How to Build a Box (with Pictures)

How to Build a Box (with Pictures)
How to Build a Box (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


There are boxes of all shapes, sizes and materials. Building a box is one of the best ways to start working with wood or metal. These projects are simple to complete and can help you become familiar with the machinery and tools associated with the trade. Follow this guide to create simple boxes with multiple uses.


Method 1 of 2: Making a Metal Box

Build a Box Step 1
Build a Box Step 1

Step 1. Get some metal plate

You will need metal thick enough to make a strong box, but thin enough to fold. Pipe metal is a good material. To get started, you'll need a rectangular piece.

Build a Box Step 2
Build a Box Step 2

Step 2. Measure the cuts and folds

Draw a line on the metal plate to indicate where you will need to cut and fold. You will need to fold the four sides up to make the walls, so measure equal lines parallel to the edges. These lines will indicate where to fold.

  • You will also need to bend the top of each wall to hide the sharp edges. Draw a parallel line a short distance from each edge.

    Build a Box Step 2Bullet1
    Build a Box Step 2Bullet1
  • Draw equal squares on each corner of the rectangle. This box may already be there because of the fold lines you drew earlier. This square will be cut to create the wings that will become the sides of the box.
Build a Box Step 3
Build a Box Step 3

Step 3. Cut the squares

Secure the metal plate to the countertop so it doesn't move or vibrate while cutting. Use a jigsaw or other type of metal hacksaw and work slowly to make sure you are cutting straight lines.

Build a Box Step 4
Build a Box Step 4

Step 4. Fold the top edges

Once the squares are cut, you will have the flaps left. You will need to fold the edge of these wings to create rounded edges on the top of the box. Insert the first side onto the press brake. Make sure it lines up with the line you previously measured. Fold at 90 degrees, creating a spout.

  • If you don't have a press brake, place the plate on the edge of the table and place a piece of wood on it. With a vice he firmly secures the wood to the table. The piece of wood will act as a support in the press brake, allowing you to bend the metal by hand or with a sledgehammer.

    Build a Box Step 4Bullet1
    Build a Box Step 4Bullet1
Build a Box Step 5
Build a Box Step 5

Step 5. Hammer the nozzle down

Continue to bend by hammering down the spout so that it is level with the edge. Repeat this process on all four flaps.

Build a Box Step 6
Build a Box Step 6

Step 6. Fold the walls up

Now that the top of the walls are done, it's time to start raising them. Insert a tab into the press brake, aligning it with the line you previously drew. Fold the wall up at a 90 ° angle. Repeat this process on all four walls.

Build a Box Step 7
Build a Box Step 7

Step 7. Stop the corners

At this point, your box should appear to be almost finished. The four side walls should be up, and the top edges folded. Now you will need to block the corners with small pieces of metal.

  • Measure the height of the box. Cut four strips of metal, each long enough to cover from the bottom to the top of the box, and thick enough to fold in half and fasten (usually about 2.5cm on each side, or 5-6cm in total width.

    Build a Box Step 7Bullet1
    Build a Box Step 7Bullet1
  • Insert each strip lengthwise into the press brake, half in and half out. Fold each strip in half at 90 degrees.

    Build a Box Step 7Bullet2
    Build a Box Step 7Bullet2
Build a Box Step 8
Build a Box Step 8

Step 8. Connect the corners by fixing the plates

Once folded, place one of the folded plates on the corner of the box, and punch holes through both the plate and the box. Place clamps on both sides of the fold, top and bottom. Insert rivets into each of the holes. Use a hammer or rivet gun to lock them in place.

  • Once all the rivets have been placed, the box is complete.

    Build a Box Step 8Bullet1
    Build a Box Step 8Bullet1

Method 2 of 2: Build a Wooden Box

Build a Box Step 9
Build a Box Step 9

Step 1. Measure the wood

You will need to make sure that all the pieces for the side walls are the same height. The opposite walls must be the same length. You will also need to make sure that the bottom fits inside the walls of the finished box.

Build a Box Step 10
Build a Box Step 10

Step 2. Prepare the corners

At the end of each piece of the side walls, cut a 45 ° angle from the inside of each side. These 45 ° angles will join together to create her clean edges, with no internal grain visible.

Use a good quarter joint to create exact angles. This will help create corners with no visible joints. Make sure when you cut the 45 ° angle that you don't change the total length of the side pieces

Build a Box Step 11
Build a Box Step 11

Step 3. Prepare a long piece of masking tape

Put each side piece on the masking tape so that the edges touch each other. The pieces will be arranged as if the walls of the box had been "unrolled".

Build a Box Step 12
Build a Box Step 12

Step 4. Glue the bottom to one of the walls

Let the glue dry and continue to hold the pressed piece using a clamp. Once the glue is dry, apply glue to all other edges of the bottom.

Build a Box Step 13
Build a Box Step 13

Step 5. Apply glue to the corners

Apply strong wood glue to the 45 ° corners. File the edges with a file before applying the glue to improve the seal.

Build a Box Step 14
Build a Box Step 14

Step 6. Close the walls

With the duct tape still attached, close the walls so that the 45 ° corners match each other. If you have measured correctly, the bottom should fit perfectly inside the side walls of the box. Secure the sides with a clamp and let the glue dry.

Build a Box Step 15
Build a Box Step 15

Step 7. Add a lid

You can make a simple lid by measuring a piece of wood slightly larger than the perimeter of the box. Glue small pieces of wood around the edge of the new piece to prevent the lid from falling off.

Build a Box Step 16
Build a Box Step 16

Step 8. Decorate the box

You can sand the edges if you want them to be more rounded. Paint the box however you like.
