The press pass allows journalists to access restricted and guarded areas. Some passes guarantee access to exclusive events and events organized with very high security trappings such as a press conference in Parliament.
Step 1. Prepare your credentials
To get a press pass, you will need to present your credentials, i.e. proof that you work for a newsroom. And if you don't work for some newspaper, but you have a very popular and successful blog, you can try to get the pass by providing proof of your blog's authority. An official accreditation request from the news network you work for could be essential.
Step 2. Contact the official press office for the event you would like to cover
Send him your CV with your credentials and the request for accreditation, as soon as possible. Often you may not find a real press office. In that case, contact the public affairs office or public relations office. You may need to demonstrate the usefulness of having a collaboration on your part, and being able to anticipate how you would work. You may find it enormously difficult to access a crime scene or other serious event. In these cases, rescuers may need to have a public relations expert with them. Try reaching out to them and explaining how you might work. If they don't listen to you, you could go directly to those who manage relations with the press.
Step 3. Ask for a pass
Some scheduled events issue passes to members accredited by the newsrooms. In this case, it is very difficult to get a pass. You will have to be very convincing and professional, in this case, to get a pass.
Step 4. Once you have obtained the pass, take it with you
Some photographers always carry them all with them for different reasons, including being able to show trophies and being able to demonstrate that they have had other experiences of the same type. Sometimes it may even be enough for you to show a pass from a past event to gain access to important events.
Step 5. Prepare your personal pass
If you represent a successful blog, prepare your accreditation request and also your personal tag. Do it as professionally as possible, including your blog logo and name, an identifying photo, and your name. It may help you access events or areas that you would not normally have access to.