3 Ways to Calculate Calories Burned with Exercise

3 Ways to Calculate Calories Burned with Exercise
3 Ways to Calculate Calories Burned with Exercise

Table of contents:


In all likelihood, by exercising in an effort to decrease or maintain your weight, you would like to know the number of calories burned. By comparing the number of calories burned daily with the number of calories ingested, you could in fact achieve the desired results more easily. Read the article and entrust yourself to a serious program by abandoning the do-it-yourself accounts.


Method 1 of 3: Track calories burned on the treadmill (or similar equipment)

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 1
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 1

Step 1. Before starting your workout, enter your body weight data into the system

Be as accurate as possible.

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 2
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 2

Step 2. Start moving

The machine will track the number of calories burned, based on your body weight and the degree of intensity of the exercise.

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 3
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 3

Step 3. Make a note of the calories burned on a calendar or on your smartphone

Method 2 of 3: Track your calories with an application on your Smartphone

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 4
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 4

Step 1. Download a calorie calculator, or program that tracks your workouts, from the iTunes Store or GooglePlay

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 5
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 5

Step 2. Enter your current weight

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 6
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 6

Step 3. Choose the type of exercise you are going to do in the application menu

If necessary, also choose the relative intensity level, indicating for example whether it is a low, medium or high impact activity.

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 7
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 7

Step 4. Enter the data relating to the duration of the workout

Alternatively, report the distance traveled during the session.

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 8
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 8

Step 5. Record the number of calories burned directly in the application or on the calendar

Method 3 of 3: Calculate how many calories you should burn

Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 9
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 9

Step 1. Determine how many calories you can ingest each day in order to achieve your desired goals

  • Search for a specific online calculation program and enter the data relating to your height, weight, gender and level of physical activity. Also specify what your weight loss goals are.
  • Write down on your calendar or smartphone the number of calories you should ingest each day. Remember not to overdo it, losing half a kilo or a kilo a week will be more than enough.
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 10
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 10

Step 2. Train enough, combining exercise with meals, to lose the desired weight (1/2 or 1 kilo per week)

  • If you've calculated enough calories to lose 1/2 kilo per week, burning 3,500 more can double your results.
  • If you've calculated enough calories to lose 1 pound per week, be sure to replenish any extra calories you burn with food. For example, if you burn 300 calories from exercise, you compensate with 300 calories of healthy food.
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 11
Measure Calories Burned During Exercise Step 11

Step 3. As you lose weight, take note of every detail

Keep track of every meal and workout done.


  • Although it is almost impossible to calculate in detail the number of calories burned during a workout, it is possible to make a very real estimate.
  • As you lose weight you will need to exercise harder to burn the same number of calories. For example, you will need to walk faster, uphill or increase the distance traveled; in case of strength training you will have to do additional repetitions.
  • Before downloading an application read the reviews of other users. They will be of great use to you.
