Don't have a close enough relationship with your dog? Follow these simple steps to make your beloved four-legged companion feel loved and find out how to love him.
Step 1. Get your dog plenty of exercise
When the dog needs to go outside, take him outside. You will know he needs it because he will give you pleading looks, stand by the door, bark, etc. To accompany his need for physical exercise outdoors, he may also moan, emit shrill noises and bark.

Step 2. Caress it
If it rests its head on your lap, don't scratch it behind the ears! So, you can do it, but when dogs behave this way, they're actually trying to figure out where you've been, with whom and what you just ate! Dogs just want to be loved. They love to be scratched on the neck and stomach, and massage is one of the best ways to show your affection.

Step 3. Try (if possible) to avoid hugging your dog
Most dogs, especially large breeds, hate it because dogs want to feel dominant. If you hold him, he doesn't feel like he's in control.

Step 4. Reward your dog
Many dogs, particularly Golden and Shetland Sheepdogs live to please their owners and actually do. You have to reward them. Give him treats that are healthy and made specifically for dogs. No need to buy them, you can make great treats yourself at home (try looking for a safe recipe in a dog recipe book or look online for recipes recommended by professionals).

Step 5. Talk to your dog
Dogs love it when you talk to them. You will develop your language together and share moments of intimacy. And no dog will ever tell you to stop talking about your bad day at the office!

Step 6. Have a happy time with your dog
The dog loves attention. Set aside moments each day to spend with your dog, even if it's just lying with him in front of the TV, stroking his ears and resting with him.

Step 7. Prioritize yourself over your dog
Establish regular, consistent times to feed your dog and take him for a walk. Your dog will love you for it, as it will greatly benefit his well-being. Doing something for the dog at the same time every day will allow him to know what to expect at that particular time.

Step 8. Take care of your dog
Always respect your dog and the love he has brought into the house. Be thoughtful, loving, and attentive to how you treat them. The dog is a member of the family.

Step 9. Offer your dog a comfortable place all to himself
The area where he sleeps should be his only and not to be shared with piles of laundry or storage containers. Make sure it's out of people's trajectory and not bothering (again, try to avoid cages. Maybe buy a dog bed and place it in a room overnight (or during the working day), but try to make happy your dog by allowing him to feel dominant).

Step 10. Discipline your dog
Just like a child, if you don't discipline your dog, it means you don't love him that much. Whenever he does something wrong, punish him! You can do this by behaving consistently and sticking to the rules.
- Never hit your dog. He will not understand that it is a punishment; on the contrary, he will perceive this gesture only as an infliction of pain and this will not produce any positive effect. Instead, use a firm tone of voice and ignore it for a few minutes. Never punish him for something he did more than ten minutes ago. He won't remember his mistake.
- When teaching your dog what is right and what is wrong, use the same words. This way the dog will begin to understand what you want from him.
- You should be firm but not offensive when you punish your dog; light pressure on his nose, placing your hand on his back, laying him down gently, observing him and maintaining eye contact work in conjunction with making him sit down or send him out. Remember not to be bad and to forgive him quickly.
- While some specific orders are important, along with these commands also speak to your dog using simple Italian. Your speech is full of inflections and patterns that the dog will understand, even if he doesn't know the details of what you say. Likewise, never lie to your dog. Dogs can sense it.
- Remember that you don't have to be rich to love your dog.
- Rewarding your dog is a good method.
- If your dog gets into trouble and hides his tail when you tell him to plant it, use a soft but firm tone of voice and then tell him that everything will be fine.
- Do not overdo it. If you confront your dog in a way that goes beyond just playing a little rough, he may react in an undesirable way.
- Be careful when hugging your dog, he sometimes sees this gesture as a threat.
- If he starts to get too annoyed, stop playing with him for a minute until he calms down.
- Don't scold him for nonsense.