Water retention is the body's response to diseases and hormonal or environmental changes. Excess fluid that causes bloating and weight gain is a very common problem. Often it is precisely the needle of the balance that informs us of the presence of a problem, but when water retention reaches high levels, the limbs can even be swollen and stiff. Unless the cause is an undiagnosed disease, it is possible to lose the extra pounds through a controlled diet, exercise and preventive actions.
Method 1 of 3: Eat Healthier

Step 1. Limit your salt intake
Sodium, or salt, causes the body to retain fluids and store them in the skin tissues. It is therefore best to try to avoid processed foods, such as potato chips, canned foods, frozen foods and fast-food foods, as they are the ones that generally contain the most sodium. Learn to season your dishes with spices and herbs instead of table salt.
Don't eat out. In most cases, the dishes served in restaurants contain more sodium than those prepared at home

Step 2. Eat foods rich in potassium
Potassium helps the body absorb sodium and reduces its accumulated quantities. Incorporate foods that are rich in them into your diet, such as sweet potatoes, beets, oranges, apricots, figs, melons, raisins, coconut water, and bananas.

Step 3. Increase your fiber intake
Health professionals recommend around 25-35g per day, but in reality many adults only consume 10-15g at most. Fiber improves the function of the digestive system, so it helps the body to excrete both solid waste and excess fluids. Fresh fruits and vegetables are one of the best sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber: to keep the digestive system healthy, it is essential to take both types.
- Replace refined carbohydrates with whole-grain ones. Whole grains and their derivatives are high in fiber and considerably healthier than refined ones. Pair your vegetable and protein recipes with rice, quinoa, and other ancient whole grains.
- Introduce fiber to your diet a little at a time, as your digestive system may take some getting used to.

Step 4. Eat foods rich in coumarin
According to some studies, this substance, naturally present in many plants, can help regulate the level of fluids in the skin tissues. However, be careful not to overdo it, coumarin should be taken in small doses to bring health benefits. For example, sprinkle some cinnamon on your cereal or cappuccino in the morning, drink a cup of chamomile tea before going to sleep, or use celery and parsley frequently in the kitchen.

Step 5. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
You need to make sure you drink nearly two liters of water. Having to drink to eliminate fluids may seem strange to you, but it is certain that water is able to improve metabolism and the functions of all organs. Keeping your body properly hydrated allows you to excrete chemicals, sodium and other elements that can cause water retention.
- Drinking plenty of water is especially important if the swelling is attributable to PMS. If the water retention is instead caused by a disease, for example affecting the heart or kidneys, it is best to talk to your doctor to find out how much water you should drink daily.
- If plain water doesn't satisfy you, you can try flavoring it with lemon, lime or cucumber slices, or drinking tea or herbal teas, hot or cold. Avoid fizzy drinks or drinks that contain sugar, otherwise your kidneys will be forced to process the sugar, so they will benefit less from hydration.

Step 6. Be careful not to overdo the alcohol or caffeine
A diuretic is a substance that increases the amount and frequency of urination. Drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine are highly diuretic, so they can dehydrate the body. While it will help you excrete some fluids in the short term, taken in high or regular doses will eventually dehydrate and swell the skin tissues.
Conversely, other natural diuretics, such as kale and cranberry juice, can help reduce water retention

Step 7. Take vitamins A and C
Both help you minimize water retention by strengthening the capillaries, which are the very thin blood vessels that regulate the level of fluids in the tissues. You can also get these two important vitamins through dietary supplements.
- However, Mother Nature offers numerous varieties of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, peppers, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, papaya, strawberries, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pineapple, kiwi and mango.
- Vitamin A is also present in many vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, cabbage, beets, pumpkins, mustard leaves, turnips, and beets.
Method 2 of 3: Keeping Active

Step 1. Move often throughout the day
Fluids tend to accumulate easily in the legs of older people and those who have a sedentary lifestyle, as both have a habit of spending a lot of time sitting. If your daily routine takes you to sit for a long time, remember to get up every 1-2 hours to walk a few minutes.
- Try to minimize the time you spend standing still in one spot, even while standing. If you have water retention, walking or exercising for a few minutes several times a day can help you expel fluids faster than exercising for a long time just once.
- When traveling by plane, keep your legs moving. Get up and walk down the aisle or stand up on your toes while standing in your seat. Your body will inevitably tend to store fluids during the flight, but by moving frequently you will be able to contain the problem.

