How to Stop Cats from Using Your Garden as a Litter Box

How to Stop Cats from Using Your Garden as a Litter Box
How to Stop Cats from Using Your Garden as a Litter Box

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Do cats and other animals use your garden as a litter box? With a few simple tips, you can get them to stop in no time!


Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 1
Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 1

Step 1. Fill plastic bottles of water and place them strategically around the garden without caps, perhaps some near the entrance and some near the fence - wherever you suspect cats will pass

When a cat bumps into them, they will fall and possibly wet the cat. Since cats don't like water, they will associate the garden with getting wet.

Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 2
Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 2

Step 2. Spray repellent wherever cats need to go

Cats usually inspect the place they intend to use as a litter box. A nasty, irritating smell will make them desist from using a spot in your yard. You may need to go over the area every few days to keep cats away. Other repellents you can try:

  • chopped chili and / or spray the bushes near where the cat passes with pepper spray
  • pine cones
  • commercial cat repellent
  • chopped orange peels
  • White vinegar
  • coffee powder
Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 3
Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 3

Step 3. Plant something dense where cats usually dig, preferably something that needs little care and is drought resistant

As the plants grow, plant some plastic forks well into the ground. Place them close enough and close enough for the cat to find it difficult to turn or dig that earth. It is a temporary measure until the plants grow.

Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 4
Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 4

Step 4. Cover the surface

Put up a real barrier to keep cats from digging, such as a chicken coop, mosquito net, or stones.

Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 5
Stop Cats From Using Your Yard As a Litterbox Step 5

Step 5. Invest in watering cans with motion sensors

This is a more expensive solution and may take some getting used to (meaning remembering to turn them off before you or anyone else in the house goes to the garden).


  • Search Google, for example, 'How to keep cats off my lawn' or 'How to repel animals'
  • Talk to the cat owner - they may be thinking about changes in where to let the pet out of their yard.
