How to find out if a girl loves you or is just a good friend

Table of contents:

How to find out if a girl loves you or is just a good friend
How to find out if a girl loves you or is just a good friend

Romantic relationships often arise from great friendships. However, as you seek the courage to reveal your feelings, it's nerve-wracking to wait to find out if a girl likes you or if she just wants to be your friend. It is difficult to understand what she is feeling without confessing your love, but by learning to recognize some signs, you will be able to distinguish mere friends from potential partners.


Part 1 of 3: Signs to Watch Out for

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 1
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 1

Step 1. Notice if she looks you in the eye

If a girl looks down as soon as she sees you or lowers her head smiling, there's a good chance she's attracted to you. It's hard to look someone in the eye when you have strong feelings for them that you haven't confessed yet.

With the term triangulation, an eye movement pattern is described that strongly suggests that a girl likes you. She will look at you in one eye, then the other, then move her gaze to your mouth and repeat the sequence

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 2
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 2

Step 2. See if she curls her hair

Touching your hair stimulates blood circulation and makes you feel connected to your body, so if you notice a girl engaging in this behavior, it's a positive sign.

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 3
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 3

Step 3. Pay attention to body language

If a girl gets very close to you, makes excuses to touch you, or extends your contacts slightly, she may consider you more than a friend.

  • If she touches your shoulder, strokes your hand, or hugs you for no reason, she probably likes you.
  • If a girl wants to share what she drinks or eats with you, she probably likes you a lot.
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 4
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 4

Step 4. Notice if he laughs at your jokes, even when they're not funny

If a girl always has a smile on her lips when you talk and does nothing but laugh, it means that she enjoys your company a lot. This is a subconscious way of saying "I really like you and I love hearing you talk."

When we are in love, we only see the positive sides of the other person, thinking that everything they say is perfect and funny

Part 2 of 3: Consider how He behaves in your company

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 5
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 5

Step 1. Pay attention to how he treats you compared to other friends

If she likes you, she will probably act more shy or blush often when you are together. If her attitude towards you is the same as her attitude towards other people you know, she probably just wants to be your friend.

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 6
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 6

Step 2. Observe her behavior when you are in a group

If a girl likes you, she might shower you with attention, even when other people are around. She does this because she prefers to talk and spend her time with you.

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 7
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 7

Step 3. See if he knows your interests well

When a girl has a romantic interest in you, she'll remember if you said you prefer chicken to steak and she'll know all your favorite songs.

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 8
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 8

Step 4. Take a jealousy test

Notice if she gets angry or jealous when you flirt with another girl. If she seems annoyed or asks what you were talking about, she may have romantic feelings towards you.

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 9
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 9

Step 5. Pay attention to how her friends treat you

If they show a sudden interest in you or ask you a lot of personal questions, they are probably trying to get to know you better, because their friend has strong feelings for you.

If they try to make fun of you when your friend is around, she probably likes you

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 10
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 10

Step 6. Listen to what he says when you are together

If a girl likes you, she will indirectly express her feelings to you. Here are some things it can say:

  • "I really enjoy spending time with you"
  • "You are my favourite"
  • "You're so funny"
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 11
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 11

Step 7. Notice who initiates the conversations

If a girl always starts talking to you, especially if she doesn't have a good reason to, she's undoubtedly interested!

If he texts you just to say hello or that he is thinking of you, these are positive signs

Part 3 of 3: Asking Direct Questions

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 12
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 12

Step 1. Be direct and ask her how she feels

There is nothing wrong with asking a person what their feelings about you are. You may feel embarrassed at first, but if she cares about you, as a friend or something more, she will get over the problem and appreciate that you feel comfortable enough with her to be open and sincere. Here are some ways to ask the question:

  • "How do you feel about me?"
  • "Do you see me as a friend or as something more?"
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 13
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 13

Step 2. Ask her questions about love and feelings

If you prefer a less direct approach and don't want to ask her how she feels about you, you might be able to get an idea with some romantic questions. Here are some things you can ask:

  • "Would you like to fall in love?"
  • "Do you think two friends can fall in love with each other?"
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 14
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 14

Step 3. Ask how a mutual friend feels

Girls tell almost everything to their friends. If the idea of asking a direct question makes you too nervous, ask a close friend of hers how things are. Keep in mind that when you start talking to your friends, they will likely say what you said to the girl you care about. Here are some simple questions you can ask:

  • "Do you know if she likes anyone?"
  • "Does he ever talk to you about the boys he goes with?"
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 15
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 15

Step 4. Find out what it says about you when you are not together

If the girl always finds a reason to mention your name, she speaks well of you when you are not around or smiles when she hears you name, she has strong feelings for you.

Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 16
Find out Whether a Girl Loves You or Is Just Being a Good Friend Step 16

Step 5. Try dating

Find the courage to ask the girl to go to the movies with you or go out for dinner. If she dresses elegantly or wears more makeup than usual, it means she's trying to make a good impression on you. A girl who loves you goes out of her way to stand out in your eyes, taking care of her appearance and trying to be funny.


  • See if he does everything for you. If she offers to do you annoying favors or help you with a project, she probably likes you a lot.
  • If she likes you, she may joke around with you, or ironically quote your past relationships.
  • If you like someone, let them know!
  • Does he always wait for you in the hallways after math class or does he sit next to you in the cafeteria? If a girl always pays her attention to you or writes to you often, maybe she likes you.
