When they are new, the sunglasses are so clean and the vision is so clear that you wish they were like that forever. However, sooner or later, they will get dirty and stained. It is almost impossible not to leave your footprints on them or make other marks. In this article you will find some tips on what to do to have your glasses as clean as when you bought them.
Method 1 of 3: Use a Ready-made Cleaning Solution and Microfiber Cloth

Step 1. Check how dirty the lenses are
Also check if the other components of the glasses need cleaning, especially the nose pads and temples. These come in contact with the hair and the natural oils of the skin, which can accumulate quickly and make them dirty. If they need a quick clean, you can do it with the microfiber cloth.
Step 2. Make sure you use a clean cloth if you don't want to do the opposite
By using a clean fabric, you not only avoid transferring dirt and other debris, but you reduce the risk of scratching your lenses when you clean them with an eyeglass solution.
Step 3. Spray both sides of the lenses with the cleaning solution
It is advisable to use the spray that was given to you when purchasing the glasses. The specific products for sunglasses protect any surface treatments applied to the lenses. Spray from a distance to wet them evenly so that rubbing does not create areas with build-up of product and dirt.
Step 4. Hold the lenses with a microfiber cloth (specifically for glasses) and apply light pressure
In a circular motion, clean the entire surface to reduce marks and stains.
Method 2 of 3: Wash the Lenses with Soap and Water
Step 1. Put the lenses under hot water
Check by touch that the water is hot enough, but not hot; any coating applied to the lenses could be damaged.
Step 2. Pour a small drop of dish soap on each side of the lenses
Then take them between your thumb and forefinger and gently smear the cleanser in a circular motion, rubbing so that it is evenly distributed over each lens.
Step 3. Rinse the lenses to remove the detergent
Running water is enough to take it off, so don't rub it with your fingers. In this way, no stains will remain on the surfaces.

Step 4. Raise your glasses to the light
Look at a source of light (preferably natural) through the lenses and check if there is any trace of detergent or dirt that you set out to remove. You should see nothing but drops of water.

Step 5. Leave the lenses to air dry or gently shake the glasses to remove the water
Do not dry with a paper towel or kitchen towel, but prefer a clean microfiber cloth. If you are using a paper towel, do not rub the lenses, but dab the drops lightly, letting the paper absorb them. This is done to prevent water stains from remaining.
If you don't have a microfiber cloth, use a clean cotton one. It is very important that the alternative to the microfiber cloth is a clean cotton cloth: any other material could seriously scratch the lenses
Method 3 of 3: Prepare Your Own Lens Cleaning Solution
Step 1. Mix denatured alcohol and water together
Using alcohol is a safe way to clean your glasses without damaging any treatments, such as the anti-reflective coating.
- Combine one part of water with three of alcohol and mix.
- You can prepare as much of the product as you like and store it in a small spray bottle for future use.
- Spray and scrub with a clean cotton cloth in circular motions.
Step 2. Add a drop or two of dish soap to the mixture:
you will get more transparency when the lenses are clean. With this system you get the same result as washing with running water and detergent. To give a final touch of maximum shine, add a little soap to your solution.
Step 3. Use the mixture on other parts of the glasses
While the ready-made cleaning products are specific for lenses, the solution you made with diluted alcohol can be used safely on the temples and nose pads. Cleaning the entire frame will make them look good as new.

Step 4. Avoid adding other household cleaning products, such as those specific to windows
These contain chemicals that are too aggressive for the lenses of your glasses and you run the risk of damaging them, with high costs for the repair (i.e., replacement of the coating). While they may seem suitable, do not add them to any cleaning solution you intend to prepare.
- If you own expensive glasses, check the information that is provided to you at the time of purchase. You may find guidance on specific products to use.
- Do not dry clean the lenses: rubbing the dust can scratch them.
- Always store your glasses in a hard, protective case, with the lenses facing up.
- Do not leave your glasses in a very hot car.
- Do not use saliva to clean the lenses. This may seem like a practical solution, but keep in mind that saliva can contain oils that will aggravate the problem.
- Never clean them with your shirt.
- Do not breathe on the lenses and then rub them with the shirt because you could scratch them.
- Never use ammonia, bleach, vinegar or glass cleaning products, as they destroy the surface treatments of both prescription and non-corrected lenses.
- Don't use saliva if you don't want to damage the lenses.
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