.

How to Mentally Prepare for a Diet: 11 Steps

How to Mentally Prepare for a Diet: 11 Steps

The idea of starting a diet can be daunting, especially if you are not mentally prepared for such a change. When the mind is calm and prepared, sticking to a healthy eating plan is much easier. With the right preparation you will be able to effectively reach your goals and you will find it less difficult not to fall into temptation along the way.

How to Get Out of Home (with Pictures)

How to Get Out of Home (with Pictures)

Many people have a secret fear of having to defecate when they are away from home. Whether it's the fear that someone may hear the noises you make or that you are worried about leaving bad smells, clearing the gut in a public place can be an anxious experience;

3 Ways to Use a Warmer in Pregnancy

3 Ways to Use a Warmer in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a joyful experience, full of expectations and hopes. However, it does involve some discomfort and pain in the muscles and joints, especially in the lower back. Follow these instructions to safely use a warmer during gestation. Steps Method 1 of 3:

How to Stop Clenching Your Teeth: 14 Steps

How to Stop Clenching Your Teeth: 14 Steps

Bruxism (clenching, clenching, or grinding of the teeth) can cause headaches, damage to the teeth, and other problems. This activity can take place during the day or night and correcting it requires a conscious re-education of the jaw and the reduction of the causes of stress that underlie the problem.

How to Prevent Caries from Worse (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Caries from Worse (with Pictures)

Caries is a disease that affects the hard tissues of the tooth and destroys them over time. It forms when the protective enamel is consumed by acids and bacteria. Once the outermost layer of the tooth is attached, decay continues to devour it in a degenerative process.

How to fix a stinging wire in an orthodontic appliance

How to fix a stinging wire in an orthodontic appliance

Ouch! Orthodontic appliances are designed to make our slightly lopsided smile more beautiful. However, sometimes, the metal wires bend and start to prick you, irritating the skin on the inside of your cheeks! And what if it is not possible to go to the dentist for a couple of days?

3 Ways to Move a Tooth

3 Ways to Move a Tooth

A loose tooth can be a very exciting experience for a child, especially if they still believe in the Tooth Fairy. Adults can suffer from this disorder due to gum disease or a bump on the teeth. You can remove a loose tooth at home using clean fingers or a toothbrush;

3 Ways to Keep Dentures White

3 Ways to Keep Dentures White

The first time you put on your new denture, your false teeth sparkle beautifully every time you smile. However, over time, a patina forms on the surface of the prosthesis that makes your smile a pale white or even yellowish. Thankfully, there are many ways to keep your dentures pearly white!

How to Keep White Teeth (Smokers): 11 Steps

How to Keep White Teeth (Smokers): 11 Steps

Smoking can severely stain your teeth. In fact, smokers have a much higher rate of discoloration (moderate to severe) than people who don't smoke. Tobacco causes yellow stains that are difficult to remove with just a toothbrush. This happens because the nicotine and tar found in cigarettes penetrate the tiny holes in the enamel.

How to remineralize the teeth: how effective are natural remedies?

How to remineralize the teeth: how effective are natural remedies?

Teeth are a type of tissue coated with a hard enamel on the outside. This outer layer is composed of minerals, mainly calcium phosphate and small amounts of sodium, chlorine and magnesium. Enamel can be damaged by bacteria through a process called demineralization, which leads to cavities and other dental problems.

How to Use an Electric Toothbrush: 10 Steps

How to Use an Electric Toothbrush: 10 Steps

To have very white teeth and breath as pleasant as a mint bud, you need to brush your teeth regularly. If you've always used a manual toothbrush and just bought an electric one, you may be wondering how to best use it. Read on to find out! Steps Step 1.

How To Clean Toothbrushes: 10 Steps

How To Clean Toothbrushes: 10 Steps

Keeping toothbrushes clean is essential for proper oral hygiene. Many people clean them thoroughly using disinfectants, but in reality it is not necessary. Instead, what you need to do is rinse the toothbrush before and after each use. If you decide to use a disinfectant, choose a specific one approved by competent authorities.

How To Use Ice To Remove Acne Overnight

How To Use Ice To Remove Acne Overnight

Get some tinfoil! Get some ice! It's time to get rid of those disgusting things from your face that dermatologists call "pimples". The latter are very annoying and some of them never seem to go away. Many people have tried products, mashing them, washing them, and other methods too, but they always stubbornly stay there.

