Losing weight may seem like a daunting task, but in reality you just need to burn more calories than you eat. Plus, if you manage to move so that you burn another 500 calories per day, you will lose about ½ kg per week, and the calculation doubles if you cut another 500 calories per day from your diet. You can burn 500 calories in many ways, such as running, gardening, or playing with your kids, just to name a few. So, the key to success is finding various exercises engaging enough to entice you to practice them regularly.
Method 1 of 3: Follow a Normal Workout

Step 1. Run at a brisk pace
Whether on the treadmill or outdoors, alone or in company, running is a great way to burn calories. By walking 10km in an hour - or 1.5km in 10 minutes - you can burn 500 calories in about 45 minutes. To shorten the time to 30 minutes, you need to cover a distance of 13km in an hour.
- By interspersing the ride with a few shots, you can further reduce the time, down to about 25 minutes.
- Note that all claims regarding calories burned and time taken are just estimates that vary based on several factors, including body weight and metabolism. Unless otherwise specified, the estimates reported in this article are based on individuals weighing 65-70 kg.

Step 2. Go for a light jog or walk for at least an hour
If you don't want to jog at a brisk pace, you can try jogging at a slow, steady pace. Since this is not a high-intensity physical activity, you will have to do it for about 60 minutes at a speed of 8 km / h to burn 500 calories.
If you prefer to walk at 5-6km / h, you burn 500 calories in about 90 minutes

Step 3. Go for a couple of hours hike
By choosing an easy path that allows you to walk in nature at a walking pace, you burn 500 calories in about 90 minutes. If you move at a faster pace or go for a more bumpy route, made up of inclines and rocky paths, you can cut the time down to around 60 minutes or less.
Since there are so many variables related to terrain and other factors, it is difficult to determine how long it takes to burn 500 calories while hiking. However, allow at least an hour

Step 4. Swim
On average, a person can burn about 500 calories by swimming at a leisurely pace for 60 minutes. If you pick up the pace, you could burn 500 calories in 40-45 minutes.
In this case, a faster pace equates to 66 laps in a 33-meter-long pool, which is a 1.5km swim ride in 40 minutes

Step 5. Use the exercise bike or bicycle
A 40-70 minute ride allows you to burn 500 calories, depending on your pace. It is just as true for the normal bicycle as it is for the exercise bike.
- With a moderate pace - that is, neither running nor wandering pleasantly on the street - it takes about 60 minutes to burn 500 calories.
- However, a spin class allows you to burn 500 calories in about 40-45 minutes, or maybe even just 25-30.

Step 6. Use the stair climber
It's a great tool for burning 500 calories quickly. By climbing the stairs for 45-50 minutes, you can burn off 500 calories, which is the goal set for the average person. However, if you decide to train on the stairs at home or elsewhere, add roughly 30 minutes to the overall time needed.
Alternatively, you could try running on the stairs of a stadium

Step 7. Jump rope during the day
Approximately 50 minutes of rope jumping allows you to reach your goal, but it is impossible to do it in one go. However, you can do the exercise by dividing it throughout the day into 5 intervals of 10 minutes each or 10 intervals of 5 minutes each.
You also have the option of combining it with other activities: for example, you can burn around 500 calories by jumping rope for 25 minutes and jogging for another 30 throughout the day

Step 8. Do aerobics at your own pace
An aerobics class can be a great way to spend time with old friends or make new acquaintances. Practiced at an intense pace on the step, you should be able to burn 500 calories in 50 minutes. On the other hand, if the intensity of the exercise is lower, extend the time up to 70 minutes.
Water aerobics is less intense due to buoyancy, so you'll need to double the time to burn 500 calories

Step 9. Try yoga
Two hours of yoga allows you to burn 500 calories. However, you can reduce the session to one hour if you combine it with another activity to complete your daily goal.
The same goes for pilates: 500 calories are burned in about 2 hours
Method 2 of 3: Playing Recreational Sports

Step 1. Play basketball or tennis
The time required varies according to the intensity of the workout. However, it is generally possible to burn calories faster by playing sports that require more intense activity.
- Play tennis for an hour. If you play in pairs, increase the time to about 90 minutes.
- Go to the beach and play beach volleyball for 60 minutes. You can also play this sport indoors, but you should add another 30-45 minutes to get the same results.
- Try playing squash for about 55 minutes or punching a punching bag for about 60 minutes.
- Play rugby for about 45 minutes, soccer for 50 minutes or basketball for 50 minutes.

Step 2. Try golf
Even relatively slow sports can help you burn 500 calories, so bring a few friends in and play golf. Practiced for 90-100 minutes, it can allow you to reach your goal if you walk quickly on the field and carry the sticks yourself, so avoid using the special trolley or asking for help from the caddy!
Even 2 hours of bowling or Frisbee can have the same effect

Step 3. Practice martial arts for about 50 minutes
On average, any form of martial art practiced for around fifty minutes should burn around 500 calories. However, remember to subtract the moments of inactivity spent watching the instructor's explanations (for example, during a class).

