3 Ways to Live Freely

3 Ways to Live Freely
3 Ways to Live Freely

Table of contents:


Sometimes we feel like we are imprisoned in routine, or in having to do the things that others expect of us. If you want to get out of the box of routine follow these steps, learning to live life to its fullest expression!


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Worry Less

Live Free Step 1
Live Free Step 1

Step 1. Pay less attention to what others think of you

Others are beyond your control, and if you can't stop worrying about your image, you can't be free. You can't make everyone happy, believe you can, it will only make you feel alienated and disappointed.

  • Don't model yourself based on what others say. Once you reach a point where you tell yourself that you are trying to do what others want, you stop being free.
  • Detach yourself from the wrong people in your life. These people confuse you, manipulate you, bring you negativity. It would be better to disarm these people through methods of non-violent techniques of communication, to avoid being too reactive, but more decisive; you have the power to free yourself from these people, and live away from their harmful presence. Your good friends will help you find the right balance.
Live Free Step 2
Live Free Step 2

Step 2. Stop thinking the worst

Free yourself through what can be done, instead of thinking about what cannot be done. Shift your focus on what you can do for yourself and others. In this way, you find true freedom to live your life as you want.

  • Remind yourself of your successes, not your failures. If school or work are not going as well as you would like, then think about your family, your social relationships. Focus your thoughts on positive things.
  • Pay attention to your way of expressing yourself. Avoid negative words like "I can't". Language is powerful. By changing your way of expressing yourself into positive thoughts, you free yourself from stalling, and you tell yourself "I have to do it, I can do it"
Live Free Step 3
Live Free Step 3

Step 3. Be honest

Lies create a web that does not allow you to be free. Learn to recognize your own and other people's lies. Being honest allows you to better connect with people, who trust you because they identify your vulnerability in theirs.

  • Lies can be a form of defensive reaction; it is natural for many of us to feel the need to defend ourselves in a conflict situation.
  • Lying during an argument seems like something that can work to your advantage, but in most situations, it binds you to the person you are arguing with, because 'the lies have clouded the situation, evading your real needs.
  • By responding with love and kindness you regain freedom in social relationships, because you have learned about suffering, without intensifying the discussion and this gives you the power for your choices and your actions.
Live Free Step 4
Live Free Step 4

Step 4. Come to terms with money (and lack thereof)

Many people associate having a lot of money with being free, but your attitude towards money says a lot about freedom. Use money as a medium in your life, not as a conductor of your life. Learn to save and be a conscientious consumer.

Try to do something to get yourself out of the vicious cycle of consumption. For example, if you are tired of paying too much for organic food, plant your garden and grow your own vegetables and spices. Learn to do it regularly, your work will pay off in health, and you will be a role model for neighbors, children and friends

Live Free Step 5
Live Free Step 5

Step 5. Do the things you do well

Start by improving your natural predispositions, cultivating your qualities allows you to meet new people who have the same interests as you.

Use online resources to connect with like-minded people, exchange ideas and services with them, and encourage others to lead freer lives. There are websites where people in the local community exchange resources and skills. Do a search for your area

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Improve Health

Live Free Step 6
Live Free Step 6

Step 1. Exercise

Exercise releases endorphin which helps improve your mood, and keeping fit ensures you get the things you want to do. Don't let lack of health stop you from being free and doing what you want. Choose to do something that you enjoy, an exercise can be fun.

Release endorphin to free your spirit. Endorphin lights up your mood. it is a substance produced by the brain, in response to a positive experience. Endorphin helps you free yourself from negative emotions that can imprison you in a vortex of negativity. One of the ways that can help you release endorphin is good exercise, socializing and laughing; all things that help you free yourself and focus your attention on what matters to you

Live Free Step 7
Live Free Step 7

Step 2. Laugh and smile as often as you can

Your smile changes your face. Laugh at something every day. Start by laughing about some funny old memories, or watch a movie or go see a play at the theater. Laughing and smiling improves your immune system, and makes you feel better because you release endorphins. Laughing lets your brain know you're happy, and gets you in a great mood, in the right state of mind.

Live Free Step 8
Live Free Step 8

Step 3. Spend time in the sun

The sun lights up your day and your mood. Go outdoors, stroll, immerse yourself in nature, and spend time with people. Of course, use sunscreen in the warmer months.

Live Free Step 9
Live Free Step 9

Step 4. Spend time with friends

Being with your friends brings empathy; understanding and being understood improves the sense of well-being, and helps release endorphins. Plus, spending time with your friends and being social has been shown to increase serotonin levels, which helps increase your well-being.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Modify Your Routine

Live Free Step 10
Live Free Step 10

Step 1. Do something new as often as you can

Being open to new experiences is a source of freedom because it helps to expand your horizons, discovering hidden talents and keeping you open to the beauty of life.

