When you drop weight in bodybuilding, your goal is to reduce body fat without losing muscle mass. To do this, you need to reduce the amount of calories you consume so that your body starts using the fat deposits it has built up. For bodybuilders this process is unusual, because they typically ingest a lot of calories, so that they can increase their muscle mass. If you want to reduce your weight by bodybuilding, you must first change your diet. Later you will also need to vary your training program, in order to burn more calories every day.
Method 1 of 3: Follow a Schedule

Step 1. Assess your current weight and body fat percentage
If you want to get rid of fat from your body, you need to understand what the starting point is. Weighed and measured with a skinfolder. Once you have obtained the measurement of body fat from the skinfolder, you will be able to calculate exactly the percentage considering height and weight.
- You need to lose weight by burning fat and maintaining muscle mass. This means that you need a parameter that allows you to assess whether the weight lost is fat or lean. The easiest way to get it is to calculate your body fat percentage.
- On the internet you will find many programs that can calculate body fat. Just enter the measurements obtained with the skinfolder and the other information required to know the percentage of fat in your body.

Step 2. Set yourself a weight goal
When you start losing weight, you should have a goal in mind. You can aim for a final number, but many people set weekly goals. This way you can check your progress every week, make more frequent changes and set the end of the weight loss period.
- Many people try to lose half a pound a week. This is usually a reasonable goal that you can achieve with diet and lifestyle changes.
- To lose more than half a pound a week, extreme diets or other drastic measures are required that are not considered healthy.
- Calculate when you need to reach your target weight and work backwards. Make sure you have enough time to lose a pound a week safely and still reach your goal.

Step 3. Change your program and diet if you don't achieve your goals
When you start losing weight, don't be afraid to vary your plan. If you don't lose weight as you would like, reduce your calorie intake, change your diet or train more. Sometimes you will need to try to figure out which method works best for you.
- If your weight loss plan isn't working, ask a fitness expert for advice. He may suggest better ways to achieve your goals.
- Self-discipline is important for weight loss. Try to avoid temptation and stick to the new diet until you have achieved your goals.

Step 4. Make a note of the calories
You need to reduce your calorie intake so that you eat fewer calories than you burn. Write down what you eat every day as well as portion size and calorie intake. You can write it all down in a diary, or use a dedicated nutrition app, like MyFitnessPal or SuperTracker.
You can use the same app or diary to keep track of your daily physical activity as well. This will help you figure out if you are burning more calories than you are consuming
Method 2 of 3: Change Your Diet

Step 1. Reduce the number of calories you consume
When you start losing weight you should eat fewer calories than you usually burn in a day: this allows you to find yourself in a calorie deficit. When you eat less than your body burns, your body starts using fat to make up the difference.
For a weight loss diet, aim to eat 20 calories for every pound of lean mass. For example, if you have 90 pounds of lean mass, you should only eat 1800 calories per day when you want to lose weight

Step 2. Make gradual changes
As you begin to lose weight, you should gradually reduce your calorie intake, which will help you psychologically get used to the new diet that you will be following. It will also be easier for your body to get used to having less food available every day.
A sudden change in diet can negatively impact your metabolism and increase fat storage

Step 3. Prioritize Protein
In addition to reducing the total amount of calories, you also need to change what you eat. Always prefer protein, which helps you maintain muscle mass and burn more calories.
- However, it is important to eat a balanced diet so that your body has all the nutrients it needs. In general, eat low-fat foods and try to limit carbohydrates.
- Some of the best foods for weight loss diets for bodybuilders are grilled meats, vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs and almonds.

Step 4. Continue to eat healthy fats
Even if you want to lose weight, you shouldn't cut all fat. Healthy lipids, such as those found in fish, nuts and seeds, are important because they allow the body to function properly. They also give you the energy you need to increase aerobic activity.
Remember, eating fat does not make you fat. Although lipids contain more calories than proteins and carbohydrates, they can make you feel fuller and more energetic than other nutrients

Step 5. Eliminate unnecessary sugars, alcohol, oils and fats
When deciding what to eat during your diet, give preference to foods that do not contain added sugars or oils. In most cases you can do this by choosing cooking that does not involve the use of oil or sugar, such as steamed or grilled.
You should also avoid drinking alcohol when on the diet. The body transforms alcohol into sugars, adding empty calories to your diet

Step 6. Eat often
When you eat less than you used to, it's a good idea to eat more often. By giving your body food at regular intervals you will be less hungry than if you had only three meals; you will also have the physical and mental energy needed to stay strong and active.
- Spreading out your nutrition throughout the day will not help you lose more weight, it will simply make you less hungry.
- Aim for 6-8 small meals a day. This is usually the same number of meals as bodybuilders looking to gain mass, however the portions will be much smaller.
- Some snacks you can have anywhere include cottage cheese, nuts, raw vegetables, fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, and grilled meats, such as chicken or salmon.

Step 7. Take vitamin and mineral supplements daily
If you're on a low-calorie diet, you probably aren't getting all the nutrients your body needs. Find a multivitamin supplement that also contains minerals, such as iron or calcium.
Method 3 of 3: Change Your Routine

Step 1. Check your progress
During the course of your weight loss program, be sure to check your progress. Weigh yourself regularly and check your body fat percentage. Make sure you take reasonable steps towards your goal.
Checking if you are losing weight allows you to understand if your program is working or if you need to change something

Step 2. Increase your cardiovascular exercises
When trying to burn fat it is a good idea to do more cardio. This way you will burn more calories, increasing the calorie deficit you are generating.
Some great cardiovascular exercises you can do at home include squats, burpees, ski jumpers, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, and skipping
Step 3. Drink more water
If you want to lose weight, hydrating yourself more can be very helpful. This way you replenish the fluids you need to make your body function efficiently. Drinking also makes you feel full, helping you to suffer less from the hunger caused by the diet.
Water is better than sports drinks and sodas. It hydrates you more effectively and does not contain calories and sugars
Step 4. Continue your weight lifting program
As you lose weight, you can still gain muscle mass. However, it is more important to focus on maintaining the muscles you have already developed. Continue with the maintenance program.