How to Treat Shingles: 15 Steps

How to Treat Shingles: 15 Steps

Shingles, known by the medical term herpes zoster, is an annoying skin irritation caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the same virus responsible for chickenpox. Once a person has had chickenpox, the VZV remains in the body. Usually it does not cause problems, but every now and then it can reactivate, causing annoying skin rashes characterized by the appearance of red spots, which evolve into blisters.

How to Treat a Foot Fracture: 10 Steps

How to Treat a Foot Fracture: 10 Steps

A fracture is the breakdown of the bone or cartilage that surrounds it; the severity of a fracture involving the foot can range from what is called a "stress fracture", or sometimes "duration", to a complete break of the entire foot.

How to Determine If a Wound Needs Stitches

How to Determine If a Wound Needs Stitches

Have you cut yourself and the injury looks pretty bad? It is sometimes difficult to tell if an open wound needs stitches that could cause it to heal properly and reduce the scar. In case you have any doubts about this and want to avoid an unnecessary trip to the hospital, this tutorial offers you tips and methods to understand if your wound really needs medical intervention.

4 Ways to Use Garlic to Remove Warts Naturally

4 Ways to Use Garlic to Remove Warts Naturally

Warts can be embarrassing and discomforting, especially if they are in visible places. They are very common and are not a serious health problem unless they come up repeatedly. In this case, you should see your doctor to determine why they periodically reform.

How to Prepare a First Aid Kit for Camping

How to Prepare a First Aid Kit for Camping

It happens to everyone that sooner or later they need a first aid kit. If you are planning a camping holiday, it is of utmost importance for your well-being to have one that is suitable for travel. An ideal camping kit should contain all of those items that can help you in case of possible problems, including some life-saving medicines and other medical supplies.

How to Apply Ice to a Lesion

How to Apply Ice to a Lesion

Applying ice is one of the basic treatments for injuries. It is generally used within the first 48 hours after injury, while heat is more suitable for chronic pain. Ice reduces pain, inflammation and speeds up the healing process. However, this procedure does not simply mean putting an ice bag and leaving it on the lesion.

How to Remove a Fishing Hook from Your Finger: 10 Steps

How to Remove a Fishing Hook from Your Finger: 10 Steps

Are you cleaning your fish hook from the pond slime and find yourself in a painful surprise? Here is a remedy used by old fishermen to remove a fish hook from a finger, nose, ears, etc. Steps Step 1. Carefully push the hook through your finger, or the point where it is planted, until it comes out on the other side, unless the hook point has penetrated It's painful, but it's better than tearing it in the same way it came in.

How to apply plaster to a fractured arm

How to apply plaster to a fractured arm

Most of the time the arm cast is made of plaster or fiberglass and completely encloses the end to hold a broken bone in place until it heals. The upper limb cast can be of two types: as long as the arm, to cover the area from the hand to the armpit, and short that reaches just below the elbow.

How to Wrap the Thumb: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Wrap the Thumb: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

The most common reason for wrapping your thumb with medical tape is an injury, such as a sprain. Sometimes the finger is bent excessively backward while skiing or playing sports such as basketball, volleyball or rugby. When the thumb is forced to move wider than normal, the ligaments can tear more or less severely:

7 Ways to Remove a Shard of Glass from the Foot

7 Ways to Remove a Shard of Glass from the Foot

Did a splinter of glass get into your foot? Ouch! It can hurt a lot and a little scary too, but you don't have to worry too much: as annoying as they are, glass splinters are easily removed with a pair of tweezers and a sewing needle. In this article you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about it, to help you take care of your poor foot quickly and safely.

How to Treat a Laceration Injury: 13 Steps

How to Treat a Laceration Injury: 13 Steps

When the skin splits or undergoes a separation process, a laceration injury forms, a minor but painful wound. It is one of the most common injuries for a variety of causes and often affects the elderly or infants. Even people forced into a condition of immobility, suffering from chronic diseases or who take steroids for a prolonged period can see the manifestation of these injuries.

How to Prevent Kitchen Accidents: 10 Steps

How to Prevent Kitchen Accidents: 10 Steps

The kitchen is a place where many accidents can happen, but since we frequent it regularly, we often forget how dangerous it is. A necessary rule to establish is to respect the safety inside and to establish measures to prevent possible accidents.

How to Wrap a Sprained Thumb (with Pictures)

How to Wrap a Sprained Thumb (with Pictures)

Thumb sprain is a common trauma in sports such as volleyball, basketball, baseball, skiing, tennis, table tennis, and sledding. However, whether you are injured while exercising or not, you need to know how to bandage your finger to start the healing process.

