How to Train in Your Room: 9 Steps

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How to Train in Your Room: 9 Steps
How to Train in Your Room: 9 Steps

Exercise has many benefits, including: improving the cardiovascular and immune systems, brain, sleep, and mood. But the classic excuses for not exercising are often a lack of time or funds. By practicing in the comfort of your own bedroom, you can get around both excuses. Plus, you can get a fantastic shape.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Room

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 2
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 2

Step 1. Find a space in the room to train

To understand if there is enough space, lie down on the ground and spread your arms and legs, if you don't hit some object, you are ready to go!

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 1
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 1

Step 2. Purchase the necessary tools

This is optional, but having some basic tools helps you do more exercises. Here's what you might buy:

  • Mat
  • Medicine ball
  • Small dumbbells
  • Rope
  • Resistance bands

Part 2 of 3: Warm up

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 3
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 3

Step 1. Warm up

Even if you will be staying in the chamber, it is important to warm up your muscles before exercising.

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 4
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 4

Step 2. Stretching

Stretch your muscles a little to avoid injury.

Part 3 of 3: Finding suitable exercises for small spaces

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 5
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 5

Step 1. Tone the abdomen

Doing sit ups will tone your abdomen and increase your heart rate. If you want, you can place a heavy object on your feet to perform the exercise more precisely.

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 6
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 6

Step 2. Work on strength

Increase your strength by doing classic pushups, planks pushups, and lifting weights. Be careful when lifting weights, you could get injured.

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 7
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 7

Step 3. Jump rope

This is a very effective exercise. Jumping rope for 10 minutes burns calories as much as running a mile in 8 minutes. If you have space in the room, skip the rope!

Make sure there are no objects or other obstacles that could come into contact with the rope

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 8
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 8

Step 4. Tone your legs

Running in place not only increases your heart rate but also tones your legs if you do it often. Add some stretching and some pushups on your legs, and you'll see great results.

Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 9
Exercise in Your Bedroom Step 9

Step 5. Yoga

This is a great way to relax and refresh your mind. It is also a type of light exercise to keep yourself toned.


  • Tidy up the room before doing the exercises.
  • Some exercise bikes are space-saving. Consider purchasing such a tool.
  • Use the bed to do some exercises. Since the bed is not a stable surface, you will have to use your abdomen a lot to maintain balance. However, if you are poorly trained, only do the exercises on the floor to avoid injuries.

    • On the edge of the bed: push-ups (feet on the floor or legs on the bed), parallel for triceps, one-leg squats (the other leg on the bed).
    • On the bed: standing squats, lunges, leg raises, push-ups (modified or complete).