Step 4. Take a horse ride
A couple of hours of horseback riding allows you to burn around 500 calories. However, you can work them off at a slightly faster rate when racing or training for a competition.
Remember to only calculate the time you actually ride, excluding all breaks. So, a 3-hour ride that includes an hour break is enough to burn around 500 calories

Step 5. Dedicate yourself to rock climbing
It's a great way to get in touch with nature and burn calories at the same time. If you are fit and experienced enough, try climbing outdoors for 40-60 minutes. Alternatively, you can take the same amount of time to do indoor climbing in the gym.
The energy consumed during this exercise (outdoors or indoors) varies according to the difficulty of the climb

Step 6. Go for skis or snowboard
For a 65-70kg individual, 65 minutes of skiing or snowboarding on a moderate incline should be enough to burn 500 calories. However, remember to subtract breaks due to time spent on the lifts!
- If you prefer cross-country skiing, it takes about 50 minutes to get the same result.
- Even 65 minutes of water skiing allows you to burn off the same amount of calories.

Step 7. Get a pair of ice or roller skates
Whether on ice or roller skating, skating allows you to burn 500 calories in the same amount of time, which is 50-60 minutes. Of course, you have to do it at moderate intensity on fairly flat ground (if you use roller skates).

Step 8. Row
Rowing for 60 minutes is also perfect, but if you don't like being in contact with water, you can train for the same amount of time with a rowing machine at the gym.
Remember to only calculate the time you actively row, not when you stop to enjoy the lake view

Step 9. Surf
Of course, we don't mean surfing the Internet, as we say in English ("surfing the Internet"). About 60 minutes on the ocean waves will be enough.
- If you are unable to go to a suitable beach for this sport, consider using the SUP board for the same amount of time.
- Incidentally, it takes about 5-7 hours of Internet browsing to burn 500 calories, depending on how much you move and come and go from your desk!

Step 10. Dance the night away
It might be the funniest way to lose weight! If you go wild, you can burn 500 calories in about 50 minutes, but the exact amount of time varies based on the pace and type of dance.
- For example, with an hour of salsa, you burn off 290 calories, while with an hour of ballet or modern dance, you get to around 310 calories. With belly dancing, you stay around 250 calories per hour.
- On the other hand, a zumba class allows you to burn 500 calories in about 50-60 minutes.
Method 3 of 3: Doing Daily Activities

Step 1. Mow the lawn
Mowing the grass for about 2 hours allows you to lose 500 calories, but you will need to use a push lawn mower, not a lawn tractor. However, if the lawn extends over a large hilly area, 75 minutes may be enough to burn the same number of calories.
- Unless you have a very large garden, you could offer to mow your neighbor's lawn and burn 500 calories all at once.
- Therefore, consider combining this exercise with some other activity. For example, by mowing the lawn for 1 hour, you burn off about 250 calories. By adding 30 minutes of jogging or another similar exercise, you can lose the remaining 250 calories.

Step 2. Shovel the snow
It's probably not one of your favorite chores, but at least it helps you lose weight! Typically, shoveling snow for 50-80 minutes a day burns 500 calories. Calculate that it takes 80 minutes if the snow is soft and dusty, but drops to 50 if it is heavy and wet.
The push snow thrower allows you to lose roughly the same calories that you burn using a push mower at the same rate: it takes about 2 hours to total 500 calories lost

Step 3. Tidy up the house
About 2 hours of housework allows you to burn off 500 calories. They include any cleaning work: vacuuming, mopping the floor, dusting, washing toilets, and carrying heavy heaps of laundry.
You can subtract 15-20 minutes if you put your headphones on and start singing and dancing to the music while you clean. It's even more fun

Step 4. Play the guitar
By playing the guitar standing up, you can lose 500 calories in about 2 hours and 10 minutes. If you flounder like your favorite rock star, it will take less time. If you stay more composed, as if you were a pop singer, it will take more.
The 130 minute estimate is only valid if you play standing. If you remain seated, the time required doubles

Step 5. Play with your children
If you have small children, 90 minutes of moderate-level play allows you to burn 500 calories. However, you will need to get physically involved and activities should involve constant movement.
- Basically, you propose to play tag, football or throw snowballs.
- Children should still get at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity every day, so add half an hour and you will all be healthier and happier!

Step 6. Shop at the mall, not on the Internet
If you walk briskly as you move from store to store, you can burn 500 calories in about 2 hours and 15 minutes. However, you only have to consider the moments when you move.
Subtract any breaks you might take along the way. Sitting on a bench outside the mall or a chair in a bar won't help you achieve your goal

Step 7. Play around when sitting
You will burn calories without realizing it. While you would have to work up a lot to burn 500 calories a day this way, realize that every little move can help you reach your goal.
- Try tapping your foot on the ground, shaking one leg while sitting, and walking back and forth while talking on the phone.
- By moving consciously throughout the day, you can burn up to 350 calories.

Step 8. Use manual wheelchair instead of electric
If you can't do without a wheelchair to get around, keep in mind that you can burn 500 calories in about 2 hours of running at 3km / h on flat ground. You can reduce the time by at least half an hour if you increase the speed.
- The time it takes to burn 500 calories in an electric wheelchair triples (roughly 6 hours).
- You can burn about 500 calories by playing basketball for an hour in a wheelchair.
- If none of these exercises excite you so much that you practice them consistently, try combining and alternating them in order to reach the 500 calorie per day goal. You would reduce the time you have to dedicate to each of them and you could more easily distribute the various training sessions throughout the day.
- Remember that the amount of time it takes to train depends on your body weight and the speed of your metabolism. The directions in this article are guidelines only. Typically, people who weigh less need to train longer than those who weigh more.
- Estimates for exercise times are based on the average of people weighing 65-70 kg.