3 Ways to Take Care of a Scab

3 Ways to Take Care of a Scab

Scabs form naturally as a result of a cut, scratch, or wound on the skin. They have a protective function aimed at preventing the leakage of blood and other body fluids. They also create a natural barrier preventing the possible entry of bacteria, germs and dirt into the wound.

3 Ways to Prevent Electrocution

3 Ways to Prevent Electrocution

The inherent damage of an electric shock is not something to joke about, as it can often result in serious injury or even death. However, there are many preventative safety measures that you can use to greatly reduce the risk of electrocution at home, at work or outdoors.

How to Treat a Paintball Injury: 12 Steps

How to Treat a Paintball Injury: 12 Steps

A wheal or edematous lesion that appears after a game of paintball is basically a collection of blood in a specific area of the body due to an impact during the game. The hives or bruises become evident when the capillaries (small blood vessels) rupture due to the shock or blow from the skin.

3 Ways to Treat a Mild Concussion

3 Ways to Treat a Mild Concussion

A concussion - or more properly concussion of the brain - is a type of mild head injury often caused by a blow, bump, fall or any other accident that rapidly pushes the head and brain back and forth; during the traumatic event the brain is shaken against the internal walls of the skull.

How to Clean Cut Wounds: 10 Steps

How to Clean Cut Wounds: 10 Steps

Since cutting is normal, it is important to know how to clean the wound. Proper cleaning promotes healing and also avoids the risk of developing complications, such as an infection. In addition to knowing how to clean a cut well, it is essential to understand when to see a doctor if the healing process should be interrupted by any problems.

5 Ways to Wrap a Wrist

5 Ways to Wrap a Wrist

The wrist is a part of the body that is vulnerable to events that cause pain. The pain could come from damage, such as a sudden sprain or tear, from a medical condition, such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, or from overuse and repetitive use of the wrist itself, as could happen in the case of sports such as bowling or tennis.

How to React after a Car Accident: 9 Steps

How to React after a Car Accident: 9 Steps

A car accident can be a traumatic and frightening experience, preventing people from knowing what to do next. It is important to act quickly to ensure that everyone involved is safe and that all steps are followed to ascertain the claim. Know what to do after a car accident so that you are ready in an emergency.

How to Treat a Dislocation: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Treat a Dislocation: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

When two bones that form a joint come out of their place, it is called a dislocation. Symptoms of this trauma are intense pain, inability to move and deformity of the joint. It is an injury that can affect almost any joint, including the elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles and hips, but there have been cases of dislocation even in the knuckles of the hands and feet.

6 Ways to Carry an Injured Person Alone

6 Ways to Carry an Injured Person Alone

During an emergency it may happen that you have to carry an injured person alone. Perhaps that person is near a fire or is in a place where debris can fall, and needs to be taken to a safe place; or she got hurt in the woods or in an isolated area and needs to be moved in order to get help.

How to make skin numb: 6 steps

How to make skin numb: 6 steps

There are several reasons why it is worth temporarily numbing the skin. For example, when you want to reduce pain after an injury or to prepare for an invasive procedure in the doctor's office. Fortunately, there are many methods available to choose from, so that you can apply the correct technique for the situation you are facing.

How to Lock a Dislocated Shoulder: 9 Steps

How to Lock a Dislocated Shoulder: 9 Steps

Shoulder dislocation is a painful injury that occurs when the upper (ball-like) end of the humerus comes out of its natural location, the concave joint of the shoulder girdle. Once the dislocation is reduced, the shoulder can be immobilized with a bandage (or kinesiology tape) to reduce pain, provide support to the joint, and help stretched tendons and ligaments heal quickly.

How to Treat Facial Bruises: 12 Steps

How to Treat Facial Bruises: 12 Steps

Having a bruise is always unpleasant, especially when bruising occurs on an extremely exposed area such as the face. Fortunately, a variety of first aid techniques and home remedies can be used to treat the hematoma quickly and effectively. Steps Method 1 of 2:

How to Treat a Calf Strain: 14 Steps

How to Treat a Calf Strain: 14 Steps

The two muscles that work together to form the calf are the soleus (located deep inside) and the gastrocnemius (closest to the skin). These connect the heel to the back of the knee, and are responsible for plantar flexion of the foot, which is essential for running, walking, jumping and kicking.