Having trouble balancing your eating habits with health? This guide provides you with the basics for maintaining healthy eating habits and keeping your body 'lean'. You can also try following the nutrition pyramid!

Step 1. Moderation
When you eat, it is best to have just enough food on your plate so as not to overfeed. If you are unable to follow a diet, for reasons of health or willpower, do not do it! Eat only enough food to quench your hunger and then stop.

Step 2. Balance
Always try to balance your meals based on nutritional categories. For example, there should always be a mix of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, etc. in each of your meals.

Step 3. Variety
Eating different foods for each food group is not only good for your diet, it keeps you from craving junk food.

Step 4. Avoid snacking
Eating junk food is not good for you. However, healthy snacks between meals, combined with portion reduction, accelerate metabolism. This allows you to burn more calories and faster.

Step 5. Exercise
Nutritionists and other nutrition professionals recommend exercise as an important part of any diet and weight loss program. In addition, every modern diet plan includes gymnastics. Training is a key component of staying lean, and it can be of any type, such as walking. Doctors recommend 30-60 minutes (based on intensity) of aerobic activity at least five times a week to lose weight.

Step 6. Stay focused
Try your best not to think about food. Wherever you want to pass the time, do it away from fast food restaurants. It's not good for you to munch on junk food.

Step 7. Eat enough
Eating enough food makes you feel full and healthy. Always keep your eyes open and remember that you must always be in perfect shape.

Step 8. Avoid restaurants
Try not to go to places that can harm your diet, such as restaurants and fast food restaurants. These do not offer healthy menus and therefore their meals should be avoided.

Step 9. Eat whole grains rather than refined ones (wholemeal bread instead of white, for example) and undercooked vegetables instead of overcooked ones
The more processed the food, the higher the glycemic index, and the more chance your body will turn it into fat.

Step 10. Eat a healthy breakfast
Eating an egg in the morning is the best way to lose weight, as the high-quality protein will keep you full for a long time. Some research has shown that a large breakfast and a smaller lunch and dinner are a healthy combination. This is because after fasting all night, our body needs energy, and it burns calories instead of storing fat.

Step 11. Try to limit red meat (beef and pork) to once or twice a week
Instead, eat chicken, turkey, or fish (not fried!) For lean protein. Lean proteins are less likely to be processed into fat. When you put some meat on your plate, it should represent a quarter of your meal. This will provide you with the exact daily protein intake.
- Do not skip meals such as breakfast, as you will gain weight, as your body's needs will decrease, and when you start breakfast again, your body will store fat.
- If you can't stick to your daily diet or don't know how much you eat, you can make a nutrition chart. Check with the table to see if you ate as much as you needed.
- If you are looking to maintain a nice lean body, eat small meals every day, but at least three times a day every week. And don't forget physical exercise!
- Staying lean requires the right balance of calories in and out.
- Avoid eating just before your metabolism slows down. For example, do not eat late in the evening, before going to sleep and do not eat before a long period of inactivity. If you do, you will trigger a fat storage mechanism.
- If you want to stay truly focused, it might help to avoid places like cinemas, parties, restaurants and other events that focus on food. Or don't eat on those occasions.
- Weight and health are directly related, but body fat and health even more so. The ideal body fat percentage varies with age and sex. It is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist to find the right percentage of fat you should have.
- One thing you should try is to have some really very healthy breakfasts sometimes and then fast for the rest of the day. Breakfast is the key to weight loss, and you'll lose weight faster if you do.
- Add enzyme supplements to your diet as they are catalysts for the calorie consumption of the food you eat.
- Eating too little deprives your body of the necessary nutrients.
- Don't be obsessed with diet plans or eating habits. In all healthy diets there is room for a dessert from time to time.
- Do not overdo it. Maintain a steady supply of nutrients and avoid fasting. Fasting, or even spending a long time without eating between meals of the day, starves your body. When your body is hungry, it changes your metabolism and focuses on storing fat rather than burning calories.