Step 2. Make yourself sweat for 30 minutes a day
Exercising can help you lose excess fluids quickly, as long as you're at the right intensity. Run, use the elliptical, cycle, dance or practice any other discipline that allows you to increase your heart rate for at least half an hour a day.
- Consult your doctor before embarking on a new strenuous exercise routine.
- Keep your body properly hydrated while exercising. Even if the goal is to excrete excess fluids through sweat, you must be careful not to risk dehydration in order not to put your health at risk. Take a break at least every 20 minutes to drink some water.
- You need to know that when you embark on a new exercise program, you may initially gain weight rather than lose weight, as your muscles will tend to retain water. For this and many other reasons it is important to exercise regularly. Also remember that even if you don't eat, you will end up worsening the conditions of water retention rather than losing weight.

Step 3. Keep moving by taking care of daily chores
You don't need to join a gym to stay active. Find a reason every day to get out of the house and get some exercise. Walk to the market and take some time to browse the stalls. When you go to the supermarket, carry your groceries in bags instead of using the trolley. Take advantage of all the daily commitments to keep you in training.
Turn house cleaning into a fun, productive date by moving to the beat of your favorite music while listening to it at full blast

Step 4. Walk, cycle and use the stairs instead of the elevator
Take advantage of every opportunity to keep fit. Instead of using the car, walk or cycle and always use the stairs instead of the elevator. When using the car, park away from your destination and walk the last stretch. Every little attempt to keep yourself active and moving can help you lose weight caused by water retention you may have built up from sitting for a long time.
Method 3 of 3: Develop Preventive Habits

Step 1. Keep your legs raised often
Fluids tend to accumulate in the area of the feet, legs and ankles due to gravity. Try to counteract this force by keeping your legs elevated whenever possible. At the end of the day, rest your feet on a chair while sitting in front of the TV, or keep your legs and feet elevated with pillows when you lie down in bed.
Ideally, you should raise your legs above heart level. This position can help you reduce fluid build-up and make blood flow to the heart more easily

Step 2. If your doctor agrees, use graduated compression stockings
They are special elastic stockings which, thanks to the structure of the fabric, exert a slight pressure on the lower part of the legs. They can be used to improve blood circulation and are particularly suitable for swollen legs or on days when you have to spend a lot of time on your feet. Consult your doctor to find out if graduated compression stockings can be useful in your specific case.

Step 3. Ask your doctor if water retention can be caused by medications
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, such as aspirin and ibuprofen-based pain relievers, beta-blockers, such as metoprolol, and estrogen used in hormone therapies (including small contraceptives) can cause the body to retain fluids. If this is the case, your doctor may try to prescribe a different treatment for you. Whatever the circumstances, remember that stopping or reducing medication without first asking your doctor for advice could have serious consequences for your health.
Let your doctor know that even though you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you still feel bloated, and ask if your regular medications are the cause

Step 4. Discuss a diuretic with your doctor
He may advise you to take a hydrochlorothiazide or furosemide medication to help you lose excess fluids. Remember that, like all drugs, diuretics can cause side effects; moreover, they are effective only if water retention is caused by certain specific conditions, for example in the case of edema, while they should not be used if the swelling is simply associated with PMS.

Step 5. Get the circulation going with a massage
A therapeutic massage can help increase blood flow by helping the lymphatic system drain excess fluids. Massage also helps regulate the levels of stress hormones that can accompany weight gain. Describe your symptoms to your doctor precisely so that he can use the most appropriate techniques.

Step 6. Relieve stress
In situations of tension, the body produces cortisol, a hormone that causes fluid retention. Reducing stress then allows you to get back to being healthier and fitter. Start meditating, do deep breathing exercises, use aromatherapy, walk in nature - choose whatever activity you like and help you feel relaxed.

Step 7. Cool your body in hot weather and warm clothes in cold weather
When the temperature changes are extreme, the body tends to retain fluids. Try to protect yourself from excessive heat and cold by using the right clothing, especially when you spend a lot of time outdoors.