  • Look at new opportunities less as limitations or as something to worry about. Most battles are inside your head before you start a new business.
  • Congratulate yourself every time you try something new. And tell others what you did. Your story can help others live more freely.
Live Free Step 11
Live Free Step 11

Step 2. Pretend to be accompanied by music in your everyday life

Movies all have a soundtrack and so should you. When walking, on a rainy day, music helps your mood, it is something that makes you feel good and entertains your mind.

Live Free Step 12
Live Free Step 12

Step 3. Do something spontaneous

Spontaneity is often lost by entering the adult world of work, parents and social obligations. Conforming to what is expected of every adult in society, there is a tendency to quell the opportunities to break free from time to time. Restoring some spontaneity and impulsiveness to your life can restore some balance.

  • Check out the things ImprovEverywhere has done, like herding more than 200 people around town, using the famous "invisible dog" by pretending to be real. Doing something that amazes others is a good way to live freely and get out of the box of your routine.
  • Look for "flash-mob" videos, you may find funny videos.
Live Free Step 13
Live Free Step 13

Step 4. Walk

Get out and start walking. Keep walking, direction is not important and don't stop until you have to. There is something special about walking with no destination or direction in mind.

Live Free Step 14
Live Free Step 14

Step 5. Indulge in an occasional urge

It's okay to act on your impulses every now and then. Eat cake for breakfast or shave your head. Embrace surprises and spontaneity. Shaking up the routine can help you get more enthusiastic every day. Who knows what will happen!

Live Free Step 15
Live Free Step 15

Step 6. Do something that you are passionate about regularly

You don't have to be good, you have to love your passion. It can be writing, painting, practicing sports. Whatever it is, embrace it with all your heart, and allow yourself to be carried away by your passion. Tell your friends, your family and allow your life to turn into something you love!


  • Always try to increase your energy. Being energetic means knowing how to live freely, because you are not held back by the daily routine. Tired people tend to make the same choices over and over because resisting takes energy. However, inertia is never freedom, but imprisonment. On the other hand, eating healthy, exercising regularly, increases your energy level and strength. Be spiritual whatever your belief, this helps you to increase your inner energy, and your strength to endure any event.
  • Others will always judge. It is easier than looking within and finding what is missing and needs attention. What matters is learning to understand the difference between constructive judgment (the type that contains truth about what needs to be done to improve, usually imparted by an experienced person) and painful, contemptuous judgment (the type who criticizes simply by ignorance, hatred, jealousy or cowardice, and generally comes from people who have either very little knowledge or who think they can do better). Knowing the difference, one can learn from that and ignore the others, and become freer.
  • If you don't like something, you need to be tactful in communicating your opinion, honestly. Most of the time, such a lie bounces on yourself afterwards. People are generally stronger than you think, they will respect knowing how to be with you.
  • Find the perfect balance between stubbornness and going with the flow. Sometimes, it's best to let the world flow as it should, while other times, being actively involved in diverting the flow is essential. You will know how to do this with experience, but you have to jump and try to learn.
  • Get enough sleep for your age. Lack of sleep builds up and can cause unconscious states, until you believe this state and feeling groggy becomes normal. People who do not get enough sleep tend to be much more negative than those who sleep adequately and also lack of energy and stamina in the face of life's challenges. Stop sleeping too little and start depositing your energy, this will make you much freer to show the world your true personality and grit!
  • Choose your battles wisely. Know when it's better to let go than to join the fray (note, this will be most of the time). Fight peacefully and constructively for what you believe in. And learn to avoid difficult conversations, rather than adding fuel to the fire, you can be a non-violent communicator who can help people reach compromises and understandings, instead of withdrawing, only to come back even more ferocious next time.
  • Check your stress. Living freely also means living with a low level of stress, stress depresses you and exponentially decreases your energy. If you can't balance your stress level, get help from a professional.
  • Choose to see life in a more fun way. Challenges and difficult times are part of life, but you can decide how to make the most of your experiences. You have to help those who cannot see the positive aspects of life.
  • Don't be silent. Express your enthusiasm, try to understand in what degree and situation to do so, to avoid being misunderstood.
  • The world is full of enemies. They are the people who do not want or cannot live freely. As Ellen De Generes says, however, you can turn your enemies into your motivations. Whatever they say, try to discern their attitude. Remember that if you come home with your tail between your legs, you will be criticized for doing so, so choose what sets you free and don't try to conform to the rest of the people. The important thing is not to let the enemies take away your power by giving in to their disapproval.
  • Acceptance is everything, acceptance of oneself and acceptance of others. Not everyone wants to live free in the ways described here, in fact, some people feel extremely threatened by the thought of losing their routine. While you can help people with open minds by talking about their talents and possibilities in the world, you can be a motivator, but you can't force anyone. Avoid imposing your preferences on anyone, you would only risk selfishly increasing your sense of freedom but not theirs. Be aware that in your idea of reality, freedom comes in the guise of something very different from your perception. Make room for these people in your life no matter what.
