If you want your nose to look thinner, but don't want to permanently intervene with expensive surgeries that may not guarantee the desired end result, use this guide to learn how to make it look thinner in less than 5 minutes.

Step 1. Take a thin eyeshadow brush

Step 2. Choose a color that is 2 or 3 tones darker (the lighter the less visible) than your skin

Step 3. Apply the chosen eyeshadow to the bridge of the nose, between the two eyes, as shown in the image
Two lines will be enough to define the new profile. Don't worry if the result looks jarring at the moment.

Step 4. Now take a blending brush and blend the eyeshadow to soften the lines

Step 5. Apply bronzer to further blend the line

Step 6. Apply a thin layer of loose powder

Step 7. Now apply a highlighter to the crest of the nose, near the tip

Step 8. Love your nose
- Instead of an eyeshadow, you can use a powder for a more natural result.
- Don't apply bronzer if you don't want to.
- Apply the powder to the rest of the nose for a more even result.
- Use only matte colors.
- Don't use black.
- Don't make very fine lines.
- Don't overdo the amounts of makeup.